Friday, March 25, 2011

Rant #470: Zsa Zsa Go Bye Bye?

The death of Elizabeth Taylor has sparked memorials and remembrances across the world from people in all walks of life.

And then there are some people who feel that her death signals not only the end of an era, but the end to their own time here on earth.

Zsa Zsa Gabor's publicist said the shock of Taylor's death made Gabor feel she was next, and this sent the actress, probably the first actress who was simply "famous for being famous," to a Los Angeles hospital with high blood pressure.

The 94 year old, who has had one medical episode after another in recent months, reportedly checked into a hospital after her blood pressure soared after learning of Taylor's death. That, coupled with the death of Jane Russell, who we also talked of a few weeks ago, sent Zsa Zsa into a fit, as she believes she will be the third 1940s and 1950s starlet to go soon.

It didn't last long. She was released from the hospital only hours after getting there.

However, the story may not be true. Supposedly, Gabor's daughter Francesca checked it out, and was told that her mother had never been in the hospital.

Incredible. Zsa Zsa, who had absolutely no discernible talent other than her beauty and her mouth, both of which she used to maximum effect on every talk show known to man in the 1960s and 1970s and into the 1980s, still makes headlines, even if they are off another person's demise.

But you have to hand it to Zsa Zsa. Through all her maladies, she hangs in there with the best of them.

It must be that good Hungarian stock she is made of. She always gave me the impression of being a romantic, but one with a stern interior.

She is stubborn, that's for sure, and I guarantee she won't leave this earth until she knows it's time.

Whether the recent story is true or not, Zsa Zsa is a fighter. And she won't go down without a fight.

Good luck Zsa Zsa. You may be down, but you're not out ...

Even if you think you are, or at least, even if your publicist thinks you are.

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