Best Show (UK): Torchwood. The first two seasons were fun but Season 3 certainly took the show to a new level.
Worst Show (UK): Big Brother 10. Thank God this shit is ending in 2010.
Best Show (US): True Blood. When I fall for a show, I fall hard and this I fell for.
Worst Show (US): 90210. More vacuous crap courtesy of CW.
Best Villain: The Master in Doctor Who. Closely followed by Maryann in True Blood.
Worst Villain: Danko in Heroes. Dullest too.
Best TV Death: Juliet Burke in Lost. Also tempted to say George in Grey's Anatomy too.
Worst TV Death: Tracy's not a death in Heroes. Edie in Desperate Housewives as well. She deserved something better.
Shocking TV Moment: The second season finale of Ashes To Ashes. Coma within a coma. The hell?
Sexiest Male On TV: Russell Tovey in Being Human. How can you not love George?
Sexiest Female On TV: Is it early to include Karen Gillan? Okay then, Anna Paquin from True Blood then.
Best Finale: Although I'm still watching it, I'm gonna say Doctor Who's The End Of Time two parter.
Yes, Kids Are Annoying: The Scavo twins in Desperate Housewives. Two years in a row.
Neither Use, Nor Ornament: Holly Harper and Ryan Lafferty in Brothers And Sisters. Take the hint, writers and do away with them already.
Good Reality TV: The Apprentice. Come on, it's the only thing in this genre I get into.
Bad Reality TV: Big Brother 10. At least it's ending.
Best Gay Couple: Kevin Walker/Scotty Wandall in Brothers And Sisters. Emily and Naomi from Skins come a close(ish) second.
Worst Gay Couple: Julia McNamara/Olivia Lord in Nip/Tuck. Look at the shitty way they killed off the latter as well.
Best Straight Couple: Jessica Hambry/Hoyt Fortenberry in True Blood. Genius idea and the most believable couple on the show.
Worst Straight Couple: Bree/Orson in Desperate Housewives. Talk about devolution in a big way.
Best Guest Appearance: John Simm on Doctor Who. Thank God the Master was the last big villain for David Tennant's last story.
Worst Guest Appearance: Lindsay Lohan in Ugly Betty. Dull.
Killed Too Soon: Jacob in Lost. Why introduce him to kill him off, guys?
Difficult Season: Heroes. Season Three failed to improve the show and Season Four seemingly isn't helping either.
Best Male Character: The Doctor in Doctor Who. I'm gonna miss his tenth incarnation while looking forward to his eleventh one.
Worst Male Character: Paul Ballard in Dollhouse. Boring character, even if the second season has made him slightly more tolerable.
Best Female Character: Tara Thornton in True Blood. Rutina Wesley is arguably the best actress on the show and it's hard not to love her character.
Worst Female Character: Claire Bennett in Heroes. I had to pick someone, didn't I? Maybe Katherine Mayfair from Desperate Housewives as well.
Most Improved Show: Lost. Season 5 was wonderful.
Least Improved Show: Nip/Tuck. Season 5 wasn't.
Best TV Partnership: The Doctor/Wilfred Mott in Doctor Who and Alex Drake/Gene Hunt in Ashes To Ashes.
Worst TV Partnership: Sean and Christian in Nip/Tuck. And I used to love their dynamic.
Best Use Of Music: Skins. This show fires on all cyclinders on that front.
HoYay Award: Doctor/Master in Doctor Who. Mind-tapping, bondage ahoy. You'd almost think David Tennant and John Simm would go gay for each other.
2010 Hopeful: Glee, which looks awesome.
I'll edit this later to include more stuff.
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