Supporters and followers of the 11th Philippine Web Awards (PWA) will finally get their chance to vote for their favorite Web sites, either via e-mail or text messaging (SMS), starting Nov. 10, 2008. The entry that receives the most number of votes in its group will win the Peoples’ Choice Award for that category.
On December 31, 2008, the list of semifinalists would be trimmed down by a panel of judges to five finalists per category. For this year, 100 semifinalists, spread over 18 categories, have qualified. Last year, the 10th PWA had 95 semifinalists and 15 categories.
While the PWA rules allow for 10 semifinalists per category, this year, only one category has the full count- Community & Portal. All the other categories have fewer than 10. In fact, for three- Celebrities & Personalities, Lifestyle & Leisure, and eLGU-Provinces- only three entries for each category qualified as semifinalists.
Both SMS and online voting would end on the eve of the awards night at exactly 12 midnight on Feb. 26 next year. Winners will be announced during the awarding ceremonies on Feb. 27, and will be published in the PWA site.
Meanwhile, entries that will make it to the finals round (to be announced on Dec. 31) will all be in the running for the Best Web Site Award in their respective categories. The winners will be chosen by a panel of judges based on a set criteria which can also be found in the PWA site. The finals judges- a different set from the pre-finals panel– are experts in different fields and include media practitioners, artists and Web developers.
Finals judging will run from Jan. 15 to Feb. 15. The decision of each judge will be sent to and tabulated by PWAs auditors who will keep the results under lock and key, and will open them only on the Awards Night itself.
Here is the complete list of nominees for the 11th Philippine Web Awards:
Touched by An Angel - http://aboutmyrecovery.com
phcommute - http://ph-commute.blogspot.com
Daily Grind Clothing - http://www.dailygrindclothing.com
Filipino Programmer / Blogger / SE Optimizer - http://www.bleuken.com
Starmometer - http://starmometer.com
Pinoy Web Startup - http://www.pinoywebstartup.com
Eliseo Soriano Blog Site - http://esoriano.wordpress.com
Province of Cebu - http://cebu.gov.ph
Provincial Government of Agusan del Norte - Official Site - http://www.agusandelnorte.gov.ph
Official Website of the Provincial Government of Bataan - http://www.bataan.gov.ph
Vidres.net - http://www.vidres.net
CALnook Online Prepaid Card - http://www.calnook.com
Work Abroad Philippines - http://www.workabroad.ph
Rakso Travel - Travel Society - http://www.raksotravel.com
Ang Pambansang Tshirt - http://www.angpambansa.com
The Sweet Life Club Meal Planner - http://www.thesweetlifeclub.com/mealplanner
Sulit.com.ph - http://www.sulit.com.ph
No Records Found.
Amorsolo Retrospective - http://www.amorsoloretro.com
Global Creative Designs - http://www.globalcreativedesigns.com
Dawghouse Design Studio - http://www.dawghousedesignstudio.com
Astigmata Studios - http://www.astigmata.com
Team Manila Studio - http://www.teammanila.com/studio
The Official Website of Senator Aquilino - http://www.nenepimentel.org
Hon. Congresswoman Mitos H. Magsaysay Official Website - http://www.mitosmagsaysay.org
DanielRazon.com - Mr. Public Service’s Official Website - http://danielrazon.com
e-Yellow Pages - http://www.eyp.ph
KABEETmaps - http://www.kabeet.com
Groupjump - http://www.groupjump.com
applei.ph - http://www.applei.ph
The FEU TAMBayan - http://www.tamarawbayan.com
Philippine Community eCenter Portal - http://www.philcecnet.ph
Good News Pilipinas! Positive Action. Triumphs. Inspirational Stories - http://www.GoodNewsPilipinas.com
Globe SME Portal - http://www.sme.globe.com.ph
Palusot.com - http://www.palusot.com
Katext.com - http://katext.com/
Force Recon - http://marinesforcerecon.com
POEA Balik Manggagawa OEC Delivery - http://www.oecdelivery.com.ph
The National Commission for Culture and the Arts - http://www.ncca.gov.ph
DOST OSIST - http://www.osist.dost.gov.ph
Marikina City Government - http://www.marikina.gov.ph
Official Website of Lungsod ng Maynila (City of Manila) - http://www.manilacityph.com
Iligan City Government - http://www.iligan.gov.ph
City Government of Balanga Official website - http://cityofbalanga.gov.ph
Muntinlupa City’s Official Website - http://muntinlupacity.gov.ph
The Official Website of the City Government of Tagum - http://www.tagumcity.gov.ph
Island Garden City of Samal - http://www.samalcity.gov.ph
The Official Website of Carmona, Cavite - http://carmonagov.net
Municipality of Trinidad, Bohol - http://www.trinidad-bohol.gov.ph
Official Website of Municipality of Pateros - http://www.pateros.gov.ph
Municipality of Liloan, Cebu - http://liloan.cebu.gov.ph
No Records Found.
Fliptunes - http://www.fliptunes.net
Kabataan News Express - http://kabataannews.com
UNTV - Your Public Service Channel - http://untvweb.com
ABS-CBN.com - http://www.abs-cbn.com
JAM 88.3 YOUR KIND OF MIX Ver. 2.7 - http://www.jam883.fm
Game Heroes - http://gameheroes.ph
Juice - http://juice.ph
Del Monte Kitchenomics - http://www.kitchenomics.com
Appetite Magazine - http://appetitemag.com
MEG - http://meggurl.com
Kaanib.net - Christian Web Newsmagazine - http://kaanib.net
No Records Found.
Water, Sanitation and Solid Waste Management Program in the Philippines - http://www.watsansolid.org.ph
Non-Timber Forest Product Inc. - http://ntfp.org
Bible Encyclopedia - http://biclopedia.com
Tzu Chi Foundation Zamboanga - http://www.tzuchizam.org
Aikido Philippines - http://www.aikido-philippines.com
Council of Organizations of the Ateneo Website - http://coacentral.org
Ilustratdor ng Kabataan - http://ink.group.ph
Ang Dating Daan - Bible Exposition Online http://angdatingdaan.org
HAPAG-ASA Website - http://hapag-asa.com
Darlene Sanguenza, a Philippine Web and Graphic Designer - http://www.darlenesanguenza.com
Mike Mamaril - http://mikemamaril.com
melissa marasigan official blog site - http://meily464.vox.com
Ralph Stephen Manalastas - http://www.raprap.info
Ryan Corpuz Website - http://ryancorpuz.com
STI College - http://www.sti.edu
Aquinas University of Legazpi - http://www.aq.edu.ph
MHAM College of Medicine - http://www.mhamedu.org/
University of Baguio Science High School - http://sciencehigh.ubaguio.edu
Embassy Super Club - http://www.embassyclub.ph
BIGTOP Media Productions - http://www.teambigtop.com
PhilJam Design Studio - http://www.philjamdesigns.com
8layertech.com - http://www.8layertech.com
Team Manila Lifestyle - http://www.teammanilalifestyle.com
RA Gapuz Review - http://www.ragapuzreview.com
Stores Specialists - http://www.ssigroup.com.ph
Karens Kitchen - http://karenskitchen.com.ph
Ayala Land, Inc. Residential Website - http://www.atayala.com
Ayala Land - http://www.ayalaland.com.ph
Pond’s Institute - http://www.pondsinstitute.com.ph
Honda Cars Philippines Inc. Official Website - http://www.hondaphil.com
Honda Cars Kalookan - http://www.hondakal.com
Shangri-La Plaza website - http://www.shangrila-plaza.com
China Bank Online - http://www.chinabank.ph
Metrobank - http://www.metrobank.com.ph
NuiClothing - http://nuiclothing.com
OMF Literature - http://www.omflit.com/home/index.php
Ysidro’s GameCore - http://www.mygamecore.com
PinoyTunes.Net - http://www.pinoytunes.net
Street Hobby - http://www.streethobby.com
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