Friday, May 14, 2010

National Police Week: Part Three, Law & Order Ain't Free

National Police Week is May 9th through 15th, 2010. The D.C. Events will be from the 12th through 16th.

Today's Events:
Today the 8th Annual Honor Guard Competition begins at 8:30 a.m., corner of 4th and Pennsylvania NW.

The Emerald Society Pipe and Band March starts about 6 p.m. at 415 New Jersey Avenue, around Capitol Hill.

Today's Tiny Tribute:
This is Number Three in a Five-Part Series celebrating Police Officers: Jack Webb with the asshats that pay his salary. A classic.

Good luck to all the honor guard contestants. It is a grave and wonderful thing you do. Your excellence means, in the times of deepest stress and sorrow, that honor and brotherhood will continue perpetually.

It's my understanding that you do this as volunteers. Which makes Jack Webb even more relevant today.

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