Friday, June 11, 2010

Rant #275: Watch Your Melons

Hide those melons in your local supermarket, because Debrahlee Lorenzana may be out to get them!

Yes, the comely Ms. Lorenzana has taken the New York and national media by storm this past week, and it all has to do with her breasts.

It seems that this shapely gal was at one time employed by Citibank. Evidently, she was given the boot there because she showcased her shapely figure in tight, cleavage showing clothing that the company felt was completely inappropriate for the workplace.

When she was terminated, the bank said that because of her choice of dress, she was proving to be a distraction.

She sued, of course, and that is when the media firestorm started.

The New York Daily News, never a newspaper to be left abreast of such matters, gave her a media platform, and she has taken off from the ground faster than Supergirl.

But give credit to the Daily News. They also exposed her as a phony--or at least her figure as phony--as it later printed a photo of her when she was on a reality show a few years ago. The photo they used showed her pawing two large melons, putting them up to her chest, and telling someone that this is the size breasts that she wanted through plastic surgery, and that she wanted to look like a Playboy model.

You can see the video below.

Well, evidently she got what she wanted as far as her breasts were concerned.

And with all the daily publicity she has received from the New York media--and also nationally--you know it's only a matter of time before Playboy knocks at her door.

She has since moved onto JP Morgan Chase, and they have told her to calm down her antics. However, she has taken offense to that, saying that she will also take them to court if they muzzle her.

She went to work yesterday, in some sort of ensemble that accentuated her fake curves but didn't show too much.

The whole thing is that obviously, this woman is a publicity hunting person, and she has gotten what she wanted.

But even though she is as she is, and she is as phony as a $3 bill, was Citibank correct in terminating her because the figures she was accentuating had nothing to do with checks and balances?

Banking remains a very conservative industry. My wife works in this field, and she will tell you the same thing. Banks don't want to draw too much attention to themselves, and certainly don't want the attention that a curvy woman brings to the table.

My wife has told me that in the places that she has worked, several females have been told to cover up their assets.

But is this a reason to fire a woman?

I don't know if that is a reason to fire a woman, but this headline-grabbing lady is completely repulsive. And the media buys into this, which is even more repulsive.

Let's count the days before Debrahlee Lorenzana leaves her current position and makes a windfall from Playboy. I am sure that day is coming soon, and once it does, we don't have to hear about this melon head anymore.

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