Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rant #450: Hey, Hey, They're Back

In our lives, we can bank on certain things to happen to us fairly regularly.

We know we have to pay taxes each and every year.

We know that when we go to the pump, we are going to pay more for gassing up than we did a year ago.

We know that every once in a while, Lindsay Lohan will run afoul of the law and claim that she is an innocent child.

We can also count on the Monkees--well at least three of them--to return together in another reunion.

Well, guess what?

They've done it again!

The Monkees--sans Mike Nesmith, of course--will be performing reunion concerts throughout May in England.

This is great news, because as I see it, if these concerts go well--and the boys haven't played Europe in years--then you just know they will be booked for an American concert tour too.

The Monkees are a phenomenon that just won't stop, and I think I know why.

Their music is timeless, the project that they were the center of is still breaking ground today, and the three guys--and Nesmith too--are actually pretty smart people. They know when to start, when to stop, and when it is time to rev it up again.

And now is the time.

As I mentioned in rants way back, this is the 45th anniversary of the debut of "The Monkees" TV show, and the No. 45 has become an important anniversary to celebrate.

There's a lot on the market in Monkeedom, including re-releases of their incredible film, "Head," and the accompanying expanded soundtrack, so it's not like there's nothing out there if people want to buy them.

But it also paves the way for a 50th anniversary celebration in 2016, and perhaps even Nesmith will mark that occasion.

So they are back, and I am looking forward to seeing them again.

I interviewed by Micky and Mike years ago, and they are nice people. Micky, in particular, is smart enough to know his and his bandmates' place in musical history, and I can tell you, he does not flaunt it one bit, or at least he didn't to me.

He is still in awe of the recognition the group continues to receive. He is really an average Joe who happens to be a celebrity.

And while all of them have had their ups and downs over the years, every few years they get back together to celebrate the undertaking that made them famous on a worldwide basis.

Other than the Beatles, can your mom name every member of any other rock group?

I doubt it, I really do. She may know Mick Jagger is a member of the Stones, but does she know Charlie Watts?

The Monkees are back, and I have to say I am really happy about this.

Even though they are not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, they are in my personal HoF.

They are really great, always have been, always will be.

Yes, I am a fan, have been one since 1966, and will be one my whole life.

And yes, I flaunt that, I really do!

Hey, Hey ...


May 12th Liverpool Echo Arena

May 24th Manchester Apollo

May 15th Newcastle City Hall

May 16th Glasgow Clyde Auditorium

May 19th London Royal Albert Hall

May 20th Sheffield City Hall

May 21st Birmingham NIA Academy

May 23rd Plymouth Pavillions

May 24th Cardiff CIAgoodma

May 25th Nottingham Royal Centre

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