Monday, February 7, 2011

Rant #439: The Streak Is Over

On Super Bowl Sunday, my son and I took in an NBA game at Madison Square Garden between the New York Knicks and the Philadelphia 76ers.

My son had never been in person when the Knicks won. Over the past three seasons, he had been 0-5.

And we had seen some of the worst basketball possible, too. These weren't just losses, they were abominations.

I also had a streak. I had not been in person when the Knicks won since 1985! That's 25 years!

Well, guess what? THE KNICKS WON! 117-103.

Yes, the streak is over, over and done with.

Maybe my son and I have started a new streak--the Knicks never lose when we are in attendance.

We won't know that until next season, because after attending three games--opening night, a game against the Hawks, and this game, all in nose-bleed seats--I am tapped out, and we won't be going to any more games this season.

But finally we got a win.

Yes, I had a good feeling about this game from the start.

On the way into the Garden via the Long Island Railroad, I told my son I had a good feeling, and that the Knicks were going to win.

I guess I had ESP, because for once, I was right.

Amare Stoudemire had a huge game, with 41 points, and rookie Landry Field scored 25. Raymond Felton had 13 points and 13 assists. It was a real team game.

And the Garden was hopping.

When the Knicks are playing well, the Garden is about the loudest place on earth.

The fans were into the game, chanting and yelling and screaming the entire game.

There were lots of kids in attendance due to the early (12 noon) start, so the energy level was high, and the Knicks, for once, did not disappoint.

I don't know where the Knicks are going this year--hopefully to the playoffs, but beyond the first round, I really don't know--but at least for one game, they brought a high energy level to their home arena, and my son and I didn't see a flop like we normally do.

Take that, Super Bowl.

In fact, when we came home, and concurrent with the Super Bowl, MSG Network replayed the Knicks game--and I watched it again!

Now that is real sports entertainment, isn't it?

Let's go Knicks!

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