Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Anais Demoustier
Shooting Star / Breakthrough Performer at HIFF 2010
In the background: MOMA Curator Rajendra Roy
(He was the Breakthrough Panel Moderator at HIFF)

Coming from Paris, Anais Demoustier was one of the very special Shooting Star/ Breakthrough Performers honored at The Hampton's Film Festival (HIFF 2010) last year.

In person she is charming, sweet, pretty in a very girl-next-door-in-Paris way. In the two films I've seen (SWEET EVIL and LIVING ON LOVE ALONE) she seems to play just that sort of girl -- herself, carefree and friendly -- until you discover that she is NOT!

She has become one of the most sought-after young actresses in France. She has no less than 5 features, 2 TV movies & 2 shorts that came out in 2010 and, so far, 3 more features coming out in 2011.

She was represented at HIFF by SWEET EVIL. In the current Rendez-Vous with French Cinema, she appears in LIVING ON LOVE ALONE - D'AMOUR ET D'EAU FRAICHE

Here's a list of her recent films, with the character she plays and the director:

2011 The Last Winter (post-production) -- Julie -- John Shank
2011 Les pauvres gens (post-production) -- Robert Gu�diguian
2011 Sponsoring (post-production) -- Charlotte (also starring Juliette Binoche)
-- Malgorzata Szumowska
2010 Pauline (short) -- C�line Sciamma
2010 Fracture (TV movie) -- Anna Kagan -- Alain Tasma
2010 D'amour et d'eau fra�che -- Julie Bataille -- Isabelle Czajka (at Rendez-Vous with French Cinema)
2010 Elsewhere -- Jeanne, la routarde -- Fr�d�ric Pelle
2010 Belle �pine -- Sonia Cohen (Also starring Lea Seydoux) -- Rebecca Zlotowski
2010 George et Fanchette (TV movie) -- Fanchette -- Jean-Daniel Verhaeghe
2010 Dans la jungle des villes (short) -- Julia -- St�phane Demoustier
2010 Monsieur l'abb� (short) -- Blandine Lenoir
2010 Sweet Evil -- Celine -- Olivier Coussemacq (at HIFF)

(Note: French use "Sentence Case" structure not "Title Case" structure to format titles.)

Anais Demoustier on IMDB:

Anais Demoustier
Learning to shoot

This film, LIVING ON LOVE ALONE - D'AMOUR ET D'EAU FRAICHE, as just about everyone that saw the film remarked (and the film notes also point out), is a perfect example of Godard's famous remark: All you need to make a film is a girl and a gun.

The film seems like a blissfully simple, detailed description of a young girl's increasingly troubled attempt to succeed in social and business situations in which things just keep going a little bit wrong, and then a little bit wronger.

It could be described as: casual living, casual sex, casual cruelty, casual fun, casual relationships, more casual sex, casual misunderstandings, casual work, casual crime.

The film will be shown at RENDEZ-VOUS WITH FRENCH CINEMA 2011

Wed. March 9, 7:50pm - IFC;
Thurs. March 10, 4pm - WRT;
Sat. March 12, 6:15pm - WRT;

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