Saturday, March 13, 2010

Bjorn Gustavsson is brought in at the last minute to help Salem Al Fakir- & Shrley is BACK!

-it just would not be Melodifestivalen without Shirley Clamp

Who's that guy? - its the amazing comedian Bjorn Gustavsson,
has been a terrific funny host for Melodifestivalen in
the past- It was revealed during rehearsals, Bjorn can be seen
during the closing part of the song 'Keep
on Walking' as bit of a crazy gimmick for Salem's song!!
Just how it all works, we shall have to see.

Anyhow it looks like a Globen Final to remember with a whole
complete list of Eurovision stars of the past from both Norway & Sweden.
They are:

Shirley Clamp
Maria Haukaas Storeng
Marie Rosenmir (Nocturne)
One More Time (Den Vilda)
Lars-Ante Kuhmunen
Roger Pontare
Wig Wam
Jakob Samuelsson (Poodles)
Towa Carlsson
Hanne Krogh
Kikki Danielsson
Kikki, Lotta & Bettan

schlagertastic ; )

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