Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Rant #217: Baseball Tickets Strike Out (Part Two)

Just when I thought things were getting back to some type of normalcy ...

I received an email from the ticket broker saying that the ticket holder--whom I supposedly got tickets from for the Yankees game through a broker--had rejected my offer! I have never heard of this before, but I guess the person got a better offer somewhere else (I guess, I can't think of any other reason).

Anyway, I was told that I had to call the ticket broker back "because they had a comparable deal for me." It even gave me a name to contact, with an extension.

Well, I contacted the broker and the extension, and the person was unavailable.

Not knowing what to do, I contacted the broker again, and actually got someone on the line.

After a few minutes, the whole thing was taken care of, and I got tickets--and five of them, not four as the other person told me about "multiples of two."

But wait a minute, is it really over? I checked my email today, and there is no confirmation of this latest transaction!

I am really upset about this. I don't know who is at fault here--the Yankees, for having their Web site become unmanageable when they released single game tickets; or the broker, who I am starting not to trust, although I have used them before without problems.

Right now, I am in kind of a holding pattern. I simply do not know what to do.

I guess I will call the broker again and demand a confirmation, or I will stop payment.

What else can I do? All I want to do is to take my family to a Yankees game.

It shouldn't be this way, should it?

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