Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Rant #39: Sharpton Wants To Stamp Out Jackson

Well, you kind of knew it was coming to this.

As he praised Michael Jackson at the celebration of the pop singer's life yesterday, the Rev. Al Sharpton has also served notice on the U.S. Postal Service: he wants a Michael Jackson stamp ... and he wants it now!

Yes, old blubberpuss has decreed that Jackson's image must be put on a postage stamp, and that the normal five-year wait for such an honor to be given should be waived. The only time the waiting period has been waived has been for Presidents who have passed on.

I am sure that Jackson will get his stamp someday, because the Postal Service is always complaining that it needs the money. But to put Jackson in the same league as the President of the United States is ridiculous.

But again, Sharpton said during yesterday's service that there was nothing wrong with Jackson--"There wasn't nothing strange about your daddy" he told Jackson's three kids--so I guess he believes that there is nothing wrong with putting him on the same level as the President of this country.

The picture I have is of two Jackson stamps from overseas. Countries outside of the U.S. often honor American actors, singers, athletes and others with postage stamps that are highly collectible. If the Post Office succumbs to Sharpton's wishes, I guess they feel that a Jackson stamp from his own country will be at least equally collectible, if not more so.

Personally, I feel most sorry for Jackson's kids. They have not grown up in a normal environment to begin with, and who knows who they will end up with when this is all played out. Sure, they will not have to worry about money for the rest of their lives, but they have been almost pawns in this entire episode--and probably cash cows when it is all said and done.

I am happy that Jackson's fans had their day of reverence, but it is time to move on. The next big bit of news will be when they finally announce what actually killed the pop star--and who provided it to him, assuming, like many of us have, that he died from the overuse of prescription drugs, just like Elvis did and just like Judy Garland did.

And yes, if you can't be responsible for your own body, then you are irresponsible--and Jackson certainly was. And his "handlers" were no better--enablers of the lowest form.

Let's see what happens.

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