Surfing the Waves with the Zombies.
Zombie Boss is out Monday and most of Tuesday. So Zombie Assistant and I are going to get rid of a pile of work that between the three of us has fallen through the cracks. I can't wait until this all gets underway.
Now that my closet is clean (and I don't think I'll have to mention it as a Big Project ever again, and therefore never again), the biggest pile around in Condo Stuff.
Well, the Board said they wanted a Condo Library. So besides the work I do down in the basement over the next two days, I will be culling the old meetings, contracts, and other stuff to make a condo-board-only space for financial documents, hot-button issues, and the like.
This also takes time. However, it will clean off my dining table, so do you think I am complaining? We had our meeting last week, and when I came home all I could see was that the pile was one binder larger than before.
Tomorrow I get to measure it and order the shelves and small reading platform that will be in this tiny room. I will make keys for all the Board Members. Good-bye, freaking Charlie, to the audits, the reserve studies, and the financials.
Look! They're all headed in the Same Direction! That might be good or bad . . . but something will get resolved, for sure!
Tomorrow I have some new things for Crime and Economics. And I'm getting caught up on blogs, too! I have missed you all terribly.
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