Monday, April 5, 2010

Rant #226: Taking the Day Off

I took today off from work. My son is still off from school for his Easter/Passover break, and there is no one to be here with him, since my wife goes back to work today.

So, it was the perfect day to take off.

And I am in the "take off" frame of mind too. Nothing to think about, nothing to worry about in the work mode, nothing.

Yes, the Yankees lost last night, and I am not happy about that, but otherwise, I am worry free today.

Tomorrow is another story. I am going back to work as my son goes back to school, and I will be in the work mode again. Lots of headaches, worries, things I have to do ...

But today, there is none of that.

At least I get one day of peace.

Everybody needs one ...

I thought I would have a quiet day, but it has not worked out that way.

As my son sleeps late, I received a phone call from a doctor I use for my eyes.

The doctor says that every time they try to retrieve payment from my health insurance provider, they are told that I was terminated--a few years ago!

This is as far from the truth as possible. I have been with them for over 14 years, since I began working for my current employer.

The doctor is going to see what can be done.

Well, on a day that I thought would be an easy one, now there is something else I have to worrry about.

No, there is no such thing as a "relaxing day," is there?

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