Friday, May 14, 2010

Romania 'Playing With Fire' Paula Seling with Ovi (from Norway)

There is a lot of discussion about too many ballads in Eurovision 2010- yet there
is plenty of up-beat tunes on offer like 'Playing with Fire' I like this one it has
a great hook, I hope it will do well for Romania put them back in the Top 10.
They are almost look like Lynsey DePaul & Mick Moran (UK Entry 1977)

As Paula Seling is a successful singer/songwriter from Romania who has her own
album released in English. Ovi Martin has a great track record at home in Norway
for songwriting and performing in MGP.
Here is Ovi's first try at Eurovision glory in Norsk Melodi Grand Prix 2006
when his song 'Better side of Me' made the second Chance round but not
the Grand final- Last year in MGP he did make the cut with a big hit 'Seven seconds'

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