Thursday, January 27, 2011

Rant #432: Snow Go

We got hit again with about a foot of snow. This, coupled with what we got yesterday and my own recent health issues, has made this a helluva week for me.

And at this point, I don't know if I am going to work or not.

I woke up at 4 a.m., ate breakfast, walked the dog, and started to dig my wife and my car out and shovel the walk.

It was still snowing, and coming down pretty hard at the time.

After doing this, I came back into the house, totally pooped.

(No, that is not me in the photo. I did a better job than this guy did, I can tell you that.)

Again, I am not 100 percent yet from the cold that I have had the entire week. It really was something of a shock to the system to be shoveling like I did at that hour, but I had to do what I had to do.

My wife, who is a bank teller and who was supposed to open her branch today, was called and told she didn't have to be in until 11 a.m., so there really wasn't much of a need to continue to dig her out until maybe an hour and a half before she has to leave.

Something to look forward to!

My son's school district contacted us by email and phone--he is off today, as the schools are closed. He was supposed to take his math mid-term, but that has been postponed.

Me, I don't know anything about my work. The past couple of years, we have never closed during a workday, no matter what. They used to have a weather plan, but they don't anymore.

All that I know, I have a foot of snow on the ground around my house, and the street has not been plowed. Based on past experience, the plow won't come around until mid-day.

I will be lucky to get my wife's car out of the driveway. She has four-wheel drive, which will help matters.

My car has front-wheel drive, and unless they do a good job plowing, I am stuck in my house.

Happily, this didn't happen on a Friday. I get paid tomorrow, and no, as I think you can figure out, we don't have direct deposit. So either I am there or I don't get my check.

I hate the snow, I really, really do.

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