Saturday, February 12, 2011

Melodifestivalen 2011: Heat Two - Live Blog

It's week two! Here we go :) Refresh this post, as I'll be live blogging the show.

EDIT: Is it just me or do these hosts look like Same Difference in this Aqua parody?

EDIT: And the video after that. Oh my god. That was actually scary...

EDIT: Oh god, it's that "I Love Europe" guy. It just reminds me how much I hated that song. Not sure why he's doing this opening, but it's unnecessary.

EDIT: Ooh, this preview is in English!

BROLLE: I really liked this. Of course, I've been a fan of his for awhile. The vocals were excellent, the song was great and the styling was perfect. For some reason I still sort of worry for his chances, but this is a personal highlight, regardless of what happens.

LOREEN: That thing (tattoo? paint?) on her lips is very distracting. And she looks like she's wearing a mop! The vocals were excellent, but the song still hasn't won me over. And with her lack of name recognition, I don't think it will be enough. But the voters could surprise us. Maybe a 5th place finish?

BABSAN: It's time to bring in the drag queen. What MF would be complete without one? I get the entertainment value, but this song is not good. The video screen thing was a bit odd, too. And the video feed kept cutting out on this performance. The audience loved it, though.

ELISABETH: Lots of holding out of the arms in a "this is me, aren't I grand?" fashion. As far as MF ballads go, this was pretty middling. Still, the vocals were flawless and she'll get the older vote, despite the song sounding very similar to many others. This could, unfortunately, be a qualifier.

SANNA: Goodwill alone should get her in the final (in my--possibly unpopular--opinion, she should have won in 2008). And this song is excellent. I'm not sure what that thing was supposed to be that she was performing in. It really restricted her movement, but it doesn't change the fact that this was good schlager! And the people flying up at the end was AWESOME.

THE MONIKER: This, as the lyrics described, was a wonderful surprise. The song was good, the staging was fantastic and Daniel sounded pretty good. I fear this will follow the Le Kid route and fail to qualify, but I quite liked it. Funny how it's the second song in a row shouting "I'm in love" over and over.

ANNIELA: Cool staging! I still love the chorus to this, but I don't think anything about the song is distinct enough to make much of an impression. The verses really let it down. It just sort of came and went.

CHRISTIAN: Um... bad beard. That aside, I like this song but sort of wish it was sung by a different singer (like Darin). It's very much a retread of Darin's entry from last year. I still think it will qualify easily. Unfortunately, my feed kept cutting out towards the end. Why couldn't it have done that with Elisabeth's song instead?

OK, my (probably wrong) predictions:
Straight through: Sanna, Christian
Andra Chansen: Brolle, Elisabeth (and maybe the Moniker if audience reaction is any indication)

EDIT: Oh my... the I Love Europe Guy is gonna do glam rock. This should be interesting. (And it's gonna be "Life On Mars"? My ears! My ears!!)

EDIT: And moving on are Christian, the Moniker, Brolle, Sanna and Loreen. Couldn't have asked for much better! And that stupid ballad was last place! YES!

EDIT: I am feeling all sorts of love for The Moniker...

EDIT: And Sanna is the first to go direct to the final! Well deserved, for sure :)

EDIT: I say that Loreen is the obvious fifth place finish, but I've been surprised before....

EDIT: As stated before, I have a hunch that the Moniker may beat out Christian for the second direct to final spot.

EDIT: What an interesting assortment of outfits in that green room!

EDIT: Despite a couple of clunkers, I think I prefer the songs from this week to last week's.

EDIT: Wow, "Cosmos" sure went all out in the glam rock department, didn't he? Lame. This PERFORMANCE is a "saddening bore."

EDIT: Christian is out! Wow, that's a huge surprise. And Loreen to andra chansen. Brolle direct to final! Another huge surprise, which means that the Moniker is in andra chansen. I guess my hunch about him was only slightly right. VERY happy for Brolle! Very well deserved. This performance is amazing.

EDIT: So now we have our first four finalists. Danny, Swingfly, Sanna and Brolle. Is there a winner here yet? I don't think so, but I like all four!

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