Thursday, May 26, 2011

borders and frames

borders and frames. Decorative Borders and Frames
  • Decorative Borders and Frames

  • Tulse
    Mar 19, 01:09 PM
    I find it rather surprising how blindly people here defend Apple, even after seeing how they remove your rights little by little. How many times can you burn your iTunes-songs to CD? It used to be ten times. But Apple reduced it to seven.
    As I recall, the limit is on how many times you can burn a specific playlist. You can burn a song an unlimited number of times. This is a big difference.

    manu chao said:If you go to a concert, theatre play, any kind of performance or into any of fee-charging class or course and smuggle yourself in through some kind of backdoor without paying for the ticket or the course, did you steal anything?
    This is an excellent analogy, manu chao. Everybody knows that it is wrong to sneak into a movie theatre, but for some reason people think it is OK to copy music illegally. It is just bizarre.

    It seems to me that the issue is pretty darned simple -- as a potential user of iTMS you know what the rules are. If you don't want to abide by the rules, don't use the service. Any talk of "it's actually helping Apple" or "it's my music to do with as I want" is just self-justifying bull. If you don't like the rules, don't play. It's really that simple.

    borders and frames. clip art orders and frames.
  • clip art orders and frames.

  • chabig
    Sep 20, 09:59 AM
    I'm wondering why they couldn't/wouldn't just combine the mini and the iTV into a single unit.They could, but it would cost a lot more.

    borders and frames. clip art orders and frames.
  • clip art orders and frames.

  • darkplanets
    Mar 11, 09:23 AM
    NB. I guess the most critical things that can get damaged in Japan are the nuke power stations, the reports so far say none are leaking.

    I wouldn't worry about those. They're incredibly well designed. If Japan has any of the new AP1000's, then there's really nothing to worry about.

    borders and frames. Just trim the orders to fit
  • Just trim the orders to fit

  • Mooey
    Apr 9, 03:33 AM
    Apple will buy Nintendo eventually.

    It's over for Nintendo.

    Get ready for the iwii

    for Nintendo.



    borders and frames. GREEN BORDERS OR FRAMES (click

  • iphonedev11
    Feb 15, 03:05 PM
    I can believe this, but only since the Android OS is open source. This means companies are making phones with their OS, not because its better. The iPhone is the superior phone, but Google is doing a great job at making the Android available to the masses.

    borders and frames. clip art orders and frames
  • clip art orders and frames

  • CoryTV
    Apr 12, 11:30 PM
    You're assuming that if you didn't see a demo of it, it doesn't exist. iMovie has titling built in. They didn't demo titling this evening. Therefore, you're presuming this app has less titling than iMovie!

    That seems pretty silly.

    I made no such assumption, as far as less titling than imovie. But If there's a June release date, there is not 1 single major feature that hasn't been fully implemented. They are in final Beta. If they had a really high end titler/graphics engine, they would have shown it. Just like they would have shown high end grading. I'm not saying they're not coming at some point down the road, but I will eat a $100 bill on video if they have the full functionality of something like Color built in to this when it ships.

    Look maybe what this all comes down to is this: They had to start somewhere, and they wanted to start selling it as soon as possible, and hope people will use FCS 3 + FCPX together until FCSX (why not jump to 10?) is released in 2 years.

    Maybe this does have media sharing between stations, and pro tape i/o (which is still used by broadcast) But they don't need broadcast. That's the point. At $299 for the software, all they care about is people buying Apple Computers. And you know what? People buy Apple Computers who use Avid. Because they know at the very least, they can use FCP/Avid/CS5.5 on one system. And I do. And I will. I was just hoping at some point, I wouldn't have to choose between 3 NLE's on a per-project basis, as I will most likely be doing for the foreseeable future.

    I LOVE the shiny new features on this. Thank GOD for 64-bit multicore. But in a lot of ways, tomorrow, many people will point out that Avid has been doing resolution and framerate independent timelines with ZERO rendering for like 18 months now. And Adobe's new warp stabilizer and h.264/avchd/red support are still pretty freakin amazing.

    And I saw all the features through a tiny webstream, so maybe when I see it in glorious HD h.264 I'll change my mind.

    But there's no reason in the 4 years since FCP 6 they couldn't have done all this and more. (FCP 7 was a really minor update) That's my frustration. They've been sitting on the COLOR tech, and they didn't fully integrate it? So we're still going to have to deal with the horrible round tripping as a best case senario? Or they didn't take some of the ideas of motion and integrate them seamlessly into the timeline, so we still have to use a separate FX program? Trust me, you could do this, and it would still be a good UI.

    But fine, I'll plunk the $299 down and finally feel like I'm making use of all 8 of my cores, and pray for a day where I don't have to switch back and forth between apps.

    borders and frames. floral frames and orders
  • floral frames and orders

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 20, 05:30 PM
    Android is to Windows, as iOS is to Mac OS.

    The similarities are astounding ? Google is doing the same thing Microsoft did back in the day.

    As much as Apple cares about marketshare, the experience is more important to them then the product itself. That's really something.

    And there's one more thing. Back then, it was Mac and only mac.

    Today, its an ecosystem. Hard to beat.

    borders and frames. Antique frames and orders
  • Antique frames and orders

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 21, 04:10 PM
    I love seeing this "As long as you know what you're doing, and you're not an idiot, you're fine" attitude.

    "Blame the user." It's the Microsoft way.

    borders and frames. elements ,orders ,frames
  • elements ,orders ,frames

  • alex_ant
    Oct 7, 04:35 PM
    I wish I could leave. Macrumors is to the GPA what the bug zapper is to the fly.

    borders and frames. Edges, Borders, Frames.
  • Edges, Borders, Frames.

  • ubersoldat
    Jun 5, 05:08 PM
    Not sure this is a good test...

    I'm beginning to see that while ATT is the bigger culprit, the iphone itself may play a role in what happens with dropped calls...

    My service (as is well documented in these forums) at home was/is terrible.

    I recently purchased the microcell, from ATT, and I can now make calls in my house!! Except, when I move exactly 20 feet away from the microcell into my kitchen, my iPhone struggles with itself to pick up the 2 bar distant tower that was the guilty party in dropping my calls... so now, in my house iPhone juggles between a 5 bar microcell and a 1-2 bar tower (which still drops calls). It also drops every call that I'm on if i leave my house during a call, or arrive at my house during a call.

    it's absolutely ridiculous that you have to buy a microcell (at&t should provide you one free of charge) to get 5 bars. the technology is there as here in germany we have 5 bars (2G and 3G) without issues even in buildings with tons of armored concrete...

    borders and frames. Edge, Border and Frame Brushes
  • Edge, Border and Frame Brushes

  • skunk
    Mar 11, 03:55 PM
    2149: The Kyodo news agency is now citing a safety panel as saying that the radiation level inside one of the reactors at the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant is 1,000 times higher than normal.

    Looking hairier by the minute. :eek:

    borders and frames. orders and frames. sacrifice
  • orders and frames. sacrifice

  • Peterkro
    Mar 13, 12:33 PM
    So, everyone should just move to Iceland??

    The largest geothermal country by output is the U.S. Twenty four countries use geothermal to some extent and five produce 10% or more of the countries needs.The problem with Nuclear is not just safety,toxic waste,decommissioning etc but that it locks us all into highly centralised societies which in my opinion is a bad thing.In spite of the nuke industries huge PR job it is not an acceptable alternative to fossils a much better solution is a whole range of alternative green sources with much more local control,micro hydro being just one example..Obviously the real problem is that especially the west uses huge amounts of energy unnecessarily and that needs to be stopped.

    (this is not to say geothermal is without problems,it isn't)

    borders and frames. designs orders frames
  • designs orders frames

  • M-O
    Apr 28, 08:21 AM
    It's no. 1 with PCs excluded.

    borders and frames. antique-frames-orders-free-
  • antique-frames-orders-free-

  • awmazz
    Mar 15, 10:59 AM
    I don't think you understand

    What the hell are you talking about? You don't even make any sense.

    Do you have the slightest inkling..? Do you have an inkling ..?

    Do you think the reactor is a jar of cookies?

    Any idea?

    you think 9/11 was a hoax too, right?

    Might need an extra layer of tinfoil on that hat of yours.

    who would try to build a lousy wall to combat that?

    Are you sure they weren't mistaking a levy for a "tsunami wall"?

    You're really being out of line.

    No, of course he didn't. If he tried to, he surely didn't understand it.

    I think you're a very paranoid individual

    I'm guessing you also don't understand

    I haven't seen you try to take down any of the nuclear experts posted, or address a single bit of science

    I don't even know why I waste my time.

    I know exactly why you waste your time. Because it makes you feel intellectually superior.

    Like I said. You may know atomics. I know people. :cool:

    borders and frames. clip art orders and frames.
  • clip art orders and frames.

  • CaryMacGuy
    Mar 18, 09:11 AM
    I will do what I want when I want on a device that I purchased. If AT&T doesn't like it, I can tell them where to go. They can cancel me and I will just take my business to Verizon. I am sure they don't want that.

    borders and frames. vintage frames and orders
  • vintage frames and orders

  • *LTD*
    Apr 28, 07:54 AM
    The iPad is a companion device and not a true PC.

    It will be. This is just barely scratching the surface.

    borders and frames. Posted in Frames and Borders
  • Posted in Frames and Borders

  • hvfsl
    Oct 8, 05:34 PM
    Linux runs programs faster than windows on intel hardware so Apple has a fast OS, just not fast hardware. Mac are the fastest in things like MP3 encoding, MPEG4/DIVX encoding and photoshop. But PCs are faster in games and 3D graphics. I have top of the range Macs and PCs at home and have done the tests. But the Macs speed is all thanks to AltiVec, if not a $1000 PC would be faster in PhotoShop than a top of the range Mac.

    borders and frames. clip art orders and frames.
  • clip art orders and frames.

  • greenstork
    Sep 12, 07:02 PM
    You are making a lot of Assumptions regarding complications. The addition of USB to iTV makes a host of third party addons possible that could easily surpass Tivo.

    Wait and see -- it happened quickly with the iPod 4 years ago. It will be cheaper too -- no monthly fees and all managed by Front Row.

    Now that is EASY!

    Please explain to me, even hypothetically, how this could be a Tivo killer DVR. As a basis for the argument, consider that TiVo (as of today) can record 2 HD channels simulteously, while watching a third previously recorded show. Plus you can pause live TV.

    Elgato and Myth and all of the cable & satellite Co. DVRs haven't been able to compete with TiVo to date, what makes you thik they will be able to going forward?

    borders and frames. retro orders and frames
  • retro orders and frames

  • Nicksd84
    Apr 21, 12:44 AM
    Android is to Windows, as iOS is to Mac OS.

    The similarities are astounding ? Google is doing the same thing Microsoft did back in the day.

    As much as Apple cares about marketshare, the experience is more important to them then the product itself. That's really something.

    To an extent. Apple's breakthrough with the iPhone just can't be beat. The market was established and it sucked. They just blew everyone out and now the parallels are there with MS to Apple, but Apple has a much larger say. Meaning, android is similar to MS with windows, but they don't have the established dominance. I see it now at my current job, we're still using Windows XP... and they just can't change.

    However, they are trying the iPad because they know the results and they know Apple's end game isn't stick an iPad everywhere, but make a damn good product. Most businesses have been burned with using one vendor and then getting stuck and long term screwed, but I think there is a trust with Apple. We will see if Apple can maintain high quality and innovation with larger demands.

    It skews the number non the less. iOS is on four different devices the iTv, iPod touch, iphone, and the ipod touch jumbo. And google doesn't make any hardware. They work with companies to have them made like the nexus series.

    Didn't you just dismiss your own point? Android can be on an "infinite" number of devices, iOS is locked into 4. Also what's an iTV? Yes I am being a fan boy to an extent, but if you're going to argue make it substantive.

    Why would making the hardware skew the number for the operating system?

    Mar 14, 08:40 AM
    A voice of reason (read the whole thing):

    Apr 9, 01:15 AM
    Oops. Looks like someone hasn't visited the App Store in like, never.

    Since you're still in can you grab me a Palm Centro? I'm feelin nostalgic.

    I used to have an iPhone, and I like a few of the games for it. I even liked playing them on my iPad.

    Considering how the phone barely makes it through a day without being charged, a separate dedicated handheld console is a blessing to most gamers.

    Most people that say iOS games are good and cheap end up spending lots more money on more iOS games than they would on a few dedicated games. Plus, I always prefer to have a physical copy... I don't like the idea of all my downloads going walkabout some day.

    Oh, and try to be more mature in your reply next time please. That was uncalled for and childish.

    Jul 11, 11:22 PM
    there's no way apple's going to use woodcrest in the upcoming powermac rev because there are no motherboards for socket 771 (woodcrest) that support anything above pci express 8x. powermac's are going to be high end workstations for print, graphics, and media shops, 8x pci express won't cut it.

    look around at all the motherboard manufacturers (nvidia, ati, asus, msi, etc) none of them have a woodcrest platform available. apple always uses some other motherboard vendor like supermicro.

    the only way i see this happening is if apple ships the powermac in 2007 when the socket 771 boards start using 16x pci express.

    just wondering, have you not seen my posts on the dell workstation? that has dual woodcrests, and, be still my heart 16X PCI EXPRESS! :) That's how it has the quadro FX 4500 video card. And you can even get a version that has a riser for a 2nd PCI-Express 16X slot so you can have 2x the Quadro 4500!

    Also, According to the articles on the appleinsider site, apple has had INTEL doing the logic board.

    Mar 18, 08:35 AM
    Hopefully this will lighten the strain on the network.

    Jul 14, 02:16 PM
    2003: "In 12 months, we'll be at 3GHz".
    Mid 2006: "I want to talk about 2.66GHz" although 4 cores running at 2.66GHz (Yum! :D ).

    Now, that is FUNNY!

    However, based on availability, Apple could get up to 3GHz if they
    really wanted to:

    Dual Core Intel? Xeon? Processors 5160 (4MB L2 Cache, 3 GHz 1333MHz FSB)

    Perhaps "one more thing......"

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