Wednesday, May 12, 2010






Singer Maria Gadu


The CINE FEST PETROBRAS BRASIL is back for its eighth edition this year � June 5th thru June 12th. As always, the competitive screenings will take place at the Tribeca Cinemas while the annual outdoor spectacular at Summerstage, which usually opens the event, will take place this year as the Closing Night excitement. The 8TH CINE FEST PETROBRAS BRASIL is presented by the Inffinito Group.

The Festival will kick off at the Tribeca Cinemas on Saturday night, June 5th with the Opening Night film, THE WELL BELOVED ONE (O Bem Amado) (description below), and other screenings followed by a rollicking Brazilian party. For the next 7 days and nights, the most exciting cinema Brasil is producing will be on tap, followed each night by a reception complete with caphirinas and a hot Brazilian DJ. Many of the filmmakers and cast members from the 8th CINE FEST PETROBRAS BRASIL film presentations will be in New York to attend the festivities and participate in Q & A sessions following the films.


The Closing Night film on Saturday, June 12th, to be presented outdoors in Central Park at Summerstage, will be the documentary OSCAR NIEMEYER � LIFE IS A BREATH OF AIR (description below). But prior to the screening will be the exciting performance of one of Brasil�s top bands � PARALAMAS DO SUCESSO who will be performing with Special Guest Maria Gadu!!

PARALAMAS DO SUCESSO is the most successful Brazilian rock band with over 12 albums released and a strong international following. Formed in the early 80�s, its members are Herbert Vianna (guitar and lead vocals), Bi Ribeiro (bass), and Jo�o Barone (drums). In its beginning, the band combined reggae and ska with rock, but later added horn arrangements and Latin rhythms. The Paralamas are considered part of the �Brasilila Gang� and are one of the "Big Four" bands of Brazilian rock. MARIA GADU is one of the rising young stars of Brasil�s music scene. Only 22 years-old, this singer from Sao Paulo has easily won over the Brazilian public with her beautiful voice and compositions and now the international audience!!

This year�s CINE FEST PETROBRAS BRASIL will be paying homage to the country�s capital city � Brasilia � as it celebrates its 50th Anniversary. There will be an exhibition at the Tribeca Cinemas to illustrate the construction of the city by the very well-known architects Oscar Niemeyer and Lucio Costa. The celebration of the city continues with the Summerstage film & concert as both Paralamas do Successo and Maria Gadu hail from that city. And a number of the films and/or filmmakers are set or are from Brasil�s most modern city.

Tickets for the 8th CINE FEST PETROBRAS BRASIL are on sale at (enter PETROBRAS or TRIBECA CINEMAS in the search bar) and are $10 for each film.

Many special events are free. Check the phone number below for more information.

The 8th CINE FEST PETROBRAS BRASIL full program, film descriptions and ticket information can be found on
or by calling 646-827-9333.

BLUE EYES (Olhos Azuis), Narrative / 2009, Directed by Jos� Joffily, featuring David Rasche, Cristina Lago, Irandhir Santos, Erica Gimpel, Frank Grillo, Val�ria Lorca, Pablo Uranga, Branca Messina, Hector Bordoni, Everaldo Pontes, Zezita Matos and Fernando Teixeira. Marshall, chief immigration officer of New York�s JFK Airport faced a compulsory retirement. On his last day of work, drunk and blinded by prejudice he harasses a group of Latin American visitors and exposes them to a series of humiliating events that result in the death of a young Brazilian. Years later, after serving a lengthy prison term and filled with guilt, Marshall goes to Brasil in search of the victim�s daughter and is guided by the young, Bia.

CABE�A A PR�MIO, Drama / 2009, Directed by Marco Ricca and starring Alice Braga, Daniel Hendler, F�lvio Stefanini, Otavio Muller, Eduardo Moscovis, C�ssio Gabus Mendes, Ana Braga, Via Negromonte and Cesar Troncoso. Decadence, power, betrayal. Three stories get intertwined in the arid border landscape � the end of the line where Brasil, Paraguay, and Bolivia meet. A land of strayed away, forgotten, disillusioned characters. An important cattle farmer and smuggler, his impulsive daughter in love with the father�s airplane pilot, and the gunman, who ordered to bring her back � himself victim of a love story.

ELVIS & MADONA, Comedy / 2010, Directed by Marcelo Laffitte, featuring Igor Cotrim, Simone Spoladore, S�rgio Bezerra, Mait� Proen�a, Buza Ferraz, Jos� Wilker, Alexandre da Costa, and others. A romantic comedy that deals with an unusual subject in a delicate and realistic way: a love story between young lesbian, Elvis and a transvestite, Madona. The story takes place in Copacabana, in Rio de Janeiro. The screenplay comprehends a full array of human types and, by following the journey of both protagonists, illustrates the conflicts generated by the evolution of behavior and custom. It is a modern and agile picture, and its soundtrack will follow the latest musical trends. Nevertheless, it is essentially a love story, proving that love can exist in any situation.

LOVE STORIES LAST ONLY 90 MINUTES (Hist�rias de Amor Duram Apenas 90 Minutos), Narrative / 2010, Directed by Paulo Halm, featuring Caio Blat, Maria Ribeiro, Luz Cipriota, Daniel Dantas and Lucia Bronstein. Zeca, a young writer, immersed in a novel he cannot write, lives an idle life. He is 30 years old, but behaves like a teenager. He is talented, but unfocused: he�ll write two sentences, then abandon the work. He has a strained relationship with his wife Julia, as a result of their antagonistic temperaments: Zeca is unmotivated, while Julia knows exactly what she wants. Zeca is unhappy, but appeased. Until the day that he starts to believe that Julia is cheating on him. And, much to his dismay, with another woman.

SO NORMAL 2 (Os Normais 2), Narrative / 2009, Directed by Jos� Alvarenga Jr., featuring Danielle Winits, Drica Moraes, Cl�udia Raia, Daniele Suzuki, Mayana Neiva, Alinne Moraes, and Daniel Dantas. It�s a mistake to think that Rui and Vani�s saga had come to an end. Luiz Fernando Guimar�es and Fernanda Torres bring back their outstanding characters in Os Normais. Just like in TV Globo's series and in the first feature film, a good laugh is guaranteed when the couple decides spice up their relationship and goes after someone to join them in this adventure.

SUNSTROKE (Insola��o),
Romance / 2009, Directed by: Felipe Hirsch and Daniela Thomas, featuring Paulo Jos�, Antonio Medeiros, Simone Spoladore, Leonardo Medeiros, Andr� Frateschi, Maria Luisa Mendon�a, Leandra Leal, Jorge Emil, Daniela Piepszyk and Emilio di Biasi. Sunstroke tells stories of unrequited Love. �Love and loss. Loss, mostly�, says a character. In an empty city, scorched by the Sun, the young and old confuse the fever of sunstroke with the delicate birth of passion. Like ghosts, they hover through buildings and endless flatland in search of the ever elusive Love. Inspired by 19th century Russian short stories, the plots weave and unravel together in the improbable city of Bras�lia � a distorted mirror-image of the soviet utopia � located in the heart of the Brazilian desert. Paulo Jos�, the actor whose life is intertwined with the history of Brazilian cinema, plays Andrei, the nostalgic witness of these stories.

TIME OF PEACE (Tempos de Paz),
Drama / 2009, Directed by Daniel Filho, featuring Tony Ramos, Dan Stulbach, Daniel Filho, Louise Cardoso, Ailton Gra�a, Anselmo Vasconcelos, Ewa Stulbach, and others. The whole story takes place on the 18th of April in the year 1945. The battles had ceased in Europe, but Brasil still found itself technically at war. The encounter between the interrogator, a customs official and former-torturer for the Political Police of President Vargas and a Polish ex-actor who had lived the horrors of war but was suspected of being a Nazi fugitive, takes place in the Rio de Janeiro port immigration office. The film portrays a critical period of Brazilian history and speaks of Manichaeism and of fighting for life.

THE WELL BELOVED ONE (O Bem Amado), Comedy / 2010, Directed by Guel Arraes, featuring Marco Nanini, Matheus Nachtergaele, Jos� Wilker, and others. Based on the literary work of Dias Gomes, O Bem Amado tells the story of the mayor of Sucupira, Odorico Paragua�u, who has as his main aim in his administration the inauguration of a cemetery. On one side the Cajazeiras sisters support him. On the other he has to fight the strong opposition led by Neco Pedreira, owner of the town's gazette.

MAMONAS 4-EVER (Mamonas Para Sempre), Documentary / 2009, Directed by Cl�udio Kahns. Mamonas Forever is the amazing story of five talented musicians, from the suburbs of S�o Paulo to the biggest success in the Brazilian music history. After five years playing dense rock music and performing' seriously as Utopia band, chance knocked on the door. There was only one request, they had to show their extroverted selves: happy and irreverent. What was sad became funny and satirical in all senses, and the Mamonas Assassinas were born. In only 10 months they put the country upside down and as never seen before, rock music united families to sing, dance, laugh and cry.

OSCAR NIEMEYER � LIFE IS A BREATH OF AIR, Documentary / 2007, Directed by Fabiano Maciel. Is it possible to tell a story of a nation through its architecture? It�s been said that the most important aspect of a building is the legacy that it represents for the society that built it. Therefore the work of Oscar Niemeyer, and his generation, is undoubtedly the best Brasil has ever produced, architecture with a soul of its own inspired in the country�s geography and that influenced architects worldwide. OSCAR NIEMEYER � LIFE IS A BREATH OF AIR is a movie that without trying to imitate the uniqueness of its subject relies on the precision of his lines and on the poetry of his forms, in order to reconstruct the history of the greatest icon of Brasil�s Modern Architecture.

QUEEN OF BRASIL (Rainhas), Documentary / 2010, Directed by Fernanda Tornaghi and Ricardo Bruno, featuring F�bio Mota, Otac�lio J�nior, Marcos Andr�, Alexandre Braga, Nany People, Luiza Ramil, Cleidina Mota and Aline Mota. F�bio is a small town boy from the Amazon region. He departs to Rio de Janeiro hoping to become the next Miss Gay Brasil. The documentary tells the story of Fabio and his partner as they embark on a journey towards a little known national beauty pageant which mobilizes the lives of hundreds of guys around the country � all pursuing the dream of being crowned Brasil�s most beautiful girl.

RITA CADILLAC - THE LADY OF THE PEOPLE (Rita Cadillac � A Lady Do Povo), Documentary / 2010, Directed by Toni Venturi, featuring testemonials by Rog�ria, Drauzio Varella, Hector Babenco, Djalma Limonge Batista, Leleco, and others. Queen of the truck drivers, gold miners and godmother of jail inmates. Sex symbol in the 80�s, Rita Cadillac was the fantasy of a whole generation of Brazilian males. Now middle-aged, she has starred in 3 adult films in order to earn money for her retirement. An intimate documentary about the star and her private life.

STRAIGHT TO THE POINT (Onde a Coruja Dorme), Documentary / 2010, Directed by M�rcia Derraik and Simpl�cio Neto. This engaging documentary profiles Bezerra da Silva, a Brazilian music legend known as the father of �gangsta samba.� Da Silva�s songs, many of them written by residents of the slums of Rio de Janeiro, are social critiques that champion the underdog who must do whatever it takes to survive.

TAMBORO, Documentary / 2009, Directed by Sergio Bernardes, featuring Rose Marie Muraro, M�e Beata de Iemanj�, Leonardo Boff, Hermeto Pascoal, Aziz Ab�Saber, Orlando Valverde, Ailton Krenak, Velha Guarda da Portela, Seu Jorge, Afroreggae, Antonio Lisboa, Orlando Miranda de Carvalho, Repentistas Nordestinos and Movimento dos Sem Terra (MST). TAMBORO broaches the main social and environmental issues of Brasil. The deforestation of the Amazon Forrest, the conflicts over land property in the countryside, growing shanty-towns and increasing criminality in the great urban centers are exposed, creating a somewhat muralist panorama of our civilization. The documentary roves all over Brasil, from Mount Roraima to Aparados da Serra, revealing amazing images of our country.

(No Meio do Rio entre as �rvores), Documentary / 2009, Directed by Jorge Bodanzky. It is the result of an expedition to the Alto Solim�es that ministered video, circus, and photography workshops to the creeks communities inside the reserves. The film was made by them, from the recently-learned technology, with an insider view aiming abroad, without interpreters. From the hearth of the Amazon to the world, we come to know how It is the daily life of these people who live in the farthest reach of Brasil. What they think, what are they�re dreams and hopes, how they solve the problems they face for living within the river, among the trees.


The 8th Cine Fest Petrobras Brasil�New York is presented by Petrobras with the sponsorship of Brasiliatur and Ancine; Official Airlines � American Airlines; Official Hotel � Hudson New York; Supported by the Ministry of Culture, Department of Culture/FNC, Consulate General of Brazil in New York, Fastway Moving, Piola Restaurant, Churrascaria Plataforma Tribeca, MPB.FM, Contigo, Revista Movie, Filme B, City Parks Foundation and Summerstage


Comprised of Inffinito N�cleo de Arte e Cultura, Inffinito Eventos e Produ��es (Brasil) and Inffinito Foundation (USA), the Inffinito Group has as its main objective the promotion and diffusion of Brazilian cultural productions in Brasil and abroad, with partners Adriana Dutra, Cl�udia Dutra and Viviane Spinelli.

In 1995, the three partners took the first steps towards of what became the Inffinito Festival Circuit, when they conceptualized the Brazilian Film Festival of Miami. The first edition took place in 1997 and since then the trio has been organizing Brazilian film festivals around the world. In 2003, Viviane, Cl�udia and Adriana produced the 1st Brazilian Film Festival of New York.

This year the Inffinito Festival Circuit was present in Canudos and will appear in Miami, Vancouver, London, Rome, Montevideo, Buenos Aires, Madrid and Barcelona before the end of the year.

The full program, film descriptions and ticket information can be found on
or by calling 646-827-9333.

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