Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Top 50 Singles of 2009: 15-11

15. Shakira - She-Wolf

A defining moment in a career filled with them, this strange, seductive dance track ushered in a new era for Shakira.

14. Miley Cyrus - Party In The USA

Proving she�s more than a (sometimes obnoxious) TV personality, this was the song of the Summer, even if you weren�t a Cyrus fan. Just try to resist that chorus.

13. Cinema Bizarre - I Came 2 Party

One of the more unusual RedOne productions of 2009, the former Tokio Hotel soundalikes recorded this booming club track and instantly gained a new fan.

12. Bodies Without Organs - Right Here, Right Now

The aural successor to Chariots Of Fire, this started off the new album with a bang and possesses one of the group�s catchiest, poppiest hooks yet.

11. Alexander Rybak - Fairytale

An oddball on the countdown, just as it was in Eurovision. Sometimes oddballs are good, and in this case a fiddle played with the vigor of an electric guitar is even better than good.

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