Saturday, March 15, 2008

MANNY 'Pacman' PACQUIAO Wins Split Decision over JUAN MANUEL MARQUEZ in Rematch

Mabuhay ang Pinoy!

Manny 'Pacman' Pacquiao has once again proved that truly he is the undisputed Mexican destroyer when he defeated Juan Manuel Marquez over a split decision of 2-1 in favor of Pacman in their Pacquiao-Marquez II: Last Man Standing in Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas Nevada, USA.

Judge Duane Ford favored Pacquiao 115-112 and Jerry Roth called it 115-112 for Marquez, while Tom Miller gave a 114-113 edge to Pacquiao. Miller's decision made Pacman walked away with the official win and capture the new WBC Super Featherweight title.

Read below for the round by round updates of the fight:

Three national anthems going to be sang before the fighters make their way to the ring. Phillipine, Mexican and US.

Pacquiao headed to the ring first and surprisingly he's not coming in to the background music of his hit single, Labanasingto. Pacquiao looks pretty focused and he wastes no time getting to the ring.

Marquez comes in looking calm and reserved, ready for business. Ready to punch in for another day on the job.

Round 1
Both fighters come out circling. Pacman shooting the jab. Marquez circling cautiously. Pacman continues to shoot the right jab. Pacman shoots a left that�s blocked by Marquez. Marquez shoots a right. Marquez boxing intelligently. Pacman employing head movement. Both fighters keeping a respectful distance. Pacman somewhat being the aggressor as he goes downstairs and Pacman counters. Good right hand by Marquez lands. Marquez doing a good job countering in what�s turning out to be a chess match. Good left by Pacman and Marquez responds with a right to the head.
Tough round to score: 10-10

Round 2
Pacman pawing with the jab to open up. Pacman going to the body and Marquez returns the favor. Pacman looking to make Marquez fight and coming forward. Marquez boxing from a distance. Tactical fight so far. Reaching left from Marquez blocked by Pacman. Body shot by Marquez and Pacman counters with left. Fighters tangle up after Pacman shoots a left. Marquez lands low and gets a word from the referee Kenny Bayless. Pac shoots a huge left that gets ducked by Marquez. Marquez lands a huge left hook at the end of the round that buckled Pac�s knees!
10-9 Marquez

Round 3
Marquez jabbing early, Pacman stalking slowly. Marquez shoots to the body and Pac looks to return. Straight left from Pac lands and Marquez moving back away from the left. Marquez lands a straight right down the pipe on Pac that Manny walked into. Trying to make Manny regret his aggression according to Merchant. Marquez using good head movement. Head clash draws a look from Bayless. Marquez shooting the jab. Head clash again. Manny trying to land the left. Manny lands a huge left that backs Marquez up a step. Huge left from Pacman dumps Marquez on his ass! Pacman looking to finish and they wail off on each other. Pacman finishing strong as Marquez almost goes down and walks to the wrong corner after the bell!
10-8 Pacman

Round 4
Pacman comes out stalking slowly as usual. Marquez tries to go back to the body. Pacman coming forward. Marquez attacking. Both guys going toe to toe! Action settles down. Marquez attacking! Pacman comes back with his own thunder. Ebb and flow changing every few seconds. Both guys showing respect for each other at this point in time. Pac lands a good hard jab. Marquez trying to box. Pacman lands a hard left, Marquez fires back! Pacman getting aggressive and making a fight of it. Pacman lands huge left! Pacman gaining confidence as the fight goes on. Good left from Marquez lands. Pacman counters to the body. Pace slows down towards the end of the round.
10-9 Pacman

Round 5
Pacman comes out jabbing. Marquez retruning jabs. Pacman coming forward as Marque fires to the body. Left hook from Marquez. Pacman throws a counter left hand that just misses. Pacman being patient with his attack and trying to pick his spots. Marquez lands a right and comes back firing at Pacman. Both guys fighting a measured pace now. Marquez fires a one two. Stiff jab from Pacman lands. Marquez comes forward and lands a straight right. Pacman reaches with a left that lands as Marquez oving to the side. Marquez lands a good hard right. Left from Pacman. Both men try to rally during the final seconds.
Marquez 10-9

Round 6
Marquez shoots a right that Pacman counters with a left. Marquez lands a good right. Both guys boxing. Pacman coming forward ever so slightly. Marquez lands another right and shoots an uppercut. Marquez potshotting. Pacman lands a four punch combo. Pacman coming forward. Marquez shoots to the body. Marquez lands a good right shortly after Pacman lands to the body. Good combo by right capped by a right. Marquez landing good combo and outboxing Pac this round. Pacman working on Marquez� guard. Little body punch from Marquez.
10-9 Marquez

Round 7
Marquez jabbing, Pacman marching forward. Marquez lands a clubbing hook on Pacman's guard. Marquez attacking Pacman's body. Fight leaning towards Marquez; pace as the guys clash heads. Blood outside the right eye of Marquez; face. Marquez looks disgusted according to Lampley. Fighters meet back in the center of the ring. Marquez counters a pac left with a three punch combo. Pacman coming forward now, landing with a series of lefts. Marquez countering with combos. Marquez missing with a big right hand as he drives Pacman back with another combo. Pacman swining back with lefts. Pacman lands a straight left. Pac lands a left at the bell.
10-9 Pacman

Round 8
Marquez shoots a jab and catches Pacman with a good right hand that stuns Pacman. Pacman comes back with a left that misses. Blood in the eyes of Pacman now. Marquez lands with a series of body shots. Pacman raises his hands as if to say come on. Marquez atacking pac hard. Pacman seems bothered by his cut. Cut in the eyelid and Marquez smells blood. Pacman tries to come back but Marquez more accurate. Marquez continues to attack the body along the ropes. Marquez jabbing. Marquez lands a strong one two straight to the head and Pacman seems to be slowing down. Momentum definitely in Marquez corner as he lands a good uppercut. Pacman swings away with the left.
10-9 Marquez

Round 9
Marquez come sout jabbing to the body. Marquez shoots a left hook that's blocked by Pacman. Pacman attacks with a three punch combo that misses. Marquez back to jabbing. Pacman attacking with the left. Pacman lands a stiff right jab. Marquez hooks to the body. Right by Marquez as Pacman counters with a right hook. Right by Marquez. Strong left by Pacman lands clean to the chin of Marquez. Marquez attacking. Pacman on his toes as he lands with a clean right hook. Pacman coming forward and Marquez lands a body shot. Wild left by Pacman. Bayless calls time to have Marquez' cut looked at by the doctor. Ref ok's it and the fighters continue. Pacman marching forward, range finding with the jab. Good rright by Marquez, lefts by Pacman in a wild finish to win the round.
Pacman 10-9

Round 10
Pacman with a huge body shot that stuns Marquez. He's swining for the fences as Marquez stays along the ropes and fires back. Both guys back in the middle of the ring. Pacman fires a left that lands. Marquez jabbing and reaching. Pacman lands a hard counter left that gets the blood flowing. Pacman up and energized this round. Marquez swings to the body. Both guys boxing. Pacman lands a good left and Marquez combes back with a right to the body. Good right by Marquez lands. Pacman reaches with a left that's blocked. Pacman loses his mouth piece and Marquez comes after Pacman.
10-9 Pacman

Round 11
Pacman jabing, Marquez returns the favor. Pacman lunging forward with the right. Marquez jabbing as he reaches with a right. Pacman jabbing. Pacman shoots a right hook and presses forward. Pacman's cut no longer an issue. Bayless warns Marquez for low blows. Pacman takes a bit of a breather. Pacman driving Marquez back in the cocner and fights his way out. Marquez lands a right to the body. Marquez goes back to the body and shoots a good one two. Marquez with two good lead rights. Marquez pressing forward but all punches blocked by Pacman. Marquez shoots to the body with a right that lands. Pacman comes forward with the right left and a lead left. Marquez fires back with a combo. Hard left by Pacman towards the end of the round.
Close round10-9 Marquez

Round 12
Marquez jabbing. Pacman pressing forward. Marquez boxing off the back foot. Marquez with a straight left and a hard right. Marquez attacking with a good combo. Pacman presses forward with a left right left combo. Marquez jabbing. Good uppercut by Marquez. Pacman runs back at Marquez but misses with the left. Hard left by Pacman. Hard right by Pacman. Hard left by Pacman. Right by Pacman, right by Marquez. Both guys exchange up close and Marquez seems to get the better of it. Marquez pressing forward. Right by Marquez, left by Pacman, both guys trade shots at the end!
Another close round...10-10

Aside from being crowned as WBC Super Featherweight Champ, Pacman will be awarded with the Ring Magazine Super Featherweight Belt.

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