Thursday, May 20, 2010

Android edges past Windows Mobile in global market share

Gartner's Q1 2010 Smartphone Sales Chart
Gartner released a new report that detailed worldwide smartphone sales to end users by operating system during the first quarter of 2010.

The research firm found that Android's marketshare rose from 1.6% during the first quarter of 2009 to 9.6% during the first quarter of 2010. That pushed Google's operating system past Microsoft's Windows Mobile, which had a 10.1% market share during the first quarter of 2009 and fell to just a 6.8 percent share during Q1 2010. Apple's iPhone OS X had a 15.4% share during the first quarter, up from a 10.5% share in Q1 2009.

Nokia and RIM have the greatest OS share globally. Nokia's Symbian OS has a current share of 44.3%, down from 48.8% during Q1 2009, and RIM's OS share is 19.4%, also down from the 20.6% share it held in the first quarter of 2009.

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