Thursday, October 30, 2008
Election results -- for anything except President and hot Senate races -- are sometimes hard to come by.
So it's great that CNN is providing a page for users to track in real time their own customized list of races (President, Senate, and House).
Go to
You have to register and log in to save your races, but then you can pick up to 35 races to track.
Dael Orlandersmith has won a $50,000.00 prize from the Mrs. Giles Whiting Foundation.
As a playwright, Dael has won a Guggenheim, a Pen/Laura Pels Foundation Award and a Lucille Lortel Playwrights Fellowship, and she was a Pulitzer prize finalist; as an actor, she was a Drama Desk Award nominee.
Dael has been teaching a class in writing for solo performance at HB Studio. I've been to the class. She is informative, helpful, and encouraging.
Along with Dael, nine other writers received prizes for their work.
Mischa Berlinski, fiction. His first novel, Fieldwork, was a finalist for the National Book Award in 2007. He is at work on a second novel and living in Haiti.
Rick Hilles, poetry. His first collection, Brother Salvage, was published by the University of Pittsburgh Press. He is an assistant professor in the MFA Program at Vanderbilt University and lives in Nashville, Tennessee.
Donovan Hohn, nonfiction. His essays have appeared in Harper�s, The New York Times Magazine, Agni, The Bedford Reader, and Internazionale. His first book will be published by Viking in 2010.
Douglas Kearney, poetry. He is the author of Fear, Some (Red Hen Press, 2006) and the forthcoming collection, The Black Automaton, which will be published by Fence Books in 2009. He has an MFA in writing from the California Institute of the Arts, where he now teaches.
Laleh Khadivi, fiction. Her first book, The Age of Orphans, will be published by Bloomsbury in 2009. She is currently the fiction fellow at Emory University in Atlanta.
Manuel Mu�oz, fiction. He is the author of two collections of short stories, Zigzagger (Northwestern University Press, 2003) and The Faith Healer of Olive Avenue (Algonquin Books, 2007). He lives in Tucson, where he is an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at the University of Arizona.
Dael Orlandersmith, plays. Her plays include Yellowman, The Gimmick and her Obie-Award winning Beauty�s Daughter, in which she also starred. She is currently an artist-in-residence at Sarah Lawrence College, has been teaching at HB Studio, and is at work on a memoir..
Benjamin Percy, fiction. He is the author of two short story collections, The Language of Elk (Carnegie Mellon, 2006) and Refresh, Refresh (Graywolf, 2008). He teaches in the MFA program at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa.
Julie Sheehan, poetry. She is the author of two collections of poems, Thaw (Fordham University Press, 2001), and Orient Point (Norton, 2006). She teaches in the graduate Writing and Literature program at Stony Brook Southampton and lives in East Quogue, New York.
Lysley Tenorio, fiction. He has recently completed a collection of short stories and is working on a novel. He lives in San Francisco and teaches at Saint Mary's College in Moraga, California.
I've met Dennis Shulman and heard him speak.
He is very intelligent, very well informed with a moderate approach to political issues, very well spoken.
Running for the US House of Representatives from the Fifth Congressional District in New Jersey (the Fifth cuts a swath across northern New Jersey, beginning in Bergen County in the East, then going due West), he would be an important voice for this mixed upscale and rural constituency.
In Congress, he would be an informed and hard working advocate on many issues important to this district, with a special expertise on education and social causes.
Elected, he would likely be one of the most important and influential members of Congress.
WeB: www.petardas.com
WEB: www.taringa.net

Taringa! es una comunidad virtual de origen argentino creada en 2004 por Fernando Sanz y adquirida en Noviembre de 2006 por Alberto Nakayama y los hermanos Botbol (Mat�as y Hern�n). Es la web argentina que m�s ha crecido en el �ltimo a�o y que cuenta con m�s de 470 mil visitas por d�a.
Taringa! es un sitio de entretenimiento en el cual los usuarios registrados comparten noticias, informaci�n, videos y links por medio de posts, los cuales permiten comentarios de otros usuarios as� como tambi�n la puntuaci�n de los mismos por medio de un sistema de calificaciones que le permite a cada usuario registrado, de acuerdo a su rango, entregar una determinada cantidad de puntos por d�a. En base a ello se elaboran rankings semanales de los posts y usuarios que m�s cantidad de puntos recibieron.
1.166.146 miembros
904.995 posts
6.460.607 comentarios
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Web: www.mercadolibre.com

Sitio para compra y venta en l�nea de toda clase de productos. Socio de eBay en Per�. Permite publicar y buscar productos por categor�as.
MERCADOLIBRE.COM: es un sitio web de Am�rica Latina dedicado a la intermediaci�n entre usuarios inscritos a su servicio de compras, ventas y subastas por Internet. Cuenta con operaciones en Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, M�xico, Panam�, Per�, Rep�blica Dominicana, Uruguay y Venezuela. Los usuarios de MercadoLibre.com pueden vender tanto productos nuevos como usados a precio fijo o en la modalidad de subastas. MercadoLibre tambi�n posee MercadoPago, una compa��a que ofrece diversas modalidades de cobro a los vendedores. MercadoLibre.com est� asociado con eBay, la mayor tienda en Internet de Estados Unidos. Sus oficinas centrales se encuentran en Buenos Aires, Argentina.
WEB: www.claro.com.pe

Claro es la marca comercial con la que Am�rica M�vil opera en el Per�. El 10 de mayo de 2005 Am�rica M�vil adquiri� una licencia PCS de 1900 MHz para ofrecer servicios de comunicaciones personales en el Per�.
El 10 de agosto del mismo a�o, Am�rica M�vil anunci� la adquisici�n del 100% de TIM Per�, y el 11 de octubre lanz� "Claro" la marca que identifica sus operaciones en el pa�s.
Claro utiliza la tecnolog�a GSM (Sistema Global para Comunicaciones M�viles, por sus siglas en ingl�s), as� como sus evoluciones a GPRS (Servicio de Radio Transmisi�n de Paquetes Generales) y EDGE (Mayores Velocidades de Datos para la Evoluci�n GSM).
Esta tecnolog�a en actualizaci�n constante, permite ofrecer a los clientes servicios de avanzada en telecomunicaciones con altos niveles de calidad y seguridad. Claro cuenta con el s�lido respaldo institucional del Grupo Am�rica M�vil y despliega sus mayores esfuerzos en ofrecer una inversi�n eficiente en el Per�, cobertura de alta calidad, servicios innovadores y una atenci�n de primera a sus clientes. Av. Carlos Villar�n 140, piso 11, Santa Catalina Lima - Per� Tel�fono : +51 1 6131000
Valerie "Bangs" Garcia Covers Maxim Philippines November 2008 Issue

FHM Philippines' Special 100th Issue Blowout
These girls are:

Jacq Yu - Aubrey Miles’ partner in the Amazing Race Asia season 1.
Joyce So - Winner of Mossimo Bikini Summit in 2006.
Gail Nicholas - Winner of Mossimo Bikini Summit in 2007 and one of Pinoy Fear Factor “participantes.”
Cherry Ann Kubota - Gail’s runner-up in the 2007 Mossimo Bikini Summit.
FHM Philippines November 2008 issue is now available in magazine outlets nationwide.
Red social: www.sonico.com

Sonico.com es una red social creada en el pa�s de Argentina, por un joven llamado Rodrigo Reijeiro. Es un espacio para amigos donde puedes compartir fotos ilimitadas, personalizar tu espacio, recibir noticias y conectarte con viejos amigos.
S�nico.com, demand� una inversi�n de un mill�n de d�lares hacerlo. Para fin de a�o [2007] prev� alcanzar los 30 millones de usuarios. Seg�n un informe de la consultora Tendencias Digitales, el 20% de los conectados a Internet usa una red social en la Argentina, cifra que en EE.UU. Trepa al 80%, lo cual demuestra el potencial del negocio.
Rodrigo Teijeiro, 29 a�os, casado, un hijo, Licenciado en administraci�n de empresas, y cuenta con una red social de 6 millones de usuarios activos en SONICO.COM.
Pinoy Fear Factor Update: Meet Three More Pinoy Fear Factor Contestants
Elmer Felix, 25, is a Kapampangan hunk who took the board exam thrice to earn his license as a certified veterinarian. Elmer's greatest fears include drowning, deep water, exotic and unusual edibles.
Next is a 25-year-old ramp and commercial model named Gail Nicolas. The sexy body of this lady from Quezon City made her the grand winner of the 2007 Mossimo Bikini Summit. For those who didn't notice, Gail also played the role of Elsa in Gloc-9's and Francis M's music video "Lando."
Also joining this batch is Jommy Teotico from Manila. This 24-year-old guy grew up to be a playboy and easy-going fellow. An incident changed all this, however, and made him decide to be simply the "alaskador" Jommy.
Top 17 de famosos adictos al sexo [Seg�n Terra]

Top 17 de famosos adictos al sexo
Top 17
Britney Spears
Se tratan de simples amenazas de su ex esposo, Kevin Federline, quien ha revelado en varias ocasiones su deseo de demostrar evidencias que demuestran que la princesa del pop es adicta al sexo. Otras versiones afirman que Britney padec�a de trastorno bipolar, que le causaba tener etapas de euforia, acompa�adas por una inclinaci�n a las relaciones sexuales constantes.
Top 16
Puff Daddy
No lo ha declarado abiertamente. Sin embargo ha hecho alarde ante medios de comunicaci�n sobre la duraci�n de sus relaciones sexuales, contando detalles �ntimos como haber estado unas 28 horas seguidas en �aquello�. �Ficci�n o realidad?, s�lo �l lo sabe.
Top 15
Amy Winehouse
De nuevo un ex novio queriendo obtener protagonismo. En esta ocasi�n Jonnathan Jeannevol, ex pareja de la cantante revel� que no s�lo se trataba de una adicta al sexo, sino una mujer salvaje en la cama, raz�n con la cual mientras Amy andaba con �l, justificaba sus enga�os.
Top 14
Lindsay Lohan
Toda una �Sexaholic�, seg�n su ex Riley Giles, a quien conoci� durante su paso por un centro de rehabilitaci�n. El joven se�al� a los medios que la actriz habr�a cambiado el alcohol y las drogas por el sexo, experimentando el mismo placer. �Podr�a ser una adici�n sana!
Top 13
Hugh Grant
Luego del esc�ndalo con una prostituta que hizo que terminara su relaci�n con la bell�sima Elizabeth Hurley, corrieron rumores de que Hugh Grant es otro que engalana la lista con las celebrities adictas al sexo.
Top 12
Whitney Houston
Tampoco fue la cantante quien lo sostuvo, sino su cu�ada, quien advirti� que Houston, adem�s de sufrir adicci�n a la coca�na, tambi�n ser�a ninf�mana.
Top 11
El futbolista brasile�o y ganador de la Copa del Mundo en 1958, 1962 y 1970 ha sido uno de los pocos que ha reconocido abiertamente su adicci�n al sexo.
"Algunos necesitan ejercitarse sexualmente para calmarse. Y a otros futbolistas les importa un pepino. En todo caso, es una decisi�n suya". Explic� ante los medios en una ocasi�n en Nueva York, exaltando las relaciones sexuales antes de los partidos por sus cualidades sedantes.
Top 10
El cantante es otro seguidor del sexo t�ntrico, que no es m�s que hacerlo sobre pautas teniendo en cuenta no s�lo la sensaci�n f�sica, sino la energ�tica, algo que seg�n los expertos se trata de platicarlo bajo par�metros budistas e hind�.
Sting declar� que pod�a pasarse d�as teniendo relaciones.
Top 9
Tom Hanks
El actor y productores estadounidense abiertamente, sin rodeos y dejando de lado los detalles, tambi�n ha reconocido abiertamente que le encanta practicarlo pero de manera t�ntrica.
Top 8
Hugh Jackman
Al igual que Tom Hanks, el actor es conocido en Hollywood por practicar el sexo t�ntrico. La diferencia es que es uno de los pocos artistas que ha aparecido p�blicamente declarando su adicci�n sexual.
Top 7
Bill Clinton
El ex Presidente de los Estados Unidos, fue uno de los casos m�s pol�micos, tras ser descubierto en una relaci�n con su asistente M�nica Lewinsky, en la oficina de la Casa Blanca. Clinton acept� ser una persona que tenia adicci�n al sexo e incluso ayudo a personas que padec�an la misma enfermedad.
Top 6
Charlie Sheen
El ex de la sensual Denise Richard y actual esposo de la hermosa Brooke Mueller, es otro actor se ha declarado adicto al sexo y a la mujeres. Sheen revel� que ha tenido m�s de 5 mil mujeres en su vida. De nuevo� �se tratar� de ficci�n o realidad?
Top 5
Dennis Rodman
El pol�mico basquetbolista de la NBA, declar� que el sexo ocupaba el 50 por ciento de su vida. La otra mitad estaba conformada por el dinero.
Top 4
Robert Downey Jr
El actor confes� haber sido un masturbador compulsivo, aunque asegura que ya dej� el mal h�bito. El protagonista de �Iron Man� se ha justific� afirmando que la mayor�a de los hombres est�n obsesionados con el sexo y que, si tienen una novia, siempre quieren acostarse con la amiga de ella.
Top 3
Michael Douglas
El artista fue el primero en popularizar y hacer conocido este trastorno. El actor fue descubierto por su ex esposa Diandra Luker, cuando estaba en la cama con una amiga suya. Luego, ingres� en la cl�nica Sierra Tucson de Arizona para rehabilitarse.
Top 2
Rob Lowe
Protagonista de varios esc�ndalos sexuales. El primero se dio a conocer cuando se filtr� un video casero en el que se lo ve�a manteniendo relaciones sexuales con dos mujeres, una de ellas, menor de edad. Al poco tiempo, Lowe entr� a una cl�nica de rehabilitaci�n para tratar su adicci�n a las drogas y al sexo. Hace poco tiempo, la ex ni�era de sus hijos lo acuso de abusos sexuales.
Top 1
David Duchovny
El caso m�s reciente es el de David Duchovny, ex estrella de � X Files�, quien ingres� voluntariamente en un centro de rehabilitaci�n para tratar su adicci�n al sexo, que m�dicamente se conoce como hipersexualidad y se caracteriza por una necesidad incontrolable de tener relaciones, masturbarse o ver pornograf�a.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
My Review of Doctor Who's "Music Of The Spheres"

Directed by Euros Lyn
Graske: �Must speak to The Doctor.�
The Doctor: �I don�t care. You�re a Graske and a Graske is trouble � out!�
Continuing in a trend of mini-scenes for Doctor Who, the only difference with this little special is that it�s for the 2008 Doctor Who At The Proms concert and not for Children In Need. Of course that doesn�t matter when there�s fun to be had and for seven minutes, fun is the order of the day.
Following �Journey�s End� where The Doctor pretty much lost everyone, he decides to cope with his loss the only way he can � writing a symphony. Well he has coped in more destructive manners beforehand so this is a bit of relief for The Doctor�s mentality in my opinion.
Of course he doesn�t really get a chance to be properly alone because a Graske has materialised on to the TARDIS and The Doctor isn�t pleased to see him. So far, all we�ve seen from the Graske in �Attack Of The Graske� and The Sarah Jane Adventures serial �Whatever Happened To Sarah Jane� is that they are not the most trustworthy of creatures.
The Doctor himself wants the Graske out of his TARDIS and aside from a little of shouting, The Doctor isn�t entirely effective in doing this. That�s mainly because the Graske is successful in distracting The Doctor. Well, it�s not like The Doctor hasn�t has a lot to deal with in recent weeks, what the return/loss of several companions and Davros being on his destructive high with the Daleks.
The Graske gets The Doctor�s attention by asking about the beautiful music that he hears in the TARDIS. The latter gives an acceptable enough answer about planets revolving around suns, suns revolving around galaxies, galaxies revolving around each other. With that, you then take gravity patterns to feed them to the TARDIS� harmonic filter and then presto, music.
To be honest it�s a nice way of getting The Doctor and the Graske to agree on something but at the same time a space portal also reveals to The Doctor, the London Royal Albert Hall. For those of you who were lucky to see Doctor Who At The Proms back in July 2008, then this scene is even more heightened all for it.
The Doctor�s on his shouty best and even waxes lyrical about the notions of orchestras before actually getting the orchestra to play his own material. While conductor isn�t entirely The Doctor�s strongest suit, there�s no denying the overall fun of this piece either.
More importantly, the Graske has swiped The Doctor�s water pistol and has gone into the audience to create havoc. Of course he doesn�t succeed much when The Doctor pulls him back into the TARDIS and sends him. I do wonder that specials aside, will we actually see this particular creature in a full episode of the series.
The last minute of the special is also uplifting. The Doctor does tend to go with the change in music trends quite a bit but his overall message of encouragement (your inner musician) isn�t necessarily something to be scoffed at. You got love this show�s bouts of optimism.
- David Tennant is the only one credited for this scene. This is his first proper solo Doctor Who adventure and I�ve read that the 2009 specials may have a similar trend.
- The Doctor called his piece �Ode To Universe�. He was also wearing another one of his blue suits.
- Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow � that�s a nice shout out to Jon Pertwee�s Doctor.
- Is it strange that this didn�t entirely bridge gaps between �Journey�s End� and �The Next Doctor�?
- Despite this only airing in July and widely available on YouTube, this little scene won�t be available on the Season Four DVD. This was the last thing to be filmed in relation to the fourth season also.
- Ending this scene with the 1963 theme tune of the scene was a clever move.
Quote, Unquote
The Doctor: �I love the Proms. I was at the first Prom, 1895. I played the tuba, I was brilliant.�
After a series of dramatic and stirring episodes, the overall light hearted antics of �Music Of The Spheres� are welcomed. It may not have you reminiscing about days gone by in the series (except for the two obvious references) but it�s still a worthy addition to the series overall continuity.
Rating: 8 out of 10.
Pinoy Fear Factor Update: TV Patrol Introduces Pinoy Fear Factor Contestants
1. Phoemela Baranda - The glam goddess. Host at model na takot sa ipis at daga.
2. LJ Moreno - The daredevil chick na tinalikuran ang showbiz. May fear of the unknown.
4. Marion dela Cruz - ang funny Austrian na takot sa ipis.
5. Janna Dominguez - ang hot chick na dating nasa Wowowee.
6. Elmer – The promdi veterinarian na dalawang beses bumagsak sa board exam. Madaling magulat.
7. Jose – Ang papalicious model/chef na may fear of heights din.
8. Manuel – ang businessman na takot sa failure.
9. Jommy – a hot model
10. RJ – a stevedore with two kids from Tarlac na may fear of heights.
11. Savanah – ang matapang na ledge dancer.
12. Gail Nicolas – the new Ms. Body Beautiful na takot sa snakes.
“Pinoy Fear Factor: South America” will run for 15 weeks with three stunts shown every week. The winner will take home 2 million pesos and a house and lot from Avida of Ayala Land. The show premieres November 10 on ABS-CBN 2.
Richard Gutierrez' Official Statement on the Reported Near-Fight with Aljur Abrenica
Richard does not deny that there was some hostility between him and Aljur. In fact, he admits telling Aljur to "leave the table," although Richard says he did this "politely."
Richard denies, however, that he hit Aljur, even if he says he found Aljur distinctly lacking in "social graces." Richard alleges that Aljur "barged in" on him and his friends, sat down, and drank with them when he was clearly "uninvited."
The following is the complete official statement of Richard Gutierrez sent to PEP through a text message:
"Time management is what stars whose schedules are busy need to master, for it is during these moments of privacy that a star can unwind, relax, and de-stress.
"Unfortunately, however, a star like Mr. Aljur Abrenica, an acquaintance, does not seem to understand that stars need space too, and barging in on our table unexpectedly, sitting down uninvited, and partaking of the drinks freely, does not speak well of a person's social graces.
"I politely asked him, after a decent time, to leave. That was what the incident was all about.
"Ms. Jewel Mische, if I may correct the PEP report, was not at the Fiamma bar at all. And alas, neither was Ms. Mische the cause of the INVENTED rift."
High School Musical 3: Senior Year Breaks Box-office Records
Here’s the Top 10 Movies in the US last weekend:
1. High School Musical 3: Senior Year - $42.0M
2. Saw V - $30.5M
3. Max Payne - $7.6M
4. Beverly Hills Chihuahua - $6.9M
5. Pride and Glory - $6.3M
6. Secret Life of Bees - $5.9M
7. W. - $5.3M
8. Eagle Eye - $5.1M
9. Body of Lies - $4.1M
10. Quarantine - $2.6M
In the Philippines, High School Musical 3: Senior Year easily claimed the no. 1 spot with opening weekend gross (October 24-26) of P31.6 million in 129 screens nationwide.
According to the managing director of Walt Disney Philippines Victor Cabrera, HSM3 posted the all-time biggest opening for a live-action musical in the country beating “Enchanted” which had a 5-day weekend opening last year.
"Thrillecine" on ABS-CBN's Sunday's Best
This TV event will feature two thriller-suspense movies-made-for-TV: "Sikreto ni Secret Admirer," which stars Roxanne Guinoo, and Zanjoe Marudo, and "Karera sa Promotion," which has Gerald Anderson, Maui Taylor and Bembol Roco in the lead roles.
"Ang Sikreto ni Secret Admirer" tells the story of Tikboy (Zanjoe), an ugly, shy, but kind-hearted mailman who is in love with the beautiful Helen (Roxanne), who is nursing a broken heart. Because of his undesirable appearance, he decided just to stalk Helen. He then finds Helen falling in love with a secret admirer-letter sender. Tikboy then decided to assume this person's identity, who will not let his lady love fall for Tikboy because of his love letters. How will Tikboy stand up for his lies? How far will he go to protect the lies he has given?
"Karera sa Promotion," meanwhile, follows the journey of Perez (Gerald), an honest cop who believes that getting a promotion will help him influence fellow cops to lead moral, honest lives. He then gave his all in finding the mysteries behind a series of murder incidents, but will the haunting truth leave him unscarred? Will he survive this scary ordeal?
Thrillecine, directed by young, talented director Ato Bautista and written by Shugo Praico, fuses sensuality and dark humor with the suspense-thriller genre.
Be sure to catch the pilot of Thrillecine this Sunday, November 2, on Sunday's Best.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Richard Gutierrez in Near-Fight Incident with Aljur Abrenica Because of Jewel Mische
Anyway, tinanong na si Actor A sa nangyari, pero “no comment” ang sagot nito. Lalong ayaw magsalita ni Actor B sa payo na rin ng mga taong malapit sa kanya. Pasasaan ba’t may makakaalam din sa isyung ito, may magsusulat at makikilala rin kung sino ang dalawang actors na nagkaroon ng conflict sa isang bar.]
[A customer of Fiamma Bar on Jupiter Street in Makati City told PEP that a confrontation occurred between Kapuso stars Richard Gutierrez and Aljur Abrenica last October 17, at the high-end watering hole.
This was supposed to have happened on the same night that the new GMA Network Studios on Jamboree St., Quezon City, was inaugurated. Many of the stars, still dressed to the nines, had gone out to celebrate after the event.
Richard is known as GMA-7's Primetime King, while Aljur is StarStruck Batch 4 Ultimate Hunk winner. In other words, Richard is a certified big star and Aljur is a promising male lead.
The non-showbiz customer, who refuses to be named, reported that he saw Richard Gutierrez having a nice time with friends.
Sometime later, the customer saw Aljur Abrenica enter the bar escorting young actress Jewel Mische, the StarStruck Batch 4 Ultimate Sweetheart and also a GMA-7 talent.
The next thing he saw, according to the stunned customer, was Richard having an altercation with Aljur. He said he distinctly saw Richard giving Aljur's head a short, quick slap. In the words of the customer, "Tinapik ni Richard si Aljur sa ulo!"
Aljur reportedly turned around, faced Richard, and demanded to know, "Ano ang problema mo?" Richard reportedly shot back, "Ikaw, ano ang problema mo?"
The PEP source said that, fortunately, nothing more untoward happened. Cooler heads reportedly intervened at just the right time.
Another source, who was also at Fiamma bar, claimed that Jewel was not with Aljur. The source, however, corroborated the story about the tiff between Richard and Aljur.
PEP asked all three parties, on separate occasions, to comment on the incident. Clearly, everyone wanted the incident buried and forgotten.
When Aljur was asked, he refused to answer. Jewel refused to take calls on her cellphone (its number is known to her reporter-friends). Richard, at his mother Annabelle Rama's birthday party last Saturday evening, said, "No comment," then walked away.
Meantime, a handler at the GMA Artist Center, which manages Aljur and Jewel, gave the side of Aljur but refused to be quoted. Two showbiz reporters who heard about the incident also backed off the story. As a result, PEP became more curious: where did the Richard-Aljur tiff come from?
Our research showed that Jewel Mische is at the center of this tiff. Since the days of Kamandag—a fantaserye which had Richard and Jewel as a love team—rumors had already circulated that the two became more than an onscreen team. According to reports, they had become a quiet, but real, item.
Both Richard and Jewel have totally denied the story. Even at the recent inauguration of GMA Network Studios, Jewel flatly said, "For the record, hindi naging kami ni Chard." Richard, for his part, has remained non-committal and vague, but admitted going out with Jewel. The young actor also said that Jewel was the "closest" girl to him while they were still doing Kamandag.
But making the story plausible were reports that kept linking Richard only to Jewel, when the handsome 24-year-old star also had the beautiful Maxene Magalona as a romantic interest in the same fantaserye. And way after Kamandag was taken off the air, talk persisted that Richard and Jewel were seeing each other romantically.
Richard has never been an easy man to pin down on his romantic intentions. There were two other stars who started being linked to him: Heart Evangelista and KC Concepcion. These two are such big names—Heart starred with him in the big-budget GMA-7 action-adventures series Codename: Asero, and KC was his leading lady in the blockbuster Star Cinema movie For the First Time—that the press eventually paid no more attention to the Richard-Jewel romance rumors.
Showbiz insiders now say that, in fact, the Richard-Jewel romance has been an on-and-off story in Richard's life. They add that, indeed, the two were first attracted to each other when they were doing Kamandag, which brought them together at least three times a week, and that since then, Jewel would be seen in places where Richard was, such as his condo, his tapings, his movie sets.
Unfortunately, the insiders say, nobody seems to want Jewel for Richard. Their network is said to be pushing other leading ladies for their prize talent; his family has not been heard to say they want her for Richard, whereas his mother and manager Annabelle Rama has been quoted as saying she liked KC; and even members of Richard's camp say that the tandem won't go far with the fans.
The rumors persist anyway that Jewel is more infatuated with Richard than he is with her. But showbiz veterans argue that if Richard really wanted Jewel out of his life, then he could have done so a long time ago. After all, he has his family, his manager, bodyguard, driver, and camp followers to create the environment he is comfortable with. Therefore, these showbiz veterans speculate, Richard must also be attracted to Jewel to make this "on-and-off relationship" last up to this time.
As for the Fiamma bar incident between Richard and Aljur, there is strong buzz that it was triggered when Jewel asked Aljur to escort her that night, and had done so with the idea of making Richard jealous. The buzz also says that Aljur, in this scenario, was completely clueless.]
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Pagsubok - Pinoy Fear Factor Official Theme Song
See video and lyrics below:
Ang buhay ay parang laro
May natatalo at may nananalo
Maging anuman ang kaparalan
Hindi bibitiw sa laban ko
Itutuloy ko lang dahil...
Di ako susuko sa gitna ng pagsubok
Buong tapang na haharap sa hamon ng buhay
'Di umuurong sa hamon, 'di sumusuko
'Di aatras, 'di kakalas ipapakita ang lakas
Ang tapang ko'y ilalabas kakayanin ang lahat
Nasa aking mga kamay ang pag-abot sa tagumpay
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My Review of Doctor Who's "Music And Monsters"

Directed by Rhoudri Huw
David Tennant: �It�s like being a pop star at the moment. When I came on stage, I felt like Robbie Williams.�
Doctor Who and Children In Need continue to go hand in hand and compliment each other. In 2005, audiences got their first taste of David Tennant as The Doctor in the �Pudsey Cutaway� scene and now the lovely man is hosting a concert dedicated to the music from the series.
In fairness, you�re not five minutes into watching this concert that it�s told to us by David Tennant, Julie Gardner and Murray Gold that the concert had been on the card for a good part of a year. While they also might have pointed out the time and effort it takes into preparing such an event, it�s unsurprising that they come up trump.
David Tennant himself makes for a good host as he calmly plays audience participation (not that it took much to get the audience going) and relayed the history of the new series as well as bits from the old series during takes. When he wasn�t on hosting duties, he was being asked about several things such as �The Runaway Bride�, Season Three and the show�s theme.
Musically if you owe the soundtrack from Seasons One and Two, then you�re good to go really. All the familiar stuff is drummed out during the hour long concert with music dedicated to the Daleks, Cybermen, Sycorax, Clockwork Droids, Rose�s theme, the music from episodes such as �The Girl In The Fireplace� and �Doomsday� to name a few and of course, the theme tune itself.
There�s a good few minutes dedicated to the discussion of Delia Derbyshire�s theme tune with David Tennant, Russell T. Davies, Murray Gold and Ben Foster all offering their own thoughts in the matter. Overall this show has one of the most enduring themes going with some versions obviously sounding better than others. I�m particularly fond of the Jon Pertwee era of it.
Probably the best part of this entire concert is the fact that we get a behind the scenes look of �The Runaway Bride�. While it�s hard not to notice the blinding sun during the making of this episode (it was after all filmed in July), as a viewer who watched this on Christmas Day, it was a nice way of psyching myself up for the episode so to speak.
It was also the first time that not only did we have to think about Rose being gone but it was also around this time that Donna was being introduced. Catherine Tate herself looked in fine form as she described Donna to be an untraditional companion for The Doctor. Plus we got some music for the episode itself.
More importantly what really spirited this concert was the use of Daleks, Cybermen, Clockwork Droids, Sycorax and the occasional possessed group of people. With the audiences (especially the youngsters) clearly lapping it up, it�s clear that Doctor Who�s ongoing partnership with Children In Need is safe for many a year to come.
- The concert opened with a showing of clips of the Ninth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Rose, Martha, Donna, Jackie, Mickey, a Dalek and a Cybermen. Shame about the lack of Jack or Sarah Jane.
- I spotted Freema Agyeman in the audience. The cameras even showed her off at one point.
- Noel Clarke and Camille Coduri really are great. You can tell like every cast member that they totally enjoyed working on Doctor Who.
- This concert aired on Christmas Day, six hours before �The Runaway Bride� and is available on the Season Three DVD.
- Anthony Stewart Head narrated this and has pretty much been narrating Doctor Who Confidential since then.
- David Tennant does have the most flamboyant of dress senses for a straight man. That�s all I�m saying on the matter.
Quote, Unquote
Murray Gold: �This show in a very un English way is very passionate. It came back in a big way and has a voice.�
�Music And Monsters� was definitely an appropriate title and it succeeded in it�s delivery for both Children In Need and just for being essential entertainment. As well as the brilliant scripts and acting, the music also brings Doctor Who to life and this wonderful concert is a nice reminder of that.
Rating: 9 out of 10.
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Pachanga: coreograf�a [Video]
video 1
Video 2
Guaracha: Coreograf�a [Video]
Kelly Hu [Fotos y biograf�a y videos]
Kelly gan� el concurso de Miss Hawaii Teen EE.UU. 1985.
La actriz trabaj� en Jap�n e Italia, en �ste �ltimo se convirti� en la estrella de una marca de queso.
En 1987 Hu se traslad� a Los Angeles y comenz� su carrera. Apareci� en diversas series de televisi�n. Posteriormente salt� a la pantalla grande.





Halloween Sexy disfraces [fotos ]






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CHOLOTUBE.COM [Nueva Televisi�n del Per�]
The Buzz Public Apology Letter
Watch the video below:
The said apology letter will also be published in major dailies.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Richard Poon: "Gusto Kong Ma-Link Kay Sam Milby."
“Pwede mo akong i-link kay Sam Milby. Gusto kong malink kay Sam Milby because people know even sina tito Jobert at tita Cristy they know that we are very good friends. We started hindi pa siya PBB and we’re good friends na kami so, yun pwede nyo kong i-link kay Sam Milby, besides ano, we have the same manager.”
Angel Locsin Answers Abortion Issue
According to a tabloid, one of Becky Aguila's (Angel's manager) former handler Mel Pulmano, who according to news stole money from Becky's talent Jennylyn Mercado, will reveal secrets of manager's talents including Angel Locsin who committed abortion.
"Sige, samahan ko pa siya. Siguraduhin lang niyang tama yung sasabihin niya kung ayaw niang makasuhan.
"Yung nagpa-abort na yan, ano ba yan? Siguro ang dami kong time na lumipad ako tapos may fight scenes, sumisid, tapos nangabayo. Naaano lang kasi ako na bumabalik na naman yung issue, eh. Pero sana wag nalang bastusan. Kasi pagkababae ko na po yung pinag-uusapan. Ibang usapan na po yun. Handa po akong lumaban." strongly said by Angel.
Kris Aquino Reacts to Ai-Ai dela Alas' Reconciliation Offer to James Yap
In an Entertainment Live! taped interview with Kris, she said, "Ang hirap hirap talagang mag-comment sa ganyan kasi baka kame naman ng asawa ko ang may-away. It's really, as much as I appreciate how much Ai-Ai did for me when I needed a friend, sana maunawaan din ako talaga na yung feelings ng asawa ko is, I really have to take into consideration. So, I pray for that. But at the end of the day, it's really up to James."
See Entertainment Live! taped interview below:
Nikki Dacullo Was Voted Off of Survivor Philippines
“I’m happy na nagawa ko lahat nang gusto kong gawin together with them and mami-miss ko sila sobra. It’s just been a great experience na isa ako sa mga 18 na castaways.” said Nikki in her exit interview.
Jennifer Hudson’s Mother and Brother Found Dead

Showbiz website TMZ.com reported that Darnell Donnerson, Hudson’s mom and her brother Jason Hudson were found shot to death and their bodies were discovered by one of her cousins.
The Chicago Police Department who were investigating the crime scene said the killings may be linked to a domestic disturbance.
Victor Basa is Gay in ‘Maling Akala’
Maling Akala was an entry in Cinema One Originals last year and the producers decided to screen the film once again at Robinson’s IndieSine from November 5 to 11, 2008.
When asked how he feels doing a gay role, Victor said:
“Very comfortable in a sense na siyempre, it’s a character and I love to act. Gusto ko talagang umarte. Hindi naman, any role, I take. Nagkataon lang na nabasa ko ang script at gusto ko siya. At maganda talaga ang kuwento.”
Also starring in Maling Akala is Jodie Sta. Maria with Jess Evardone, Roselyn Perez and Mel Martinez. It’s a film by Veronica Velasco & Pablo Biglang-awa and produced by Ronald Arguelles.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Naughty Side of the Stars
GABBY CONCEPCION: “When I was 10, my brother and I hid under the bed. Since it was dark, we lighted a candle. The bed was so low so it caught fire. We almost burned our ancestral home!”
SAM MILBY: “During summer break in high school, my best friend and I would always sneak out of the house. Curfew was 12 midnight for those under 18. I was 16 then. We would climb the top of the school building, jump trains, ride my dirt bike and go-carts till 3 a.m. We got caught!”
OGIE ALCASID: “As a kid, I used to climb our water tank tower and look inside our neighbor’s house. As an adult, I went to a beach in Barcelona, Spain, and had a great view of topless women.”
MARIEL RODRIGUEZ: “I put Dulcolax on the drink of a guy classmate in high school. I could have died laughing as I saw it take effect on him.”
DIETHER OCAMPO: “In grade school, I switched the male/female signs of the comfort room. All I remember was an enduring scream that made me run as fast as I can escaping the scene.”
RICKY DAVAO: “I went home from a shoot—bloody, bruised and with prosthetic makeup on. I stayed in my car until my kids came to greet me. They laughed nervously while the maids watched in horror.”
LOTLOT DE LEON: “When I was 6, I filled up a gigantic pail with shampoo till bumula. Then I added powder. I told my mom I was cooking. Nagmukhang flour ’yung powder and the shampoo, parang kumukulo! Naloka ang mommy ko!”
CHRISTIAN BAUTISTA: “I placed so much Tabasco sauce in a sandwich which I gave to my brother. I told him it was catsup.”
MIRIAM QUIAMBAO: “When I was 16 and just received my student driver’s permit, I was excited to drive my dad’s car. So when he was in the shower, I took the car for a spin without his knowledge. I came back with a fender bender!”
YASMIEN KURDI: “I threw huge stones on the Ferrari and Jaguar of my classmates because they were rude to my mom. Nakipagsuntukan ako sa Egyptian schoolmates ko in Kuwait because they were discriminating Pinoys.”
NYOY VOLANTE: “Mahilig ako manggulat ng tao. One time I didn’t know the one I tried to scare had a heart ailment. Good thing nothing serious happened to him. Ang ending, ako ang natakot!”
TINTIN BERSOLA: “When I had tantrums as a kid, I would lock myself up in the bathroom and turn the shower on till it flooded. My mom got shocked because hanggang sa sala namin baha!”
JEREMY FAVIA (“Katoque” chef): “When I was 4, I pushed my kuya off the double-deck bed. He hit the floor head first. He was rushed to the hospital and had 11 stitches on his head.”
BARON GEISLER: “In Grade 5, I threw a magic bomb inside the ladies room to catch the attention of my crush who was inside. I didn’t know my teacher was also there. She had me suspended.”
CRISTINE REYES: “When I was 6, my brother asked me to light his cigarette on the gas stove. Grabe! Nasunog buong kitchen namin. Walang natirang gamit!”
By Dolly Anne Carvajal
Philippine Daily Inquirer
"The Buzz" To Make A Public Apology
The network and the board agreed that “Buzz” main host Boy Abunda will make a public apology on the Sunday afternoon talk show for the “uncontrollable behavior” of Fermin during an interview on Oct. 5 regarding her feud with Montenegro.
ABS-CBN was represented in Wednesday’s closed-door hearing by business unit head Louie Andrada and executive producer Nancy Yabut, the network’s legal director Mona Lisa Manalo and assistant liaison for the MTRCB Daisy Parungao. The board was represented by vice-chair Marc Castrodes and members Noel del Prado and Cristine Concordia.
After the hearing, the network representatives, committed to pre-tape segments that tackle sensitive issues, for self-regulation.
The network also promised to publish a public apology in a major daily, “on a best-efforts basis,” said board chair Marissa Laguardia.
Manic Monday Movie Review: Lucky Number Slevin
Een goed wegkijkende thriller met enkele fantastische dialogen van met name Morgan Freeman die met �The Boss� veel van mijn aandacht opeiste in deze film. Mijn overige aandacht ging overigens uit naar Lucy Liu (speelt Lindsey), gewoon omdat ze bloedmooi is�De film gaf mij verder niet echt het gevoel dat ik iets nieuws of bijzonders had gezien. In hetzelfde genre staat deze film in de schaduw van bijvoorbeeld The Usual Suspects. Echter zit de film wel goed in elkaar en heeft mij geen moment verveeld, waardoor het eenvoudig was mijn aandacht erbij te houden.
Kortom een goede film, maar niet veel meer dan dat. Alleen voor Lucy Liu al het kijken waard!
3 sterren
Geweldige actie/thriller met een uitstekend acterende Josh Harnett. De spectaculaire dialogen met een flinke dosis humor zorgen er voor dat de film je geen moment gaat vervelen. De actie in deze film is goed gedoseerd waardoor het geen standaard werk is, waarvan er al veel meer gemaakt zijn. Voor mij is dit zeker ��n van de betere films die ik de laatste tijd gezien heb, vooral door het goede acteerwerk van de geweldige cast waarbij Josh Harnett en Morgan Freeman er met kop en schouder bovenuit steken, maar ook door het zeer verrassende en spectaculaire einde is deze film een echte must see!
4 sterren
Manic Monday Rating:
Paolo Ballesteros, A Father-To-Be
He met with Kaye there and something happened between them while he was staying there. So now, he’ll soon be a father. He’ll be flying there in November to make sure he’s with Kaye when she delivers their baby. But no, they haven’t talked about getting married.
"Mahirap ang arrangement kasi nandito ang trabaho ko at hindi rin naman ganun kadali for me to be petitioned para mabigyan ako ng permit to live there," he says. "Basta I promised Kaye that I will support our baby sa abot ng aking makakaya."
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Luis Manzano in Komiks Presents: Flash Bomba
Luis Manzano is the next to play superhero in ABS-CBN's Mars Ravelo's Komiks Presents.
The young actor will play as Flash Bomba, the program's next feature superhero.
Flash Bomba has superhuman strength, the ability to walk up walls, to generate “thunderclaps” using his large hands or block almost anything with same. He can also mystically summon “devil horses” to create a stampede.
Jericho Rosales and Anne Curtis in Viva Film's Baler

Baler is a love story set in the 1898 wartime era between the Spanish military and the Filipino forces, more popularly known as the “Seige of Baler.” Jericho Rosales is Celso Resurrecion, a Katipunero and his leading lady which is Anne curtis is Feliza Reyes, a Spanish-Filipina who fell in love with him. According to reports, Baler has a production budget of 70 to 100 million pesos.
Also starring in Baler are Joel Torre, Bernard Palanca, Michael de Mesa, Jao Mapa, Carlo Aquino, Mark Bautista, Ryan Eigenmann, Alvin Anson, Cinemalaya Best Actor Baron Geisler and Philip Salvador.
Produced by Vic del Rosario for Viva Films, Baler will open in theaters nationwide by December 25, 2008.
Cristy Fermin Out, Kris Aquino In on The Buzz
When Kris was first asked to return to the Buzz, she hesitated because Sunday is dedicated to her husband James Yap, son and mother. Kris and her family are spending their lunch time together with mom, former President Corazon Aquino.
The ABS-CBN management asked James if Kris can take the job and the basketball heartthrob did not hesitate.
Kris vacated her seat at the kapamilya showbiz talk show when she had a rift with co-host Cristy Fermin. Now that Cristy Fermin was suspended, she can now return not as guest host but a regular host like she used to be. She also finished her issue with Jobert Sucaldito, one of the anchors of the said talk show.
Kris will begin her hosting stint this Sunday which coincides with the birthday celebration of her co-host and best friend, Boy Abunda.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
�Buscas Trabajo? Tips antes de la entrevista
Eugene Domingo In Rift With Mother Lily Monterverde of Regal Films
Sa paunang balita, hindi raw nagkasundo sina Mother Lily Monteverde at Ricky Gallardo, manager ni Eugene, dahil mahirap daw ka-deal si Ricky kaya inalis ang comedienne sa cast. Pero iba naman ang pahayag ni Ricky, itinuwid nitong hindi inalis si Eugene sa cast; sila raw ang nag-backout.
Sabi ni Ricky, "Iba ang tinanggal sa hindi tinanggap. Hindi namin tinanggap ang movie dahil hindi sila [Regal] tumupad sa pinagkasunduan. Ang linaw-linaw ng usapan, maayos na ang lahat, ‘tapos binago pa. Ayaw naming ma-stress kaya hindi na lang namin tinanggap.
"Ang pinag-usapan, pinapahalagahan, tinutupad. Walang magiging problema kung tinupad lang nila ang pinagkasunduan. Ganun lang kasimple."
Sa side naman ng Regal, sa terms of payment hindi nagkasundo sina Mother Lily at Ricky. Pumayag na raw ang lady producer sa budget na hiningi nina Ricky at Eugene, pero wala pa ring nangyari sa usapan ng dalawang kampo. Ang ending, pinalitan na lang ang komedyana sa role ng isang encanto slayer sa Shake, Rattle & Roll X (SRRX).
Si Marian Rivera na ang ipinalit kay Eugene sa "Nieves" at si Mother Lily pa mismo ang nagbalita nito sa entertainment press.
Bukod sa SRRX ay tinanggal na rin si Eugene sa cast ng isa pang MMFF entry na Desperadas 2. Tiyak na ikadi-disappoint ni Direk Joel Lamangan ang pagkakaalis ni Eugene sa pelikula niya. Personal choice niya sana si Eugene sa role ng long-lost sister nina Ruffa Gutierrez, Rufa Mae Quinto, Iza Calzado, at Marian.
Role ng isang prinsesa sa isang bansang malapit sa Africa ang gagampanan sana ni Eugene. Ikinukuwento pa ni Direk Joel na excited at natatawa na siya sa magiging partisipasyon sana sa pelikula ni Eugene.
Akala namin ay magagawan pa ng paraan na maibalik sa Desperadas 2 si Eugene, pero hindi na pumayag ang mga producer. Excited din sana si Eugene nang malaman ang kanyang role at may love interest pa siya sa pelikula. Isa pang ikinatuwa nito'y puro magaganda ang kanyang mga kasamang artista at "feeling beautiful" na rin daw siya.
Pero dahil sa nangyari, hindi na raw kukunin ng Regal si Eugene sa anumang pelikulang kanilang gagawin. In other words, banned siya sa film company at hindi na rin siya tuloy sa pelikulang Ang Nanay Kong Aswang. At kung co-producer ng GMA Films ang Regal sa second movie nina Richard Gutierrez at KC Concepcion ay hindi na rin siya makakasama. Willing pa naman daw sana siyang mapasama sa pelikula.
Four movies ang nawala kay Eugene.
Ano naman ang naging reaction ni Eugene sa nawalang dalawang pelikula sa kanya.
"Okey sa kanya, naintindihan niya. Dapat daw ‘pag may kasunduan, pahalagahan, at tuparin," sagot ng talent manager.
Ang press ang nanghinayang sa dalawang pelikulang nawala kay Eugene dahil hindi pa naman siya tumanggap ng TV show at balak mag-concentrate sa pelikula. Sa pagkakaalam namin ay kasama rin siya dapat sa Luna Mystica, pero nag-beg off nga siya dahil sa gagawin niyang pelikula.
For this year, sa Ang Tanging Ina Ninyong Lahat ng Star Cinema, na entry rin sa MMFF, mapapanood si Eugene. Next year ay nakatakda naman niyang gawin ang launching movie niya sa Viva Films na Demetria M.D.