Sunday, March 6, 2011

Doctor Who - Series 6 Latest Filming/Comic Relief 2011 - EDITED

Attention folks, awesomeness ensues.

Okay, this blog has been edited for a big ass spoiler - CYBERMATS!. I know Matt Smith is a fan of The Tomb Of The Cybermen but this is awesome. I can't believe they're back. In scenes filming, both the Doctor (liking the green tweed outfit) and Craig with a baby are doing battle with one of the nasties. So I guess Cybermen are totally in this episode then. Credit to Timeboy on Gallifreybase for the snap and filming footage linked below this blog.

Is this the end of Amy and Rory? When this picture was released, it seemed to confirm to fans that both characters were on the way out but given that the finale hasn't been shot yet, it seems premature to assume they're going. Okay, I do think that by the end of Series 6 or the 2011 Christmas special, both characters could be gone but until Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill's exits are officially announced, perhaps it's premature to think the worst just yet. Still though, it does look like Amy and Rory are having an argument or some kind of a disagreement in that picture.

And doing such a great job last season, James Corden began filming his episode this week, which is the 12th one being written by Gareth Roberts and apart from scenes with Matt Smith, it's looking likely that Craig is definitely in this episode for more than a cameo. There were also scenes with Amy and Rory in a shop and various on set tweets also mentioned something about a woman remembering her childhood. Amy? The director of this episode has also been confirmed as Steve Hughes.

Elsewhere Lynda Baron (Captain Wrack from Enlightenment, singer from The Gunfighters) has also been cast in this episode, though her role hasn't been confirmed but it's being suspected that she could be playing Craig's mother, which makes sense. Sadly, no news on whether or not the lovely Daisy Haggard will be reprising her role as Sophie in this one.

However close to home, Comic Relief 2011 will feature not one but two four minute scenes, written by Steven Moffat and featuring the Doctor, Amy and Rory. The scenes called Space and Time feature the gang and two versions of Amy Pond, which will undoubtedly go down a storm with the male population, especially as Moff cheekily said that we'll see Amy flirt with herself. The scene can be seen on March 18th on BBC1 and with any luck, a new trailer for Series 6 might surface but that is not a promise, just a hope on my part. There are increasing rumours that the first two episodes of the new series will air on April 23 and 24th respectively but nothing's confirmed yet. Perhaps Thursday's issue of DWM might shed some light.

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