Saturday, March 19, 2011

H.E.L.L.O from Latvia's Lauris Reiniks

All the eurovision songs have been choosen and selected in preparation for Dusseldorf, it's always good to look at the one's that got away- or missed out in the National selections that still take place in some countries in Europe. Over in Latvia we found someone we recognised with Lauris.

If we can cast our mind back to Eurovision 2003! you may remember a pop trio from Latvia F.L.Y who song 'Hello from Mars' that was a favourite of mine from back then. Lauris was one of the main vocalist in F.L.Y. and since then has been busy becoming a big name in Latvia-Last year Lauris had a european hit With 'Es Skrienu' or in italian transalted to Correro da te (check out his great soap-Video) This track would have been a perfect eurovision song!

However for 2011 Lauris wrote a equally great song called
Banjo Laura in Eirodziesma 2011 contest he easily qualified for the final- and although getting top televote scores. His song lost out to Musiqq's 'Angel in Disguise' in the Top 3 super-final,
perhapes due to 'Laura- having abit much of the Fairytale/Rybak 2009 -factor.

The song a still a worthy winner we think & funny video to boot! (above) Come back to eurovision soong Lauris.

Lauris back in his Mc F.L.Y days

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