Sunday, January 31, 2010

Kamikaze Robin Influx

We had a sudden influx of robins today, flying with great frenzy around our building's grounds. They are my favorites, sparrows next. A neighbor of mine, a horticulturist by trade, was watching them out in the driveway.

�Look at all these robins,� I marveled. �I didn�t think it was time for them to show up.�

�It�s too early,� he said. �Look, most of them are young. They still have down feathers.� They did. Flashes of white fluff made a stripe between the redbreast and the brown. �It�s too early for them to migrate up here.�

The robins were flying back and forth, high, low, across, from tree to tree and back. You could tell it was a pattern, but not what that pattern was. And they were all calling out.

�Wow, look at that, did you see that? One almost got creamed by a car, flying too low. I tell you, they�re young and inexperienced. My gosh, I�ve never seen so many at once. Look how many are in that tree!�

"Either they know something we don�t, or they were displaced,� I said.

 �Displaced. They�re really hungry. See how they�re swarming? They know they only have an hour before the sun goes down.� He pointed. �They don�t eat seeds, they eat bugs and worms. Look, they�re pecking the ground next to the buildings, because that�s the only place the snow has melted. They can�t get enough food. I wish I had a shovel.� He kicked some dirty snow. �It won�t melt by tomorrow.�

�No, it�ll just get a crust on top of the ice,� I said, and he agreed. �Damn.�

I went upstairs and brought back down my dustpan. We dug up snow around the bases of the trees and along a line of turf. John had the knowledge and the strategy. All we needed was the dustpan. Now hopefully the birds will stick around.

Finland have choosen Kuunkuiskaajat-The Blond Factor for Eurovision 2010

A very different scandinavian winner from Finland's
'Kuunkuiskaajat' they gave us hardrock Lordi and
teckno Waldo's People. Now a blonde folk duo who
have been together
for 11 years, and promise to use the ole Sandie Shaw
technique of performing bare footed in Oslo flying the
The Flag for Finland- & a Thumbs up from us...

The other very popular choice from Finland was from
with a song called 'Hulluna Humpasta'
this is certain worth of a view, however I think the right choice
was made as 'Hulluna humpasta' would not of qualified past
its Semi-Final.
The trend in Finland seems to have followed Estonia's very successful
'R�ndajad' (Urban Symphony) entry from last year- sung in Estonian.
Lets not forget the other runner -up -an
english song that qualified from the Finnish Final 'Cider hill' by Nina Lassander

My Top 50 Buffy Episodes Part 4

And here's Part 4.

31: Bargaining Part 1 (Season 6, Episode 1)

Okay, this without doubt the darkest opening episode from the show (appropriate given the season in question) but Buffy's resurrection was never going to be easy. Willow had to dabble in magic that would corrupt her throughout the season and a gang of demon bikers certainly didn't help matter. At least Buffybot was a bright spark (pun actually intended).

32: Restless (Season 4, Episode 22)

And the award for the most innovative finale goes to ... this one of course. It served as a wonderful epilogue to a good fourth season, delved into the Scoobies subconscious and thre some neccessary foreshadowing moments to later seasons. And we met the first slayer as well, who was better than Adam.

33: Primeval (Season 4, Episode 21)

In a lot of ways, this was supposed to be the Season 4 finale. It brought the Initiative arc to a much welcomed end, got rid of Adam and finally saw the gang reconnect. It's also one of many episodes from this point onwards that would use similar slow-mo type effects from The Matrix too.

34: Bad Girls (Season 3, Episode 14)

Ever since her arrival in Sunnydale, Faith's hedonism harboured something potentially destructive. Nothing brought that more when she inadvertantly killed Allan Finch and refused to feel remorse for it. On the plus, the episode generated some comedy at the expense of Wesley, who pissed everyone off on contact.

35: Tabula Rasa (Season 6, Episode 8)

Amnesia type episodes are all the range and while Angel would tackle one similarly the year after, this show did it better. A memory wiped gang had some comic moments but this was also the episode Tara had to dump Willow and Giles went back to England, so not all laughs either. It's still a classic though.

From Goop to Drip: Zombie Osmosis

Three p.m. Friday afternoon: Board member walks through hallway, sees wall bubbling in the hall. OMG. The trek to the zombie basement was quick.

"We have a bad water leak! The wall is growing pouches and when you push the bubbles, water swishes in the plaster!"

Efficiency devices halfway installed. Big piles of computers getting downloads. All this handled by a corporation of outside consultants, not the Zombie Basement Dwellers. The ZBD are free to tackle this.

"I'll call somebody," Zombie Secretary promises. "But I don't know where they are."
"How Are you?" another assistant asks. "I like your blouse."
"Look, our computers are mostly installed." The Head Zombie walks in.

"It's three p.m. on Friday," I say. "We have a bad common area leak. Can somebody go look at it now?"

"I ordered the notebooks you requested," Zombie Secretary promises. I asked for them yesterday, in January, February, March, April, May, and June, (skipped July), August, Sept, and October of 2009. So, good. Efficiency rocks.

Over the next two hours, various ZBDs shamble up by way of elevator and stairwell. One maintenance man is popping bubbles with his keys and wiping up the water. The keys leave grime stains and pock marks.
"Gonna have to take an axe to this wall," the other one says. They walk off, muttering umyeah-umyeah-um.
There is no sign of an explorer mission to the source. Then it's five o'clock.

I have had my eye on this wall all weekend. So far, the leak has not accelerated--although, it looks much worse.
Zombie heads will roll--photo, BBC/AFP.

January Muster

Introductory note, for January only:
Texas A & M University has the annual "Aggie Muster", where a living, breathing Aggie answers 'here' for an Aggie who has died in the past year, until the roll is completely called. The tradition, borne of the school's early military roots, dictates that all lights in campus classrooms be turned off in honor of the dead while muster is held. The college had schooled many of the Marines who died on Iwo Jima. The Aggie Muster ceremony is considered sacred and that particular year's Muster is a hallowed one in Aggie memory.

After last year's terrible number of law enforcement deaths, I determined to pay attention all this year. The Muster is the tradition I know that seems both the least and most sentimental, the simplest and most dignified. You can count them present in the privacy of your thoughts if you so desire.

January Muster
In the United States, we lost fifteen law enforcement officers this month.  To honor their service:

--Tommy Bishop Jr.--John Bernard--Stanley Cooper--
--Josie Fox--James Szuba--Alfred Celestain--
--Duane Dalton--Craig Story--Paul Richey--
Chad Reed--James Anderson--Christopher Milito--
Jill Mattice--Carl Worley--Eric Shuhandler--

Please go to the Officers Down Memorial Page to read more about the many who have died in the line of duty.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dennis Trillo Covers Men's Health February 2010 Issue

Actor-singer Dennis Trillo is on the cover of Men's Health Philippines February 2010 issue.

Men's Health Philippines February 2010 issue is now available at all magazine stands nationwide.

Finally BBC reveal plans for Eurovision 2010 -Pete Waterman

Yes the man behind Kylie & Jason, who also gave us Dead or Alive's 'You spin me round (like a record)' Pete Waterman he will produce and write Eurovision Entry for the UK.
It all started 25 years ago when Pete formed the hit factory Stock Aitken Waterman, they became Britian's most successful songwriting & production partnership scoring
40 hits since they began working together in 1984. Then in more recent times he gave us popsters Steps!
The list of Stars Pete could bring back for this event is endless as he has worked with the likes of Jason Donavan, Rick Astley, Donna Summer, Bananarama, Sonia, Hazel Dean, Lonnie Gordon, Snitta, Samantha Fox even Cliff Richard..oh but hold on, Sir Cliff had his Eurovision turn twice!
Then Kylie Minogue, if any of these names would perform a new Waterman song remains to be seen. Lets just step back in time and relive 'Better the devil you know' from 1990- if Pete can come up with anything like this for Oslo 2010 how perfect would that be?
Pete Waterman is overjoyed as ever to be given the chance to produce UK Eurovision
song for Oslo.

Hey, I think even we are too!

Yes, Sir, I Got The Picture

I read Second City Cop daily.  I go where he tells me to go, and I mostly keep my mouth shut if I disagree. If I was in Chicago, and he did my traffic stop, I'd do what he told me to do then, too.

Thursday night, he posted a link to a site about Illinois' bankruptcy. I am not in Illinois, so my focus is more broad. Did you know that nearly every state government in the nation is running a deficit? Most at least 20%.  (It's the fourth graphic down on the page, but I will include it here.) There are few break-even states. The rest are out on tick.

I'm so used to thinking Federal, I missed this boat. Not a good boat to miss, either.

The information came from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a non-partisan think tank on government spending.
You can write your Congressman by checking here.
You can write your Senator by checking here.
It would be worth the effort to find your Governor and your state legislators. If you're in a white or grey state, you can write and tell them good job. Everybody else has some explaining to do.

Best Soccer Tattoo With Italian Player Tattoo Typically Francesco Totti Tattoo Designs Pictures

Best Soccer Tattoo With Italian Player Tattoo Typically Francesco Totti Tattoo Designs PicturesBest Soccer Tattoo With Italian Player Tattoo Typically Francesco Totti Tattoo Designs Pictures

Friday, January 29, 2010


Once upon a time people thought the Internet was anonymous. There was a famous New Yorker Cartoon (during the early days of the Internet) in which two dogs are talking next to a computer and one of them, looking very happy, says something like, "On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog."

Once upon a time (and even now) there are statements about how the Internet guarantees that people can express themselves freely without authorities having the ability to prevent it.

Well, that's true, but only up to a point: Nobody may know you are a dog now, but they can find out.

Authorities may not be able to crack down on opponents who post hostile material online immediately, but they can be traced. And, if they wish, the authorities can control the Internet, because there are limited pathways, and limited routers, so communication could be shut down by choking it off. Authorities can create "laws" to punish creating "hostile" posts or passing them on.

But an even greater threat to privacy is the fact that almost all electronic communication is essentially eternal. Everything you entered onto your hard drive is still on your hard drive after you trashed or sold it. All those photographs you stored on some networked hard drive picture storage site are still there. All that financial information you sent to the bank may be available to people who have some legitimate reason for looking at the system -- system analysts for example. And the backups are around as well.

Sooner or later some of that might become fodder for a lawsuit, for example (as Microsoft discovered in its anti-trust trial). Or it might pop into the hands of some ex (or possible future) lover. Or a crook or blackmailer.

As mores change, material which was acceptable (or seemed acceptable) when it was written may become a serious problem later. The simplest example is college follies becoming job search hazards. More complex examples include sexual and political statements or actions.

Here is an excellent article on some of the ways that you can avoid some of the currently popular ways of having fun now and getting into trouble later:

Fraude: No revelen informaci�n privada por tel�fono

Estaba en mi casa y son� el tel�fono, conteste y me dijo la persona del otro lado: "BUENAS TARDES, SE ENCUENTRA EL TITULAR DE LA LINEA TELEFONICA ?" y dije "EL HABLA", me dijo la se�orita, "HABLAMOS DE TELEFONICA (o puede ser cualquier otra empresa), SOLO PARA CONFIRMAR DATOS, ME PUEDE DECIR SU NOMBRE COMPLETO, POR FAVOR", me quede pensando pues que no tienen mis datos? y le dije "HUGO CASTA�EDA" cosa que obvio no es verdad, y me dice: "GRACIAS, ESTAMOS HACIENDO UNA PROMOCION PARA DESCONTARLE A USTED EL 50% EN SU PROXIMA FACTURA, SI NOS DICE EL NOMBRE DE DOS DE SUS FAMILIARES QUE TENGAN LINEA TELEFONICA CON TELEFONICA".

Me dice muy amablemente la se�orita "OK, USTED SE ACABA DE GANAR EL 50% DE DESCUENTO EN SU PROXIMA FACTURA DE TELEFONICA". Asi termino el domingo.
El lunes cerca de la 1 p.m. suena el tel�fono y yo contesto Del otro lado una voz no muy agradable me dijo QUIEN HABLA??
Se me vino a la mente lo del d�a anterior y le dije "EL HABLA, QUE DESEA".Y el imbecil, por no decir algo peor, me dijo "TENGO A TU HERMANO LUIS, Y SOMOS LOS ZETA, SOY EL Z14 Y QUIERO $450.000, SI ES QUE QUIERES VOLVER A VER A TU HERMANO"
Le "suplique que no lo hiciera y el muy desgraciado hasta me paso a mi pobre "hermano" y me dice "HERMANO, AYUDAME DALES LO QUE PIDEN, ME ESTAN TORTURANDO MUY MAL". Le dije mira

la verdad es que me debes bastante plata as� que mejor que te maten y yo cobro tu seguro.
Se escucho una voz que dijo "no cae" y colgaron
Hasta el d�a de hoy no han vuelto a llamar..
Hablando con familiares y amigos para ponerlos al tanto me han dicho que tambi�n llaman diciendo que hablan de LUZDELSUR O EDELNOR y que preguntan cuanto se consume de luz, cuantos habitan la casa y que si quieren una visita
para revisar medidores.

Tengan cuidado. Muchos decimos eso ya lo se pero cuando te hablan de sorpresa y te dicen

que tienen un familiar secuestrado, la mente se bloquea.


Star Pilots - I'm Alive

"I will walk the walk of life forever young"

Straight-up cheeseball dance for you today because, well... it's a Friday, and it's been a long day! Sweden's Star Pilots are coming off of a string of three fantastically overblown clubpop singles and now, after many months of waiting, we get to hear something new. As of now, I've gotta say this is the weakest of their singles. It's definitely got that huge Star Pilots sound, but the melody this time around is a bit lacking. And, let's face it, when it comes to cheesy pop music like this, the melody is key. Otherwise it ends up sounding far too much like everything else. Putting my quibbles aside, though, I still love this group's go-for-the-jugular, overblown sound. No one's going to accuse them of spectacular artistry, but that's not what this is about. This is about big for big's sake. Higher choruses, faster beats and a sense that you can do anything, even if it is only for a couple of minutes.

Star Pilots - I'm Alive by tattoowesley

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy their old single here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

Star Pilots - I'm Alive

"I will walk the walk of life forever young"

Straight-up cheeseball dance for you today because, well... it's a Friday, and it's been a long day! Sweden's Star Pilots are coming off of a string of three fantastically overblown clubpop singles and now, after many months of waiting, we get to hear something new. As of now, I've gotta say this is the weakest of their singles. It's definitely got that huge Star Pilots sound, but the melody this time around is a bit lacking. And, let's face it, when it comes to cheesy pop music like this, the melody is key. Otherwise it ends up sounding far too much like everything else. Putting my quibbles aside, though, I still love this group's go-for-the-jugular, overblown sound. No one's going to accuse them of spectacular artistry, but that's not what this is about. This is about big for big's sake. Higher choruses, faster beats and a sense that you can do anything, even if it is only for a couple of minutes.

Star Pilots - I'm Alive by tattoowesley

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy their old single here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

Rant #183: Be-Holden

J.D. Salinger passed away yesterday.

If I tell that to my 14-year old or 21-year old kids, I doubt they would know a thing about who I was talking about.

But to at least a few generations of kids who are now in the their 50s and 60s, his passing struck a chord with us.

He was a writer by trade, but his book "The Catcher in the Rye" was such a definitive work that he really didn't have to do anything for the rest of his life after it was published.

And he didn't do much. He certainly didn't try to add onto his celebrity, as he was pretty much a recluse for the past 40 years or so.

But to the youth of the 1960s and 1970s, Salinger was something of a god. Although published in 1951, "Catcher in the Rye" was a book that hit a nerve with the generations that stood up and let it be known that we wouldn't conform to anything.

His character, Holden Caulfield, certainly led that charge. Caulfield wasn't your standard white-bread character. He thought dirty, dastardly thoughts, and he didn't walk a straight line. He questioned authority, and did what he wanted to do.

Wasn't this much like youth in the 1960s and 1970s? He was almost a "James Dean" type in the annals of fiction.

I remember reading this book in high school. I hated my high school years, and Caulfield was my hero. Everything that he thought and did pretty much mirrored my own thoughts.

I thought the book fell out of favor in the late 1970s, especially when that idiot who murdered John Lennon used it as a prop for his heinous actions.

Do kids still read this book? I don't know. But for my generation, Holden Caulfield was the man, and J.D. Salinger, his creator, was also the man.

It just shows that one book can have an incredible impact. And this one certainly did.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Gooped Again! Zombie Slugs

I went to the labyrinth of Zombie Slugs this afternoon. Just to confirm our appointment.
Something's come up, the Head Zombie said. We won't be able to do anything tomorrow. I'll send you an e-mail.
Mindful of reader advice, I'm going down anyway. I want to confirm the cataclysm supposedly in store.
In case you are wondering, they are getting efficiency devices tomorrow. We call them computers with memories unfilled with old cartoons, restaurant menus, and Mary Kay orders. They call them Horror!
I expect Zombie escape tactics. Add in that it's Friday. You'll never see a Zombie any faster.
Photo: Austin Probe.

The War Inside

I find no peace and all my war is done,
I fear and hope, I burn and freeze like ice,
I fly above the wind, yet can I not arise,
And naught I have and all the world I seize on;
That looseth nor locketh holds me in prison,
And holdeth me not; yet I can scape nowise;
Nor letteth me live nor die of my devise,
And yet of death it giveth no occasion.
Without eyen I see, without tongue I plain,
I desire to perish, and yet I ask health;
I love another, and thus I hate myself;
I feed me in sorrow, and laugh in all my pain.
Likewise displeaseth me both death and life
And my delight is causer of this strife.

Thomas Wyatt the Elder

Many of Wyatt's poems regret age, but there's more than that here. I think it's partly a look back on false remedies to pain, or more likely a description of despair. Wyatt was a courtier and a womanizer, well-acquainted with the false words of the false heart. He also fought in wars. Perhaps that is also part of it, the way unusual stress hangs on after work is done.

Sometimes poetry gives voice to things we need to say, in a concise, controlled, intensified way. I wish we looked to it more, or gave it to those who need it. One phrase or the entire engine of a poem might explain the inexplicable.

I have one copy of a slim, privately-printed edition of poems. A shell-shocked British peer came back from World War I and collected an anthology to suit himself, a fine mix of poets from that war and earlier. He did it to save his sanity. He tells us this in the foreword, in that British stiff-upper-lip way.

If you were going to give a book of poems to somebody in the thick or on the move, I would recommend this old mainstay: Six Centuries of Great Poetry (from Chaucer to Yeats), Edited by Robert Penn Warren and Albert Erskine, 1955. It's still available for $7.99, or you can buy it used. It's a paperback, hardly weighs anything, and can take abuse. I have a used copy that has endured for decades. Wyatt is in there, but if he does not serve the day's purpose, someone else will. Kipling, maybe, with a call to duty. The anonymous author of Sir Patrick Spens, about REMF. And a whole lot of revenge on She Who Dared, the writer of dear john letters.

Pony The Pirate - Psychopedia

"There's a thought, I don't think about it"

A brief sidestep from Sweden to Norway and yet another brilliant new band. Like Ginger Ninja, I'm not loving the band name, but I'm willing to look past that when the music's this strong. Pony The Pirate sound like Superfamily mixed with Royworld (remember them?) mixed with The Polyphonic Spree (remember them???). They have an enormous sound, due mostly to their 8 members, with bombast to spare. There's a strong choral element, sometimes to such an extent that the music feels like it's going to burst out of its confined space. They're finding great success in Norway now with their single Sing, but I like this--the opening track--even better. It's their best melody and has an energy to it that's impossible to ignore. There's so much stuffed into just under three minutes that it threatens to devolve into chaos. Luckily, the song's single-minded enough to contain it.

Pony The Pirate - Psychopedia by tattoowesley

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

Pony The Pirate - Psychopedia

"There's a thought, I don't think about it"

A brief sidestep from Sweden to Norway and yet another brilliant new band. Like Ginger Ninja, I'm not loving the band name, but I'm willing to look past that when the music's this strong. Pony The Pirate sound like Superfamily mixed with Royworld (remember them?) mixed with The Polyphonic Spree (remember them???). They have an enormous sound, due mostly to their 8 members, with bombast to spare. There's a strong choral element, sometimes to such an extent that the music feels like it's going to burst out of its confined space. They're finding great success in Norway now with their single Sing, but I like this--the opening track--even better. It's their best melody and has an energy to it that's impossible to ignore. There's so much stuffed into just under three minutes that it threatens to devolve into chaos. Luckily, the song's single-minded enough to contain it.

Pony The Pirate - Psychopedia by tattoowesley

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

My Review of Brothers And Sisters 4x03: "Almost Normal"

Written by Jennifer Levin And Sherri Cooper-Landsman
Directed by Michael Schultz

Nora (re Kitty): �Kevin, aggressive could kill her.�
Robert: �Cancer could kill her.�

Okay because this desperately needs to be asked, but what are some online viewers problems with this season because right now, apart from one particularly boring plot with Ojai, I�m on the verge of thinking this season could be the show�s best since the first year?

If it�s down to Kitty having lymphoma, then shame on everyone. Shame on you all. Clich�d or not, I�m actually finding this plot very absorbing and difficult to watch and a lot of it is down to some family experiences with an unfortunate outcome. The writing and the acting overall so far has been fantastic and it doesn�t stop here.

In fact there are plenty of harrowing scenes in this episode. In particular the first one involved Robert and Nora with Kitty when Dr Avadon told her that there was nothing in Kitty�s bone marrow but that it had spread to other areas. The most harrowing part during those scenes were Kitty�s muted silences as her options were being explained to her.

Chemotherapy was the obvious option but it�s not always a successful one, though Kitty would probably have the best of luck with it due to her age and the fact that she was at Stage 3 with her lymphoma. The other option that was being discussed was the R-Chop, which I�m gonna be honest with was something I had never heard about until watching this episode.

It�s one of those experimental procedures, mixing chemotherapy with drugs aggressively and also the one with the higher risks for Kitty in spite of some of the success it�s generated in other cases. Naturally it was also the option that Robert seemed the keenest on and yes, it would be the one that would lead him and Nora into conflict.

A lot of viewers on TWOP complained about Nora and Robert�s fighting in this episode and while both of them should�ve come to a compromise earlier, this was one of those moments where I got their fighting. It wasn�t over the top and neither of them were technically wrong. Both of them wanted Kitty to get the best treatment but they just went about it the wrong way.

Nora had something of a point when she highlighted Robert hadn�t been the best of husbands to Kitty in the last few months but there was also a degree of truth when he cited the Walkers mob mentality as well. Luckily for us, even after the disaster of the first dinner, it was nice that Nora and Robert were able to put their differences and focus on Kitty.

As for Kitty�s choice in going with the R-Chop treatment, I don�t know what to really say because it still is an experimental treatment and I can understand the opposition it generated from the likes of Nora, Saul and even Scotty during the dinner debacle but if it actually works for Kitty, then it�s worth it. Only time will tell, though it�s safe to assume that Kitty won�t be dying on us anytime soon.

As for Kitty trying to avoid getting into it and making a choice, I think I would have a similar reaction. It�s pretty organic and throwing herself into trying to pick a wedding dress for Rebecca might not have been the wisest thing but could anyone really say that they wouldn�t behave similarly in Kitty�s circumstances?

Kitty having to tell the rest of her family about her lymphoma was heartbreaking, especially given the circumstances in which Kevin found out. I�ve no idea how Travis got a hold of the information but the fact that he promised he wouldn�t use it against Robert�s campaign is definitely the least he can do.

Kevin�s reaction was absolutely gut wrenching and I can relate to it a lot. I�ve found out some pretty horrid stuff myself in relation to family from outsiders like Travis and it�s not the nicest thing in the world. Kevin assumed that Travis was making it up at first but when Kitty admitted it, it was really hard not to feel for the guy.

And then there was telling Scotty, Justin and Rebecca. Justin seemed restrained compared to other people and Rebecca herself felt guilty about the wedding shopping that she and Kitty had been doing during the day. Scotty won me over (not the hardest thing in the world) with his offering to cook for Kitty. Plus it made sense that Justin and Rebecca would postpone their wedding until Kitty had gone through her treatment.

Because of that it also made sense for Kitty to insist that they continued with their wedding plans as well. I�m not shipping Justin and Rebecca but in a lot of ways, this was one of their best episodes both as a couple and as individual characters. Just the way Rebecca was with Kitty as well nicely strengthened their bond.

One thing I also loved about this episode was that after one disastrous dinner, we got one that actually went off well. Even better was the return of Sarah at the end of the episode. With Rachel Griffiths on maternity, I thought it would be another week or two before Sarah reappeared but it was nice seeing her at the end. There are times when no words need to be spoken to convey a lot of feelings. Kitty and Sarah�s hug at the end did that in spades.

Kitty�s illness also caused ripples in other plots. Not only did Robert rightfully make her his number on priority but Kevin and Scotty wisely decided that it would be better to wait a while before having a child. It was this episode that actually made Scotty consider parenthood for him and Kevin. I�m still not totally sure about it but it�s nice to see them on the same page on the issue that I won�t deny.

For Justin it also seemed to get his backside in gear when dealing with a cadaver. It would�ve been so easy for him to freak out over seeing the dead, so it was a relief that it was his child prodigy lab partner who got the jitters instead.

Some people thought that Justin was too harsh with the guy but I actually think under the circumstances that Justin wasn�t. He gave the guy the right push without coming across as a dick. That�s good writing in my book. Plus I like the lab partner. There could be some good storylines there and Justin could use someone to interact with that he isn�t related to.

As for the segment of the episode that didn�t work � Dennis. I couldn�t care less about William screwing you over and I have little interest in whatever little scheme you have to try and tank Ojai. I did however like Saul taking charge of Holly trying to meet up with the guy and telling Dennis to get lost. Too bad with Ryan on the payroll that Dennis won�t do that.

Also in �Almost Normal�

Another opening scene with Justin and Rebecca, so can we have one with Kevin and Scotty even if we did see them in bed in this episode?

Kevin (re computer): �It�s not a baby.�
Travis: �Whatever it is, deal with it. I�m glad we settled this issue.�

Scotty using a computer programme as a dress rehearsal for parenthood? He would�ve been better off getting the doll in my opinion.

Nora: �Honey, you heard the doctor. You have to make a decision now.�
Kitty: �I will but we�re going shopping and I need to help Rebecca find a wedding dress.�

Nora: �Listen to me, Robert, I don�t care if you�re the senator or governor or king of Siam, you�ve not shown me that her life is safe in your hands. You don�t get to call the shots.�

With Sarah�s return, it was odd not to see Tommy, though I don�t doubt we will see him soon enough.

Kitty: �How do you feel about feathers?�
Rebecca: �That they belong on birds.�

Kevin: �Kit, it�s me; it�s your little brother. Please talk to me.�
Kitty: �Yeah, yeah.�
Kevin: �Please tell me, what you have, where is it? How long have you known?�
Kitty: �It�s lymphoma and Kevin, I�m so sorry you had to find out this way.�

Kitty and Rebecca were in the same bridal shop that we saw in �Vows� and �Something New�.

Scotty: �I don�t wanna wait for the right time to have a baby. There is no right time.�
Kevin: �But there is a wrong time. All I can do right now is think about Kitty and that wouldn�t be fair to a baby or to me or to you.�

Nora: �I don�t think we�ll ever be on the same page.�
Robert: �Well we both love Kitty. I don�t think we�d be fighting if we didn�t.�

Ryan was a no show in this episode. It isn�t exactly a bad thing but it does make me wonder why they made Luke Grimes a regular as well.

Robert: �I don�t wanna fight.�
Nora: �Good because I think we�re gonna need each other.�

Justin (to his lab partner): �I was really intimidated by you but right now, you�re in the foetal position.�

Standout music: Gregory Alan Isakov�s �3AM� and Michael Franti�s �Have A Little Faith� which was the last song of the episode.

Robert (to Kitty): �Cancer isn�t some magical reset button and I just wanna make sure we�re still working on our marriage, whether you�re sick or not.�

Chronology: A few days since �Breaking The News�.

Could this be the show�s best season yet? I know we�re nowhere near a fraction of the season yet but apart from the Ojai stuff, I think this show is on top of it�s game. �Almost Normal� was drama at it�s finest. This show can be intelligent and thought provoking and episodes like this one (and undoubtedly following ones) highlight that.

Rating: 9 out of 10.

Chris Cayzer, Lance Christopher and Jiro Shirakawa Cover Garage Magazine February-March 2010 Issue

Garage Magazine features "young talents" Chris Cayzer, Lance Christopher and Jiro Shirakawa in their February - March 2010 issue.

This issue presents a "Sonic Youth" theme that have articles on 100+ Fresh Spring Styles for the young and modern guys. There�s also a feature about being "Lean and Mean", a self-help advice on getting the much-aspired model body.

Other celebrities featured in the latest issue are Christian Bautista and Joross Gamboa.

Garage magazine February-March 2010 edition is now available at all magazine stores nationwide.

Bea Alonzo and John Lloyd Cruz "Miss You Like Crazy" - Full Trailer

The box-office loveteam of Bea Alonzo and John Lloyd Cruz is on the big screen via the Star Cinema's post-valentine's offering, "Miss You Like Crazy"

Joining the cast and will play as the third wheel is accidental actress Maricar Reyes.

Miss You Like Crazy - Full Movie Trailer:

Belle Is Back

I'm not gonna lie - I'm a fan of Secret Diary Of A Call Girl. No, I don't advocate prostitution and yes, it can be argued that this show tends to gloss over the subject matter in question but I know good TV when I see it and this is definitely good TV.

I'm not sure who the new guy is apart from the fact that he's supposed be a love interest for Bambi but it does seem that all the regular gang are back tonight. The first two episodes aired on Showtime on Monday and get their premiere on ITV2 tonight.

It seems that Belle is trying out an attempt to be ginger. I reckon she's seen early pics of Karen Gillan for inspiration. Joke. It's a temporary look but it seems that in the first two episodes, Belle's got an agent, is looking for material for her second book, embarks on making farmyard noises and sploshing with some new clients. One of them being played by Torchwood actor Tom Price.

On Monday, Billie Piper sat down and interviewed Brooke Magnati for ITV. The interview is repeated after the first two episodes air on ITV2 for those who missed it. Season 3 begins tonight with a double bill at 10pm, followed by Billie and Brooke's interview at 11pm on the same channel.

Angelica Panganiban is "Rubi, Ang Bidang Kontrabida" - Full Trailer

Catch the full trailer of the upcoming Pinoy remake of the hit Mexicanovela "Rubi" starring Angelica Panganiban.

Rubi is also starred by Diether Ocampo, Jake Cuenca and Shaina Magdayao.

Rubi - Full Trailer:

Marian Rivera Covers MEG Magazine February 2010 Issue

Marian Rivera graces the cover of Meg Magazine for their February 2010 issue.

Meg Magazine also features the latest on lash extensions and eco-friendly prods, tips on how to get that fres h glow, hot to keep your relationship interesting and the boys to fall for.

Incidentally, the very much in-demand Kapuso primetime queen and cover star also graces the cover of Motorcycle Magazine and Speed magazine recent issues.

MEG, Motorcycle and Speed Magazines are now available at all magazine stands nationwide.

Marian Rivera and Dingdong Dantes Covers YES Magazine February 2010 Issue

Real life couple Marian Rivera and Dingdong Dantes cover YES! Magazine in their love month issue this 2010.

In this issue, Dongyan officially and finally revealed the real score between them and narrated how their relationship progressed from "love team" to "lovers."

Yes Magazine February 2010 issue is now available at all magazine stands nationwide. Hurry! Grab your copy now!

Marian Rivera and Anne Curtis Covers MEGA Magazine February 2010 Issue

Kapuso Primetime Queen Marian Rivera and Kapamilya's Dyosa Anne Curtis are the cover girls of MEGA Magazine�s 18th anniversary back to back issue this February.

This is Marian's third time to graced the cover of MEGA. The first was in January 2008 when Marian was tagged by the fashion magazine as one of the 2008's Women to Watch. The Darna star shared the cover with 9 other women including Angelica Panganiban.

The second time that Marian Rivera graced the cover of MEGA was last March 2008 for the magazine�s Spring edition.

On the other hand, Anne first graced the cover of Mega Magazine last September 2008 when the kapamilya goddess donned an elegant black long gown. The second time was during MEGA�s 17th anniversary issue last February 2009.

MEGA magazine�s February 2010 issue with Marian Rivera and Anne Curtis on the covers is now available nationwide wherever magazines are sold.

Rant #182: Rotten Apple

I am all for technology. I love to hear about new breakthroughs which allow us to do things that we couldn't do before and/or do things that we could do before in an easier way.

But the latest product release from Apple, is, in my estimation, a real lemon.

Yesterday, they released the iPad, a tablet computer that amounts to a larger version of the iTouch. It has a couple of bells and whistles that the iTouch doesn't have, but, for all intents and purposes, that is what it is, and iTouch on steroids.

Like those devices, it has a touch screen that lets you navigate around to hook up to the Internet, play games, view photos, and read e-books.

And all for just a starting price point of $499!

Why anyone would want to have this device is beyond my comprehension. For that amount of money, you can get your standard laptop computer, which can adequately do everything that this device appears to be able to do.

Sure, this new device is built for e-books, but honestly, if you want to read a book, don't you want to read a book--not a book generated by an electronic device?

I can't see how this is going to play into something that we all need. Unlike the iTouch, it is something you can't put into your pocket, unless you wear overalls designed for King Kong.

I think what Apple has done is provide the world with something in between a laptop and an iTouch, creating a new category unto itself, and thus, they hope, a new need.

But sorry, I don't see people buying this. How much technology can one have at their fingertips before that technology is too much? I think you have that scenario here.

And for that price--which, remember, is a starting price--I just don't see it.

But then, I carry around a cell phone that I almost never use that dates back about 10 years or so. It has absolutely no bells and whistles, and people marvel how I can still use it in this day and age of phones having cameras, various applications, etc.

But somehow, I manage.

That is my point. I think somehow, we will manage without the iPad.

We have up until yesterday, and we will do just fine without it in the future.

Column: Nico Dijkshoorn

'Er moet fantasie in die kop van Gertjan Verbeek, snel'

Gertjan Verbeek, heeft die een zachte kant? Het zou kunnen dat Gertjan, als hij thuis komt, zich uitkleedt, een fluwelen ochtendjas aandoet, 130 geurkaarsjes aansteekt en doodstil, midden in zijn kamer, naar een cd met het geluid van parende walvissen luistert.
Maar ik denk het niet. Gertjan lijkt me meer een jongen die na thuiskomst nog even snel een dragend muurtje uit zijn huis slaat. Niet om het huis opnieuw in te richten, maar gewoon om het beuken, om het rammen. Iets slopen, maakt niet uit wat. Dat is voor hem ontspanning.

Gertjan en ik, het is uit tussen ons. We hadden een tijdje verkering. Toen Gertjan bij Feyenoord werd weggestuurd, koos ik blind voor Verbeek. Ik heb dat zelfs opgeschreven. Ik vond zijn vertrek hero�sch.
Daar liep hij de poort uit, zwaar gepiepeld door een paar verwende profs die een echte-grote-mensen-coach niet aankonden. Zo zag ik het een jaar geleden. Een vakman vond ik Gertjan. Rechtdoorzee, eerlijk, vastberaden en een harde werker.

Juist al die karakteristieken beginnen me nu de keel uit te hangen. Ik zou hem wel eens een keer hartverscheurend hard willen zien huilen, vlak voor de kooi van een heel zielig dood knaagdiertje. Dat zou goed zijn, beelden van Gertjan Verbeek die aan een jongetje van zeven jaar de dood van een huisdier uitlegt.
'Soms, jongen, dan gaan dieren dood, zomaar, opeens. Het ene moment hollen ze nog lekker in een molentje, en een ogenblik later liggen ze in een hoek van hun verblijf negen uur lang in een heel rare houding naar de ingang van hun caviahuisje te loeren. Dat noemen we met een moeilijk woord ook wel: overleden. Neem nu maar even afscheid van Knaagie Knaagmans.' En dan samen huilen.

Dat zit er voorlopig niet in. Gertjan Verbeek is steeds minder van het emotioneel meevoelen. Zet Gertjan naast zo�n jongetje bij een kooi en je krijgt de volgende monoloog.
'Ja, die is dood. Vertel op jongen en kijk me aan als ik tegen je praat. Heb je dit diertje niet goed verzorgd? H�, matennaaier naast me, ik lul tegen je, lafbekkie, heb jij dat knaagdiertje kapot gemaakt? Wat had ik tegen jou gezegd? Precies, je moet hem volgens een schema voeren, maar meneertje hier, in zijn lullige Bert en Ernie-pyjama, meneertje van zeven jaar oud, vond dat niet belangrijk. En nu is Knaagie Knaagmans dood. Door jou en niet door mij. Wat een naar ventje ben jij.'

Niet alleen ik heb last van Gertjans uitstraling. Frits Barend zag ik een jaar geleden vanuit dezelfde verwondering Gertjan Verbeek interviewen voor de zender Het Gesprek, en eigenlijk wilde Frits maar ��n ding weten: of Gertjan nog wel eens klaar kwam. Zo plat als ik het nu opschrijf, zo plat was het.
Frits wilde weten of Gertjan, vrijgezel en een goede kop met haar, nog wel af en toe keiharde seks had. Achteraf, met de wetenschap van nu, een goede vraag van Frits. Opeens is dat een relevante nieuwsgierigheid. Ligt Gertjan Verbeek niet ieder weekend zijn drift eruit te schudden op een aardappelzak waar hij met een viltstift even snel twee ogen op heeft getekend? Is hij wel van vlees en bloed? Een jaar geleden vond ik Frits zijn vraag nogal g�nant.

Nu begrijp ik hem veel beter. Je wilt, als je die man naast je hebt zitten, zo graag dat hij eens als een doodnormaal, gevoelig mens reageert. Dat hij opeens breekt. Dat hij vlak na dat eeuwige gelul over fysieke belastbaarheid, trainingsintensiteit en de toelaatbare verzuringscurve opeens heel hard begint te huilen, of te lachen. Maakt niet uit waarom.
Desnoods een lachbui van een half uur om een elastiekje dat, heel raar opgevouwen vlak voor hem op tafel, precies lijkt op de vrouw van Foppe de Haan. Jan Mulder had er vorige week zondagavond, tijdens Studio Voetbal, ook last van, dat pantser van keiharde rechtlijnigheid waar Verbeek zich achter verstopt. Nooit is er eens twijfel. Nooit spreekt hij eens op gedempte toon.

Als je Verbeek de ruimte geeft, lult hij een uitzending lang tegen je aan alsof je een kind van drie bent. Jan Mulder wilde weten of Gertjan een zojuist in beeld getoonde overtreding van een Heracles-speler niet schandalig vond. Dat was Verbeek niet met hem eens. Trainer Jan van Dijk, die had gevraagd om een kaart, dat was een matennaaier. Zoiets doe je niet, als collega�s onder elkaar, schreeuwen om een gele kaart.
Daarna zagen we nog een fragment van Verbeek. Hij schoffeerde een trainer die het had gewaagd, vlak naast Gertjan, een ander beeld van de wedstrijd te schetsen dan Gertjan in zijn hoofd had. Ook hier rechtvaardigde Verbeek zijn proletengedrag met dezelfde drogredenering: zoiets doe je niet, als collega� s onder elkaar.

Dat is het ergerlijke van Verbeek, die op militaire leest geschoeide, humorloze kijk op de wereld. Die verbeten professionaliteit waar iedereen in mee moet gaan. Dat gekmakende gymlerarentoontje als hij iets uitlegt. Gertjan Verbeek is een man die op zeer hoge leeftijd gaat sterven met een lichaam boordevol schreeuwend gelijk.
Al die Oost-Duitse Wirtschaftswunder-uitingen, het zou een keer doorbroken moeten worden. Midden in een betoog een stuk roze kauwgom op zijn voorhoofd plakken, zoiets. Met iets ongewoons die rare fysiek- en mentaalfundamentalist totaal ontregelen.

Wachten tot hij midden in een verhaal zit en dan achteloos een haring in zijn keel proppen. Ik zeg maar wat. Het maakt eigenlijk niet uit, als het maar vreemd is en niets met krachttraining te maken heeft. Zoals Barry Hughes ooit met een roltoetertje de hautaine George Kessler verwarde, zo moeten collega�s van Gertjan iets soortgelijks verzinnen. Het is voor zijn eigen bestwil.
Naast hem gaan staan, in zijn coachvak, met twee lieslaarzen gevuld met garnalen. Laat hem daar maar eens over nadenken. Open moet dat koppige Friese trainershoofd.Zondag zag ik beelden van het trainingskamp. Liep Gertjan tijdens een ochtendtraining, toevallig toen de camera net draaide, weer zwoegend voorop.
Een speler die echt met Gertjan Verbeek meeleeft en hem uit dat Spartaanse keurslijf wil trekken zou hem hebben laten struikelen. En daarna, als Verbeek de schuldige zoekt, alleen op een eekhoorn langs de kant van de weg wijzen.

Er moet fantasie in die kop. Snel.

Kijk naar de complete Southpark Michael Jackson aflevering

Door op onderstaande afbeelding te klikken kun je de gehele aflevering van "Southpark: Michael Jackson" bekijken.

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Recall cuts stock price of Toyota, suppliers

The stock market penalized Toyota and publicly held automotive dealership groups and suppliers with exposure to Toyota on Wednesday as news emerged that the U.S. government asked Toyota to halt sales of eight popular models at all Toyota dealerships.

Toyota and its dealers face the daunting prospect of being unable to sell models that made up 58% of Toyota's U.S. sales last year for an unknown period of time until the company and the U.S. government agrees on a way to prevent Toyota's accelerator pedals from sticking.

"For Toyota, basically, there is a real risk of losing potential market share, because you have companies now that are more competitive than they have been in decades," said Aaron Bragman, automotive analyst for IHS Global Insight.

Toyota's stock fell 8% or $7.01 per share on Wednesday to close at $79.77. CTS, which supplies the part believed to have caused the problem for Toyota, fell 2.4% and shares of Denso, a major Toyota supplier partly owned by Toyota, dropped 5.4%.

Bragman noted that Ford gained a full point of market share in the U.S. in 2009, and the Dearborn-based automaker is well-positioned to gain from Toyota's troubles.

John Murphy, Bank of America Merrill Lynch auto analyst, said in a report Wednesday that other brands - especially those such as Ford and Hyundai that are introducing models this year - are likely to pick up sales.

On Wednesday, Ford's stock rose 3.2% or 36 cents to close at $11.55 per share. Ford also is to report year-end earnings today.

Meanwhile, the shares of five publicly traded automotive dealership groups declined. Shares of AutoNation, the largest U.S. automotive retailer, fell 21 cents to close at $18.31 per share.

AutoNation spokesman Marc Cannon gave Toyota credit for getting information out to its dealers as quickly as possible, and for putting the consumer first.
"They are being very proactive," Cannon said.

AutoNation operates 207 franchises in the U.S., including 25 Toyota locations.

A spokesman for Bloomfield Hills-based Penske Automotive Group, which operates 39 Toyota, Lexus and Scion dealerships in the U.S., did not return a phone call Wednesday. Shares of Penske Automotive fell 74 cents to close at $14.09 per share on Wednesday.

Cool And Beautiful Butterfly

1.Transparent Butterfly

2.Queen Alexandra Butterfly

3.Emerald swallow butterfly

4.Dead Leaf Butterfly

5.Giant Owl Butterfly

6.Neglected eighty-eight Butterfly

7.White Morpho Butterfly

8.Zebra Longwing Butterfly

9.Peacock Pansy Butterfly

10.Great Mormon Butterfly

11.Strange Butterfly

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This Is Your Lucky Day

Reading Palms
The third story of the pictured building is the consultation room of a woman whom I will call The Gypsy. In the summer, The Gypsy sits outside in one of two yardchairs and tells fortunes to drunk marks for $5.00 each. Once, on my way to the grocery store, her mother offered to tell my fortune for free. She divined that a 'great weight' had settled on me, blocking my luck. A Very Serious Situation.

This great grey cloud would go away with a candle ceremony, conducted with a Catholic priest's help, and it would only cost me $1,000.00. The money would go in a box, sit on a priest's altar, and be blessed by the saints and the smoke of many candles. My life would be purified and my barriers would crumble. My Luck would Return! Participation was not required. She would take care of everything.

I told her I didn't think so. Finally she decided that $181.00 would be enough to satisfy the candlemaker, the priest, all the saints and leave a few pennies for The Gypsy's Mom. With a discount like that, I figured only one-fifth of that cloud would be lifted, so I told her no thanks. I did pay her $5.00 though. This story cost me a voluntary $5.00, and I can tell it over and over, although, not to the same people twice.

Doubled Down
One week, my husband and I visited New Orleans. We were walking down Bourbon Street, which is of course an inevitable consequence of going to New Orleans. A woman came up to us in the light of the street lamps. She was dressed in baggy jeans and a t-shirt. Her hair was not styled and she was neither ugly nor attractive. But the silver on her eyelids glinted in the lights of Bourbon Street. She looked up into my husband's face and breathed,

"Today is your lucky day."

She was mesmerizing. We followed her into a shabby storefront. I swear it was the silver eyelids.

A thin balding man who looked like the biggest loser ever stood behind a cheap counter made of old paneling and Formica. He held a dice cup in his right hand. We had a chance to win a prize. All of the prizes were on shelves along the back wall, which was a scabrous green. All of the boxed prizes were covered in a good half-inch of dust.

We got five rolls of the dice for free. Unbelievable! It really was our lucky day. Or night, really.
The man counted the dice so fast we were sure he was miscounting. We even tried to ask, but he just kept rolling, counting, putting the dice back in the cup. It was a lot of dice. And he was satisfied.
And we were Winning.

Then we had the opportunity to Double Down for two dollars. We had the chance to Double Down again. Finally we were at octuple chances for the prize! Oh, Wow, it was Our Lucky Day! And it only cost Eight Dollars for Eight Chances! We only needed thirty-eight more points!
My husband started to laugh. "No, thanks."

We would have run faster, except we were laughing too hard.

I was afraid to be in New Orleans streets after dark, so I had limited the amount of money in my bag before we left the hotel. We counted up our respective cash after Silver Eyelids and The Counter Man had their chance at it. One of the best $20.00 lessons ever. And hey, we were Doubled Down. Two of us learned it for the price of one.

My Review of Dollhouse's 2x07: "Meet Jane Doe"

Written by Maurissa Tanchereon And Jed Whedon And Andrew Chambliss
Directed by Dwight Little

Topher (to Adelle): �You are the coldest bitch on this planet.�

Coming from Topher, that�s a lot more powerful than you would expect it to be. Adelle turning to the dark side � why is this more alarming than it appeared on screen? It�s not like Adelle isn�t soiled with her association with the Dollhouse anyways but enabling Harding in a big way was a shocking turn of events.

In a lot of ways though, it shouldn�t be. Adelle might have something of a conscience but she�s a survivor through and through and thanks to the events of this episode, it�s easier to see why she would handover Topher�s schematic on a method of imprinting anyone at large. Even without taking in �Epitaph One�, there was an inevitability here.

Adelle was backed into a corner and reduced to nothing more than a servant in her own house, which to her was probably a fate worse than death in many ways. Harding took a lot of pleasure in humiliating her as possible, even to the point where she had Topher as a higher up than her. That�s not very comforting for the old ego, is it?

More to the point, Rossum were fairly advancing their technology, so even if Topher had actually not told Adelle about his little advancement, they would�ve probably figured it out at some point anyways. And Adelle managed to get control of her house back so she stands a chance of fighting Rossum in her usual position than the lesser role she was reduced to.

But it doesn�t justify the stinging level of callousness that she displayed to Topher when he realised that she stole his schematics and gave them to Harding. I don�t even like Topher a goof chunk of the time and I feared for his life. Also with Adelle�s morality taking a hit, the episode did balance things by showing Topher�s more compassionate side.

Especially when Echo was brought back in. Adelle�s gut reaction was to deprive her of any treatment to see if she could withstand it. There was a level of cruelty in Adelle that I would equate with some of the male characters we�ve seen on this show and as a viewer, I did not like it one bit.

One the other hand, she also knows that Echo�s special and a part of me is hoping that she�s going to aid Echo in taking out Rossum. Again leaving the events of �Epitaph One� out of the equation. She also wisely didn�t believe Paul�s claims that he was nursing Echo back to health for a week and even seemed a little suspicious of Boyd as well.

Echo on the run actually made for an interesting story. In blank state I did feel bad for her and Galena both trying to get food and being denied. I felt even worse for Galena, who suffered a lot of cruelty at the hands of some racist cops during this episode. This is why I�m far less critical of this show going all a little Prison Break with the first voluntary mission we�ve ever seen Echo embark on.

The nurse guise was an interesting touch and the whole wanting to bust Galena out of prison made some sense. Echo felt responsible and wanted to do something right. Galena was being victimised and was generally a harmless person. And let�s face it; Echo�s had the misfortune of helping far less deserving cases during her time.

The prison breaks had their moments, especially with Echo bouncing back and forth between different personalities. Ultimately she succeeded in freeing Galena, who was grateful for the help that Echo and Paul (from the money/fake passport side of things) gave her. This was definitely a mission worth caring about.

And then there was Paul and Echo. It�s not gonna happen � I�m never gonna care enough to ship these two but them playing house and training up was something I could get into. We were seeing them being proactive in trying to take down the Dollhouse and helping Galena in some way was supposed to be preparation for that.

But in terms of their relationships, it seemed one sided again. Echo tried to make the moves on Paul and he wouldn�t budge. He was probably trying to be an honourable gentlemen but there was also the chance that Echo�s fears of him thinking of her as a freak or not real were actually justified.

Viewers have been unable to connect to Caroline as a character and it hasn�t helped that we�ve seen anything to really make viewers root for her. The Bennett memory seems to have made Echo more determined that she has a right to live. I can�t believe that there�s a part of me that actually agrees with as well but it still doesn�t morally mean that Caroline should be wiped out of existence either. Damn this show�s moral quandary.

Also in �Meet Jane Doe�

No prizes for guessing that Echo would adopt the name of Jane when posing as a nurse. That�s my mother�s name as well.

Ivy: �So what happened?�
Topher (re Bennett): �I punched her in the kisser.�

I just realised that Topher�s essentially been betrayed by two females that he�s held in high respect in two episodes. I mean Adelle and Bennett.

Echo: �Where�s the tree?�
Store Owner: �Right through that door.�

Echo (to Paul): �Sometimes a girl likes to be chaste. Hungry?�

There was no continuity on what happened to Daniel in this episode. Presumably Rossum have either wiped him or put him in the Attic.

Paul: �Thirty six personalities and not one of them can cook?�
Echo: �Look who�s talking.�

Echo (to Paul, re Caroline): �I�ve been saving this body for her but I�m not her.�

According to Echo, she�s been made gay seven times, which is interesting given that we haven�t seen in on the show. Unless that flashback scene with Claire/Whiskey in �Vows� is supposed to count as one of those times.

Boyd: �We need to take this house back.�
Adelle: �And how am I supposed to do that?�
Boyd: �The Adelle I knew wouldn�t ask that.�

Galena (to Echo): �You are the strongest woman I have ever met. Thank you.�

There are now 23 Dollhouses including one in Dubai. Harding took issue with Victor and Sierra (who were imprinted as doctors) grouping and told Topher that he was sending Sierra to Dubai. The bastard.

Adelle (to Topher/Paul/Boyd): �Come on, we all know Echo�s special, let�s see what she�s capable of. It�s good to have to you back, love.�

Chronology: Three months since the events of �The Left Hand�.

�Meet Jane Doe� had the trappings of being more mundane than I thought it would be but a lot actually did happen and it�s good that things aren�t slowing down. Rossum are getting progressively worse and Echo better think of acting on her plan fast.

Rating: 8 out of 10.