Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tuckered Out

You know how I have been working on my closet?? Still in work, but almost under control.

In the meantime, BoyCat and GirlCat have been quite manic. I think they are interested and excited to see the environment change. They love novelty--But--what if Mama throws out the cats with the stuff? This could be bad!!

So I have distracted them from standing in the way of progress, calmed them down, and increased their fun through BRIBERY. They have been playing with a filmy spangled scarf I planned to throw away. My mom sent it to me for Halloween one year--for what character, I don't know. If you drape it over a cat, they can see through it and yet they are deliciously hidden at the same time! Oh, my gosh! They have been pouncing on each other and running around, all because of this scarf.

The other layer of junk on top of this flat file is a long, crackly piece of packing paper and an Ace Hardware bag. Same thing--hide and seek, tearing, wrinkling, crackling, and finally, after a hard day's play:

The bag and crackly paper will wear out by the end of this weekend. I think the scarf is now a permanent cat toy.
My superstars. LOL.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

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