Tuesday, February 9, 2010

PS3 Enjoys "Increasing Worldwide Market Share"

Sony's "It Only Does Everything" PlayStation 3 campaign, combined with stellar exclusives and the all-important price drop, has resulted in a definite surge around the globe.

As reported by Industry Gamers, Research and Markets has released a new report that deals with "the growth trends of video consumer devices, including gaming consoles." According to the results, the PS3 has been outselling the Xbox 360 in Europe since June 2008 and furthermore, Sony's machine "is also steadily increasing its market share in all other regions across the globe, including in the North American market." And although the 360 still sells more in this region, PS3 sales have been rising quickly (up 44% over the holidays) and SCEA senior vice president of Marketing and the PlayStation Network, Peter Dille, insists that some day, the PS3 will reach and surpass the competition. As for all the console makers, the report says the Americas should remain the largest through at least the next few years. However, although the PS2 continues to sell in less established markets around the world, sales have certainly fallen off in the major markets like the US, UK and Japan. In other words, it seems clear that the transition between PS2 and PS3 is essentially complete in the most important regions.

It's good to see the PS3 continue its upward swing and provided the exclusives continue to resonate with critics and gamers alike, it seems inevitable that Dille's claim will come true at some point in the near future.

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