Friday, February 4, 2011

Melodifestivalen 2011: Heat One - Preliminary Judging

Yes, yes, yes! Melodifestivalen is back for another year, and it's poised to be the biggest yet. While I can't say I'm behind the decision to post the clips in these weird lo-fi audio/video teasers this year, that doesn't mean I won't follow tradition and do some preliminary ratings before the show tomorrow. As always, my opinion can radically change once I've heard the songs in full, but that's half the fun!

(Listen to clips here)

Dilba - Try Again
This sounds so much clubbier than I expected to. Not necessarily a bad thing, but it seems like the vocals need to be brought up in the mix. This shouldn't matter in the live performance, but the recording seems to be missing just a bit of oomph. Altogether, it sounds great, but the contest has a history of forgetting this type of track. 4/5

Swingfly - Me & My Drum
Swedish rap is so much better than American rap. This sounds like a typical Swingfly song -- so-so verses, excellent hook. He's got the name recognition, but doesn't seem to fit very well in the context of the other acts. Right now, this sounds pleasant but forgettable. 3/5

Jenny Silver - Something In Your Eyes
Couldn't be more different from her entry last year. I love the blatant Abba production. It certainly sounds like the campiest entry in this heat, but also the catchiest. A showstopping performance could see this advance. 4.5/5

Jonas Matsson - On My Own
The sound of this has potential, but the melody and vocals seem very dull. It's hard to tell from the clip, but it doesn't seem to have much of a hook. Probably my least favorite of the heat right now. 2/5

Le Kid - Oh My God
I think a lot of people are counting on this being Le Kid's big breakthrough. And, as with their other songs, it sounds quite good. Not sure if it's up with their best yet, but I'm very eager to hear more. It seems like the full version could be quite anthemic. 4/5

Rasmus Viberg - Social Butterfly
This could be the big surprise of the first week. As others have said, this has a sound very reminiscent of Alexander Rybak's Fairytale (and we all know how that turned out). I can see this doing well. 3.5/5

Pernilla Andersson - Desperados
One of the bigger names in this heat, I have a feeling this song will do well. It's the only ballady one, though it's not quite a ballad. It's definitely the most "mature" sounding of the pack. Not necessarily my cup of tea, but it sounds pleasant enough. 3/5

Danny - In The Club
This is harder and more American-influenced (or at least UK-influenced) than I expected. I'm not sure how I feel yet, though it's definitely catchy. And he'll sail through on name recognition. I have a feeling I'll like this more when I hear the full version. 3.5/5

All in all, strong heat. Though I don't think we have the eventual winner here. As to who I think will go through? Danny and Pernilla straight through, with Le Kid and Rasmus Viberg (though Jenny or Swingfly could eke it out) through to the second chance round.

*I'll be blogging tomorrow throughout the show, so be sure to check back for my thoughts (and to see if my predictions come true!)


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