Monday, June 7, 2010

Kokoda Track: Post Scripts One and Two

Battlefield Discovered
Slamdunk sent me a link to the latest information on the Kokoda Track, the jungle-and-mountain road where the New Guinea Campaign took place in World War II. In my first post, I indicated that many Australians make pilgirmage to New Guinea to honor the sacrifice of those veterans, those that died and those that lived afterward with malaria and the knowledge of great privation and suffering.

Former Army Captain Brian Freeman was looking for a hospital site in the jungle, sixty years later--and found more than he expected--the remains of a huge battle at Eora Creek. The pictures are great and the article very interesting. I think it adds to the visualization of the terrain as well.

My first post is here: The Kokoda Track, part I
My second post is here: The Kokoda Track, part II
My third post is here, about the 93rd Engineers: How to Build a Landing Strip in a New Guinea Swamp

Better Photographs and Interesting Artifacts
Some time ago, I received a very nice letter from a representative of the Australian War Memorial. All the pictures I used can be perused in full size at the Australian War Memorial site.  In addition, they have battalion diaries on-line in facsimile and other artifacts to view to your heart's content. It's truly a wonderful site to explore.

Thank you, Slamdunk!
And thanks to Ms. H for telling me about the wonderful Memorial site!

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