Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Not Exactly Spring Flowers

Your Tax Dollars at Work.  I myself took these pictures of a Fish Hatchery. That was last spring, and I want to see some--ah, tulips, actually. But I have to work with what I have here. If spring really shows up, we will get tulips.
I love this commute they're doing.
The fish one blows up to full size if you click it. I think that's trout for the tourist and fishing industry.
Then this is the place where water recirculates at the end of the tank. And into a riverine environment.
For all that it's fish, it's a factory, right? In open air. Screened off by chain link and covered with a metal roof. An entire line of fish pools. A lot of signs that say, "Don't Feed the Fish." They get Special Rations.

Not to beat a dead seahorse, but . . .  The fish hatchery is one way of many that we are still a land of self-help, still  one of plenty. Infrastructure. Knowledge. Production.  (Blah, blah, Ann T.)

Mostly, it's just something to break up the day and make you go huh. 
Summer's coming. Spring first. Tulips, even.
Pollyanna Hathaway says Have A Nice Day! We're not backed or bucked yet. We're going fishing.
Mrs. Bunker, get ready.

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