Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rant #468: YouTube Makes Everybody a Star

Back in 1970, Sly and the Family Stone had a hit record with "Everybody Is a Star." The song, one of the feel-good anthems of the day, reached the No. 1 spot on Billboard's Hot 100. Everytime I hear the song, it reminds me of a different place, a different time in my life.

Well, Sly Stone couldn't have foreseen that the name of that song would come true.

Yes, with YouTube, everybody really is a star.

Andy Warhol once said that everyone would be famous for 15 minutes, and coupled with Sly Stone's song, that couldn't be truer than it is today.

YouTube gives everyone the potential to be famous. Look what it did to Justin Bieber. And look what it is doing for 12-year-old Jenna Rose Swerdlow.

Who is Jenna Rose Swerdlow?

Her YouTube song, "My Jeans," has now surpassed one million hits. It is pretty bad, a song likening her jewelry studded jeans with those worn by celebrities, including "Hannah Montana" (Miley Cyrus) and Ashley Tisdale, two other performers who have had their careers catapulted via YouTube.

The stuff is trash, but people love it. And they can listen for free, and if they know how to do it, they can capture both the video and the audio and keep it forever as a file on their computers.

Maybe this will start a career for young Jenna, maybe not. But the fact of the matter is that the stuff, as amateurish as it sounds, is out there, and you know that Hollywood is watching and listening.

This is where new stars are being born!

With that in mind, I have added my own YouTube video to the mix. You can see it here, but click onto http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuSm3ZS45Ks so it will register as a hit.

It was shot back in 1966 or 1967, when I was just a young pup. I was playing baseball in the Rochdale Village Athletic League (RVAL), and you will see my athletic prowess (really lack thereof) in the video.

Let's get this up to 1 million hits and make it the latest sensation on the Internet!

It has already registered more than 500 views, so getting to 1 million shouldn't be that difficult.

I will be away tomorrow with some medical exams, but I will be back on Thursday.

By then, there's no telling how many hits my video will have!

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