Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Week of The Golden Compass!!

I meant to post this yesterday to kick off the week but forgot. I don't often talk about movies on here but I have been anticipating this one (out Friday in the US) for such a long time now. His Dark Materials is probably my favorite trilogy ever and I so want all three movies to be made. I've heard mixed things from reviewers (in general it seems like the UK ones like it a lot more than US ones) and I'm so scared that the controversy, reviews and changes to the movie are going to result in it being a failure and thus being the only one of the three books that makes it to the screen.
Nevertheless, I will be front and center Friday night basking in this fantastic, thrilling story. I hope I like it (and I think I will... I've never been too picky with adaptations, even from books this great) and just as importantly I hope others like it too, because The Subtle Knife, the second in the trilogy is probably my favorite and I'm aching to see it on the big screen. So who's going to watch it this weekend??

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