Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pentagon shooting

Best wishes for a speedy recovery to the two police officers shot outside the Metro station at the Pentagon today.  Both officers were part of the Pentagon Force Protection Agency. Both were wounded--so far we hear not seriously--and taken to a good hospital, George Washington University's hospital. The suspect was also wounded and in custody.

It's too early to start freaking out about terrorism: we should wait to find out. The shooter was outside the station, not inside it or on a train. That station is a big hub for park and ride into Virginia, and very close to some nice shopping malls and discount big-box stores. The Pentagon has about 26,000 people working there, plus all the other nearby magnets in Arlington, so it might be random crime or individual-upon-individual. You can bet the DoD, the DHS, Virginia, DC Metro, and who knows who else will be on this like gravy on rice--and find out for us.

It certainly sounds like these two officers saved many lives, though, terror attempt or not.

I will update this post through the weekend if any real news shows up.
First Update, midnight March 5:  This article at the WashPost has the best details.

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