Friday, March 12, 2010

Yo! She's Clearly on Juicey Juice

Ann T. Doggerel, who claims real chops from her time in the RiverTown Ghetto--don't you diss me/or my veraci-T--rounds out this week's Emotional Fool Tour with a Rapper's Lyric for the Other Side--for the police on the beat.

I think someone will maybe get a hoot out of it. The rest of you can click on something else and come back later. It's possible that the foolishness may end right here, and regularly scheduled programming will resume.

Running Hot

Gangsta Taker:
You scored your rock your ass your wheels�yo baby, not so fast
You ran from the beef in the jeep like a blast
You slapped right past and you didn�t see me cruising
It�s no use, Mr. Thug, �cos you caused your own confusion

[Run It Hot, Run It Hot]�I�ll Tase You if You Kick Me
[Run It Hot, Run It Hot]�The Cuffs Go on So Quickly
[Run It Hot, Run It Hot]�Your Attitude is Nasty
[Run It Hot, Run It Hot]�You�ll Never Work it Past Me

Wheel-LEO (Wheelio)
My name is (substitute it!) I can stomp your Revolution
To get you what�s deserved is my new year�s Resolution
You�re Anarchist Recidivist a pimple on my @$$
And I�m still Running Hot when you�re running out of gas

[Run It Hot, Run It Hot]�You cannot Escape Me
[Run It Hot, Run It Hot]�You get the Ticket Baby
[Run It Hot Run It Hot]�No, you won�t Forget Me
[Run It Hot Run It Hot]�When you�re Whining you don�t Fret Me

You got your tattoo inked every hour it will diss me?
But if I see it, Think! You won�t manage to dismiss me
To the clink Running Smooth so that you learn some respect.
For the Man Running Hot who can serve and protect�

[Run It Hot, Run It Hot]�You don�t need to hear Miranda
[Run It Hot, Run It Hot]�You�re an Asshole and a Wonda
[Run It Hot, Run It Hot]�I�m Glad your Dads� a Lawyer
[Run It Hot, Run It Hot]�He Can Tell You Whatcha Did Here

This post is dedicated to those who gave me examples. That would be One Time over at the now-retired Pepper Spray Me, Officer Smith, Johnny Law, 10-80, Beat & Release, Moe at Fatal Funnel, oh, just look at my blog roll. And then their blog roll. 

I'm particularly indebted to One Time for the tattoo example and Johnny Law for the explanation of the Miranda. However, you should not blame them for this. Like so many earnest law enforcement efforts, their work has been perverted to the needs of the sensationalist booby press. Or in this case, the artistic authentic Ann T. Dogg, that long cool woman in a black dress, working for the FBI.

Possible tracks to insert 

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