Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The latest Swedish Top 10 Hits- as Sarah & Swingfly move into poll positions

Week of 18/3/2011 -
The top 2 remains the same- as Eric Saade gets more popular, and Danny- the clubber stays at No:2. Swingfly justifies his Globen placing from semi final 1- by rising to No:3. Six globen finalist made the Top 10 + the fantastic Loreen track 'My heart is Refusing Me' is the only non- finalist at No: 10. I am just wondering had Loreen gained a place in the final just how far could this track have gone, its a real grower.
Now outside this top 10 - we find Linda Bengtzing up to No:15. Sanna Nielsen is way back at No: 31 for some reason but on the rise. while Sanna's new album 'I'm in love' is top 3 on the album chart. Sweden has a melo artist at No:1 in the album chart- of all the artists The Playtones 'Rock n Roll King' album is new entry this week. Swingfly and Linda Pritchard have both entries in the top 20 album-lists.

Thanks to hitparad.se for chart list- click here to view full chart list

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