Penultimate list. Sorry for the delay, I've been sick last week and just about recovered so I'll be catching up properly on reviews and the like.
6: Becoming Part 2 (Season 2, Episode 22)
Devastating episode. How can this not be high on anyone's list? Buffy and Angel do the ultimate battle and the latter is sent to hell when he becomes good. Tough call, Buffy. Plus the use of a certain Sarah McLachlan song really does highlight the episode.
7: The Body (Season 5, Episode 16)
I've always found it laughable when certain critics have dismissed this series as a kids show because there have been plenty of episodes to dispel that theory. This one, which examined the death of Joyce Summers and the gang's truthful reactions to her passing is sublime television. And sadly more relateable now that I've lost my own mother.
8: Chosen (Season 7, Episode 22)
I know some fans are divided with this finale but compared
Angel's nihilistic
Not Fade Away, this to me was a far better way of ending
Buffy's seven year run. Plus we got a whole new generation of slayers, the consequences of which are dominiating the current eighth season in comic book form.
9: Nightmares (Season 1, Episode 10)
Ah, nightmare episodes. The one where Giles couldn't read, Willow had to go on stage and Xander got chased by a clown. More seriously was Buffy being turned into a vampire by the Master and the episode's undercurrent of child abuse.
10: Innocence (Season 2, Episode 14)
The second part of the most defining story in the series history, I loved the big battles between between Buffy and Angelus as well David Boreanaz's easy as hell transition into the murderous vampire. He really does outdo himself here.
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