Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rant #218: Baseball Tickets Strike Out (Part 3)

Not to bore you with this continuing saga (even though I probably am), but here goes anyway ...

I did not receive a confirmation of my five ticket purchase, so I called the ticket broker once again.

I called them right when they began their day of business, so I waited just a few minutes to reach someone.

I explained the situation, and the person on the other end of the phone was cordial and pleasant.

He told me that my order was being processed, and that he would send me an email confirmation, which I received about a half hour after speaking with him.

So I guess this story is over ... but I haven't received the tickets yet, and won't get them until, I was told, mid April.

Until I have those tickets in my hand--and really, until I go to Yankee Stadium and pass through the turnstiles with my family--this story will not be over for me.

I don't trust these brokers, I don't trust those who sell their tickets through these brokers, and I don't trust the process that puts an honest, hard-working person who wants to take his family out to a ball game into such a mess.

There has to be a better way.

I can think of just one way to obliterate this situation.

And that is to stay home.

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