Tuesday, December 5, 2006

8. Midnight Monkeys (Sweden)
Although there doesn�t seem to be any full-length in view (though they�ve been promising to update their site forever), the songs that Midnight Monkeys have given us so far are nothing short of astounding. A catchy blend of rock, punk and disco, they�ve got a unique sound and a wonderfully cool looking lead singer. Definitely a wild-card for next year, but if they do actually release anything else they could be huge.

Best Track: Without

7. Pompadil (Sweden)
Pompadil miraculously have not been signed to a record label yet, but I am expecting that to change based on what I�ve heard from them so far. A glistening blend of dance beats with gorgeous vocals, this Swedish duo should be huge once they are recognized for the talent that they are. Wait and see� they will be The Attic of 2007.

Best Track: You Need A Man

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