Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Rant #139: Reasons To Be Thankful, Part One

As we move right into the Thanksgiving holiday and end-of-the-year holiday buying season, it might be the right time to make public my list of things I am thankful for during the past year.

So without further ado, here is my (nod to Ian Dury) �Reasons To Be Thankful, Part One" (no other parts are planned, but you never know).

They are in no particular order.

I am thankful that Oprah Winfrey has decided to end her gabfest. I really can�t stand her.

I am thankful that Sarah Palin is not our vice president. And I will be even more thankful that she never becomes our president.

I am thankful that the Yankees won the World Series this year. How could I have faced my Met-loving relatives if they had lost?

I am thankful that I have memories of Michael Jackson before he went weird. He was such a good-looking, talented kid�what happened?

� I am thankful that my daughter graduates college next year rather than this year. I wouldn�t want her to go out looking for a job in the market that we are in today.

I am thankful that I have eyesight in both of my eyes. Thank goodness that I took care of my problem when I did, and thank goodness I had extremely competent doctors looking after me.

I am thankful that I don�t rely on my cell phone like so many others do. What did we do before cell phones�we drove, shopped, walked, and did everything with our minds totally on the task at hand.

� I am thankful that I have a good wife who puts up with me. I may not be the easiest person to live with at times, but my wife knows how to put me in my place�gently, of course.

I am thankful that so many of my favorite TV shows of my youth are finally coming out on DVD. Now that shows like �The Lucy Show� and �The Patty Duke Show� are available, how about �Dennis the Menace� and "The Mothers-In-Law"?

Finally, I am thankful that at least a handful of you read my rants every day. It makes me feel wanted.

Thanks again, and have a great holiday. I am taking tomorrow off!

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