Wednesday, February 10, 2010

inroducting Bryan Rice- Runner up in Dansk MGP 2010

Bryan Rice, he sung 'Breathing' (click to see Vid) a song that came second in Dansk Melodi
Grand Prix 2010
on saturday night. Bryan was defeated by Chanee & N'evergreen -a strange male/female duo
with a ditty called 'In a Moment Like this' ( am normally a big fan of the Danish enrty-
but sorry I cannot get into this one )
'Breathing' is the second year running Rohan Keating has submitted his songwriting
talents to Denmark's MGP. Last year his song 'Believe Again' won a place in Moscow ESC
This year's offering Bryan Rice, had several hit singles in homeland Denmark, as well as a
great cover of 'No Promises' We hope Byran will come back we certainly will
give him a second chance for sure
and with a more up beat track like the recent single here-
called funily enough 'Second Last Chance'

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