Monday, August 2, 2010

True Blood Season 3 Episode 7 Recap: Hitting The Ground

Last week ended with Lorena and Sookie both equally proving what hot messes they are. This week it picks up right where it left off�with Lorena�s fangs in Sookie's neck. Lorena makes some bitchy comment about Sookie not being human and Bill comes up from behind and chains her. Sookie grabs a stake and drives it through her heart. Whoa! I didn't think they�d actually go through with that. Holy crap that's a lot of blood. It�s mushy. It�s gross. Just as gross is Bill lying on the ground practically dead and Sookie still wanting to take him with her. Tara shows up as the voice of reason with Alcide but Sookie won't leave him behind. Things get more complicated when Debbie shows up with a gun. Alcide grabs the gun away from her as Coot walks in and Alcide kills him.

Sam sets off to find out more about what his parents are making Tommy do. He narrows it down to dog fighting and infiltrates the nearest ring. It breaks my heart this kind of thing happens in real life. Horrible people. Make dogs fight to the death and then shoot them? One of the more disturbing scenes in the episode tonight and that�s saying something believe me. Sam releases as many dogs as he can and saves his brother from his lunatic parents. Oh and naturally, we get one more shot of his dad in those fabulous underpants.

Summer shows up with some baked goods for Hoyt just in time to be a creepy girlfriend. Hoyt isn't really into it, probably because of his feelings for Jessica. I miss her this week. Jason however loves Summer's biscuits. Hehe. He makes things awkward and convinces Hoyt to let Summer stick around. Jason is just a batch of bad decisions this week. He goes to talk to the druggie he nabbed a few episodes back about the girl he�s already in love with. He won�t tell Jason anything unless he gets some meth so Jason makes his way to Lafayette. Before Lafayette can tell Jason what a loon he�s being they get some bad news.

Sookie is sitting in the back of the truck with a dying Bill and resorts to slicing open her arm to save him. She�s relieved because it looks to be working well until a frenzy takes Bill over and he completely drains her. Tara and Alcide kick him out of the truck and into the sunlight where he�s..fine? Did all that magical Sookie blood make it okay for him to be in the sunlight? I just wanna say how kick ass Tara has been this episode. It's good to have her back. Tara calls Jason to tell him Sookie is dying and is in a coma.

Eric tortures the Queen's human for information on why Sookie is so important to her. He gets his wish but of course we can't hear what it is. Obviously it has something to do with why Sookie has that light power weapon against people who harm her. How did the Queen know about her? Eric and the King go to rescue Pam. In between getting married to the Queen, Russell kills that evil majester. Good Riddance. Douche.

So why is Sookie special? Whatever is going on with her has her doctors confused. She needs a transfusion but she doesn't have a blood type. Is she human? This is some superman stuff right here. Tara and Jason panic and when Bill shows up to help, Tara is pissed. And rightfully so. But Jason sees no other solution and allows him to give Sookie his blood. Sookie may not want to wake up. She's having a real trippy dream. The impression I have is of a bunch of dancing fairy like people chilling out by a pond of magic water and they want Sookie to join them. They warn her to stay away from Bill who will "steal her light" and she wakes up. She sees Bill and screams. Finally a proper reaction to that vamp.

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