Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Scissor Sisters - Isn't It Strange

"Isn't it strange that your face is deranged?"

Before recording the upcoming Night Work, Scissor Sisters scrapped an entire album's worth of material. Rumor is, it was much more Ta Dah (their last album) than their new stuff. Isn't It Strange is a cut from the soundtrack of the new Shrek movie (which looks abominable, by the way), and will not be on Night Work. I wouldn't be surprised if this was one of those scrapped album songs. And it's not because it's bad. Quite the contrary, actually. It's because it sounds very Scissor Sisters circa 2006. It's about as honky tonk as the band gets, with a bit of an ELO and Abba influence in the chorus. Very Waterloo-esque, old-school country-glam. Clocking in at just over two minutes, it's short and sweet and perfect for a soundtrack. I don't think it's memorable enough for an album (and certainly not a single), but I personally love it. I'm going through a huge SS resurgence right now. Can't really get enough.

Scissor Sisters - Isn't It Strange by tattoowesley

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder Night Work here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

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