Monday, January 24, 2011

Walking in Circles

I had an interesting visit with the shrink today. If I am walking around in shoes that are barely holding together, I am not respecting myself.  Yes, it sounds bizarre.

I was waiting to get new shoes until I had a job. The master repair job on these seven-year-old quality-make shoes only lasted six months, if that. And quality-make shoes are cheaper in the long run, but expensive up front.

I don't know how professional I will look in shoes coming un-stitched for those job interviews.

So I can't wait that long.

On the way back from the appointment, I was offered a job.
(So much for good shoes being a requirement.)

It's for the same company I left because they had an employee theft ring that I exposed, but the thieves started hiding jewelry during my shift to implicate me. I gave two weeks' notice and got the hell out.

So I think maybe I will get new shoes. And a different job than the one I was offered today.
Still, I may be walking out of that circle I've been walking. . . . .

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