Friday, June 11, 2010

Picnic Time with Mrs. Fuzz

I think school lunches are done for the season. In its place, day-camp lunches and short picnics begin. Then work lunches continue as usual.

I don't generally write about food, but Mrs. Fuzz does. She packs the most gorgeous lunches I've ever seen, American food in the Japanese style of presentation a la Bento boxes. She packs lunches for a husband on the run and for her children, as below. Nothing blah about her lunchbox!

Here is one picture. She has the healthy, the fun, the finicky appetite, and the presentation all figured out.

In many of her examples, such as top left, she cuts the food to fit the size of the box, instead of opting for a huge, unwieldy piece of food storage with hard-to-eat, huge components flopping around inside. That's pizza, ya'all, as finger food. I have seen her do the same with a banana, one short, easy-to-peel fitted piece in another style box.

This thoughtful lunch includes two different flavors of muffin but the calories of only one, sliced and ready to eat. Fresh vegetables. Fresh fruit. The sky's the limit.

Design at its best includes both function and beauty. Check out all sixty-odd bento boxes--different shapes of box, different colors and foods--and a host of other good things, at Fuzz Food. I daresay her design sense will inspire you in other aspects of life. Mrs. Fuzz also blogs about her daily life. She's civic-minded, personal, funny, serious, and a wonderful writer--over at a police wife.

I have ordered a couple of Bento-style food storage items . . . . so inspiring. She's an artist.

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