Sunday, May 16, 2010

Oxycontin Junkie JailCat

This afternoon, GirlCat still hissed and cursed her beloved brother whenever I lost my will to run Solitary Confinement. That will was Easily Renewed, considering the Spite and Bad Manners, not to mention AntiSocial Tendencies displayed. No remorse? No freedom!

I don't know what drugs BoyCat's getting, (they did not label them, which is a distinct clue),  but as long as GirlCat stays away he looked pretty darned tranquil. Those staples don't bother him one bit. Two doses to go, and then all hell will probably break loose. I will have to wrestle that cone onto his wringable neck.

I would say poor baby, but does he write the checks? Aw, poor sleepy baby. Twenty four more hours, and then it's lock-down rehab for you.

Anyway, GirlCat made a truce at last with society. She doesn't have to Like society to get along in it. There must be Some Way of endangering it where she will Not Get Caught.  After several intercepted forays into the Medicinal Cat Food, she finally gave up. I found her hours later tucked under the bedspread AND the pillows, trying to shut reality out. Maybe she wanted a dose of Oxycontin too.

If anyone deserves it, I am first in line. However, as the premier keeper of Order in this joint (and who nominated ME, anyway? Must have been the checkbook) my chance at Oxycontin is dead last.

Fortunately, there is coffee. I understand it has a totally different effect, but that works for me.

Update: Here is the evil Princess. Does she look p.o. 'ed or What? Anyway, in this picture one can see she has Completely cut off her nose to spite her face. And I do mean spite.

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