Thursday, March 25, 2010

tattoowesley BEST of MELODIFESTIVALEN 2010 -20 to 15

Just lately I have had my whole 2CD set of Melodifestivalen arrive in the
schlagermail down-under in Melbourne
thanks so much to Christian..So it have been on repeat for the last few days.
As the Mf songs make or break it in music sales- it has given me chance to rate
my favourites in my own Top 20 - So lets countdown up to No:15 -

15. 'You're making me hot hot hot' -LINDA PRITCHARD

-this song by far has been one of the most succesful non-finalist
Mf songs of the season in fact Linda scored the highest number of
votes for any 5th place semi-finalist (& not making it even to 2nd chance round)
Yet this terrific radio tune is heading back to the Top 10 singles in sweden-
after already reaching No: 8 last month-wow!

16.'Underbart' -KALLE MORAEUS & ORSA

-just a touch of folk music, which was very popular it took this ditti all
the way to second chance round. Kalle did us proud
but was it really what Sweden needs in Oslo?- perhapes next time Kalle
come back to melodifestivalen very soon..

17. 'Jag vill om du Vagar' -PERNILLA WAHLGREN

Pure schlager fun from Pernilla who's performance could not be faulted
in semi final 4 in Malmo. She went all the way to Globen final with
a stop at 2nd Chance round. Where she had to give up being at her
own brother's wedding to perform in the extra Mf round. It was well worth
it, as she made the final- The song always sounded just like the tune Linda Bengtzing
should have sung?

18. 'Singel' -FRISPRAKARN

-Melodifestivalen & Rap have never been the perfect match! yet Frisprakarn had
one of the biggest growers in the Mf 2010- the more you hear it
A great tune, I really ended up huming it and luvin it.

19. 'Human Frontier' NEO

A very popular single from 2nd chance Neo was so close to Globen it's not true.
Now he has really arrived with his new album is No:9 with a bullet! He has already
charmed the public in Poland, and set to be released to China this month as well.
I do like Neo, but for me the song was never a winner. I could too easily
see it flopping in Oslo more of a Radio hit.

20.'Doctor Doctor' ELIN LANTO

I like Elin Lanto. I just adored her debut 'I won't cry' that would be ideal for
melodifestivalen 2010- instead she gave us ' Doctor Doctor' and at first I was
unsure if this was better than Elin's 2007 entry 'Money' -Sorry Elin, for
me 'Money' had the edge. Better luck next time we know she
can come up with those Electro beats from her recent great singles.

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