Friday, November 6, 2009

Adam Sandahl Grupp gets our Joker vote ; )

Melodifestivalen's New Webjoker entry, has now been narrowed down to
8 songs and Web clip artists. On first viewing the enry's all look and sounded very amateurish
.. to be honest, so many of them sounded like they did not have a chance
to even qualify for 2nd chance. .. so we waited for the final 10, now two songs
have been knocked out! One song stands out among the rest, and I know you are
thinkin' -its got alot to do with the semi nude camera man in the mirror. (see the clip-to find out more!)
Actually the song is rather excellent as well 'Karleken vander allt' The other swedish -Johan Skoog tune, is a not bad at all, I don't mind that one.
as well Siberia - however they sounds too much like an Eastern European entry, and the fact
they have no visuals in the video is a real disadvantage for them. (update- Siberia's song is out already-shame!)

Not long to go now til 12 th Nov when SVT will finally reveal the winner
and Melodifestivalen's first ever Web Joker... meanwhile, there is still time to vote for Adam Sandahl Group

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