Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Rant #191: Snow Day

Yes, I took a snow day today, and that is why this rant will be a short one.

Why do companies treat you as if you are a criminal when you take a day off like this?

My son is home, my wife is home, the roads are treacherous at best, the snow continues to come down ... all reasons to stay home today.

Yet, my place of work has no clear definition of what a day off because of such hazardous conditions mean.

Last year, during a similar day, I actually trudged in. I asked the vice president of our company if we were open, and he never gave me a clear answer. I asked the publisher/owner of the company, and I got the same non-response.

We were never let go early, we worked a full day, and I took my life in my hands coming to work that day--all because there was no clear definition of the penalty for taking a day off like this.

And a year later, there still isn't. But I said last year that I would never be duped into going to work under such circumstances again. And I wasn't.

We are a small company, not a mega-conglomerate. You would think that a weather policy would be in place.

But I don't care. I took the day off because it was the safest thing to do for both myself and my family.

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