Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Poetry Bus: Good Housekeeping

This week, The Professor gave three choices in a prompt for the New Year: a. a poem about ten minutes and the progress of feeling during that time; b. a poem about constructive change in the New Year; or c. a version of Auld Lang Syne. (She does explain this better in her post, linked above.)

Thanks to Peader at TotalFeckinEejit for administering the bus station--and all those who have delivered poetry prompts since I have been participating. Their blogs are The Weaver of Grass, The Muse Swings, and now Revolutionary Revelry.
And also thanks to the other participants, who have come by to comment and who have also contributed to the Bus! I have enjoyed checking out new lives, new views, new words. The world of poetry is alive and well, at least in the electronic media. Happy New Year to you all, and many fine words!

                No Escape

      I hide from those I should easily meet;
      Often I wonder where my courage went.
      And when bravery returns and sets my feet
      I find my efforts were mostly mis-spent.
      Many I know dismiss change for the good,
      They want just what they please, and nothing more.
      I recoil from petty injustice and brood
      Amidst petty pleasures behind my doors.
      Often I am angered by an unjust world,
      Along with my failure to prevail in it;
      Sometimes those two are so tightly curled,
      That faulting others makes me a hypocrite.
          To stand for another, to attack all that�s worst
          I must straighten my house; be just inside first.

      -- Ann T. Hathaway

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