Thursday, December 21, 2006

35. Protocol - Where�s The Pleasure
Shiny pop pleasure from now-defunct 80's revival band... Duran Duran wish they sounded this good.

34. Gnarls Barkley - Crazy
Massive worldwide single retains most of its luster even after radio domination... the rare deserved #1 hit.

33. Darin - Perfect
Shamelessly catchy funk/pop confection... Sweden still does it best.

32. Bodies Without Organs - Chariots Of Fire
Fist pumping anthem with very strange music video... BWO at their silliest and most over-the-top.

31. Snook - Snook, Svett & T�rar
Best rap song of the year, and it's not even in English... the chirpy hook leaves an indelible mark.

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